Shadow health minister says coeliacs need more money in their food vouchers

Stephen Spiteri warns that monthly €45 entitlement for gluten-free products is far too low, considering that many gluten-free products are pricey.

Shadow health minister Stephen Spiteri
Shadow health minister Stephen Spiteri

Shadow health minister Stephen Spiteri has urged the government to increase the monthly entitlement for gluten-free products for coeliac patients.

Speaking in his parliamentary adjournment, Spiteri warned that the current monthly voucher of €45 is far too low, considering that many gluten-free products are pricey.

“This means that some low-income coeliacs cannot afford products and are being forced to break their diets, with long-term health consequences,” he said.

Spiteri added that the system through which coeliac patients cash in their vouchers must change, arguing that the current one places them in non-dignifying situations.

“Not all gluten-free products are listed on the voucher, which means that some patients have to return their products to the sheleves after spending a quarter of an hour waiting in a queue,” he said. “The situation is embarassing to them.”