Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan

Founder and co-owner of MaltaToday, Saviour Balzan has reported on Maltese politics and society for over three decades.

In his early days he was actively involved in the environmental lobby and later the Green Party, Alternattiva Demokratika. He later immersed himself in journalism, working to set up newspapers such as il-Fehma, l-Alternattiva, The People and The Independent daily. .

MaltaToday was launched in 1999 to become a leading English-language newspaper. Balzan extended the Mediatoday stable with Maltese-language newspaper Illum, as well as TV programmes Xtra and Reporter. His memoirs are published in Saying It As It Is.

Articles by this author
My name is Ifeanyi and I am dead
Saviour Balzan
Do you know the difference between involuntary and voluntary? I don’t. All I know is that I am dead. It is over for me. 
Yet another police f*** up
Saviour Balzan
Sorry to sabotage the Christmas spirit but I have to say that today’s front-page story returns to haunt our readers because the police have returned to their traditional...
Key witness in oil scandal  never interrogated by police
'What goes around comes around'
No ifs, no buts, time to go
MaltaToday, 15 years later
‘The big one’ in the oil scandal
A strange bunch indeed
Rewind back to 1987
How relevant is relevant?
Last man standing
When silence is arrogance
Cruel politics: the unjust arrest of Sliema's local councillors
Fifty years on