Bernard Grech calls for Byron Camilleri’s removal after Ombudsman’s prison shocker

Opposition leader Bernard Grech labels Byron Camilleri’s leadership as the ‘ministry of national insecurity’ and calls for the minister’s removal in the wake of prison report

PN leader Bernard Grech
PN leader Bernard Grech

Under Byron Camilleri's leadership, the Ministry of National Security has turned into a “ministry of national insecurity and inhumane treatment”, Bernard Grech said on Saturday.

The Nationalist Party leader called for Camilleri’s removal in the aftermath of a shocking report by the Ombudsman that revealed widespread abuse, bullying, and fear within the prison during Alex Dalli's administration.

The investigation found evidence of racism, mistreatment, and humiliating practices that failed to respect prisoners' dignity.

“Worse still, Byron Camilleri has not even shown a willingness to implement reforms, let alone have a vision or a plan,” Grech said, emphasising the need for new leadership in the country's security.

Grech said the Ombudsman’s report confirmed what the Opposition had been saying for a long time – that the management of Corradino Correctional Facility under Alex Dalli, whom Byron Camilleri defended for years, was inhumane.

The prison scandal is just the latest in a series of controversies in Camilleri's ministry, the Opposition leader added. 

Recent months have seen the emergence of several high-profile cases, including the irregular issuance of residence permits, the controversial extension of Police Commissioner Angelo Gafà's contract, and allegations of corruption involving LESA citations.

The PN leader said the country’s security “needs new leadership that is not in the hands of Byron Camilleri”.

Earlier on Saturday, NGO Repubblika, ADPD and Momentum called for Camilleri’s removal and demanded the police investigate the prison officials flagged in the Ombudsman’s report.