Bernard Grech: ‘We have a duty to continue where Karl left off’
Nationalist Party Leader Bernard Grech salutes Karl Gouder and says party has an obligation to continue where he left off

Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech said the party has an obligation to Karl Gouder to continue where he left off.
Speaking during an interview on party television station NET TV, Grech was referring to the loss of former Nationalist MP Karl Gouder who passed away last week.
“Karl was a man who always worked fully for Malta and for the Nationalist Party and worked without limits,” Grech said. “Now, the responsibility and duty lie on our shoulders to continue where he left off.”
Grech stated Karl’s loss is not just a loss for his family or the Nationalist Party but a loss for the entire country. “Karl managed to unite the whole country, as was evident during the celebration of his life.”
The PN Leader thanked everyone who expressed their condolences for Karl’s passing, including the President of Malta Myriam Spiteri Debono, Prime Minister Robert Abela, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola, and many others who attended the funeral or sent messages of condolence.
Grech said the independence celebrations will be held at the request of the Gouder family. “Karl would have wanted us to unite as a family in celebrations in the face of this loss.”
Grech said the theme for these festivities was Moving Forward (’il quddiem) and during the events, the Nationalist Party will continue to remember Karl. “He will always remain in our hearts.”
The PN leader recalled how the PN “achieved much for our country over the years and how today it is full of energy to write the next glorious chapters for Malta and its people.”
The activities related to the independence festivities will be held between the 18 and 20 September at Triton Square. Details will be announced on Monday.