In the Press: Malta ranks 37th in Corruption Index

Stories from today's national press


Malta gained points in the 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index, ranking 37th out of 167 countries. The Czech Republic and South Korea share the same ranking. Malta achieved the same score in 2010. 

The Times of Malta

The American Institute of Malta was granted an operating license yesterday, allowing it to offer three Bachelor's level courses. The application for a fully fledged university license is still operative. Prof John Ryder, former rector of Khazar University of Baku, will head the institute. 


The alteration of Lands Department files, pointed out by an Auditor General's report and connected to the Gaffarena expropriation case, is proof of a deeply rooted corruption, the PN said. 


A meeting of Europe's interior ministers in the Netherlands yesterday led to the proposal of prolonging the Schengen suspension for two years if the influx of refugees continues to tax security forces.

The Malta Independent

Recently retired Colonel Claudio Spiteri was not given army approval to engage in private security work, despite having some degree of involvement in three security firms.