Siggiewi council calls on authorities to take action against farm abuse

Cow farm in Siggiewi reported for environmental abuse after liquids from manure clamps allowed to run off through holes in boundary wall

The Siggiewi local council has called on the Environment Authority to take action against “environmental abuse” taking place in the area known as Tal-Qanpiena, limits of Siggiewi, close to the Dar tal-Providenza.

According to the council, the cow farm’s boundary wall is filled with holes, allowing liquids from manure clamps to sift through. “This liquid and material is collecting itself in a public road and is infiltrating nearby fields,” the council said.

Mayor Karol Aquilina said the local council has been complaining over this abuse for several years but no action was ever taken. MEPA has meanwhile issued two enforcement notices.

“This is an unacceptable situation which is causing risks to the public health and the farmers who has their fields nearby. MEPA has the duty to take action and see that this environmental abuse ends once and for all and that the farm operates according to the law and MEPA permits,” he said.