Bernard Grech defends opening Mosta square to cars on weekends, calls for consultation
The PN leader claimed that the reversal of the pedestrianisation decision was done because the PN has its finger on the Mosta residents’ pulse, and that consultation on the issue is still needed to find alternative solutions
Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech stated that the PN-led Mosta council reversed a decision to pedestrianise the locality's main square on weekends because no consultation was carried out with stakeholders before it was partially pedestrianised.
Grech was fielding journalists’ questions in a press conference when he was asked about the controversial decision which seemed to contradict the PN’s sermons regarding open spaces and environmental well-being.
Grech started by claiming that the original works on the square by the previous Labour local council started because former mayor Chris Grech wanted to deviate water running through Mosta’s Triq il-Kbira because it passed through “someone’s property.”
He claimed that in order to please “someone,” the former mayor deviated the water through the heart of Mosta, causing all manner of inconveniences. According to the PN leader, the roadworks in Triq il-Kostituzzjoni and the works in the square were an attempt to fix these inconveniences.
Grech stressed that the partial pedestrianisation was of the square was implemented without prior consultation, saying that this too caused serious inconveniences.
“It’s easy to close a square, but cars have to pass through somewhere,” Grech said, adding that cars are now passing through roads which were once calmer.
He claimed that the reversal of the pedestrianisation decision was done because the PN has its finger on the Mosta residents’ pulse, and that consultation on the issue is still needed to find alternative solutions.