Bernard Grech defends opening Mosta square to cars on weekends, calls for consultation
The PN leader claimed that the reversal of the pedestrianisation decision was done because the PN has its finger on the Mosta residents’ pulse, and that consultation on...
Enemalta shifts blame on Farsons for Beer Fest outage
Enemalta highlighted that it is the responsibility of event organisers to accurately determine and request the appropriate amount of current for their events
PM gives no clear answer in standards probe over conversation with magistrate

Prime Minister Robert Abela failed to provide the Commissioner for Standards with “clear answers” about the context of a conversation with a...

Prime Minister Robert Abela failed to provide the...

Kurt Farrugia to head Transport Malta

Kurt Farrugia is set to resign from his current post at Malta Enterprise, a role he held since 2019

Kurt Farrugia is set to resign from his current post...

Dalligate redux: OLAF’s lax probity in snus investigation

John Dalli reappears, to toast former OLAF chief Giovanni Kessler’s...

John Dalli reappears, to toast former OLAF chief Giovanni...

Abela says Malta has enough cab drivers and couriers after hundreds have permits refused

Abela says no more foreign workers will be accepted to work in Malta as taxi drivers and food delivery couriers

Abela says no more foreign workers will be accepted to work...

Edward Scicluna to be removed from MFSA board

Prime Minister says decision will be published in the Government Gazette on...

Prime Minister says decision will be published in the...

Identità, Jobsplus say no abuse will be tolerated after man caught trafficking foreigners

Crackdown on foreign workers leads authorities to business owner who has since been convicted of trafficking and exploitation

Crackdown on foreign workers leads authorities to business...

Updated |Glenn Micallef is Abela's choice for Malta's next European Commissioner

Prime Minister Robert Abela has opted for the least disruptive nomination by proposing his former chief of staff and EU expert Glenn Micallef as Malta's...

Prime Minister Robert Abela has opted for the least...

Updated | Opposition leader requests urgent parliamentary discussion on Edward Scicluna

PN leader Bernard Grech requests urgent parliamentary session to discuss Edward Scicluna choice to remain Central Bank governor

PN leader Bernard Grech requests urgent parliamentary...

GWU declares industrial dispute with WasteServ

Union declares industrial dispute with WasteServ over the company’s...

Union declares industrial dispute with WasteServ over...

Il-Kollettiv wants reform of electoral system, creation of transparency register for politicians

Il-Kollettiv reacts to EU Commission report on Rule of Law with proposals intended to improve transparency and have representative governance

Il-Kollettiv reacts to EU Commission report on Rule of Law...

Labour to elect two deputy leaders on 13 September

Labour Party delegates will elect two deputy leaders and the party’s...

Labour Party delegates will elect two deputy leaders and...

Edward Scicluna will not step down as Central Bank governor despite trial

Former minister charged with derelction of duty in Vitals PPP says Central Bank is independent institution and cannot be compelled to resign by...

Former minister charged with derelction of duty in Vitals...

Ship-repair company awarded €1.7 million compensation over 1977 expropriation

A court has ordered the State to pay over €1.7 million in compensation for the expropriation of the land at the Corradino industrial estate from a ship...

A court has ordered the State to pay over €1.7 million...

Ronald Mizzi resigns from Permanent Secretary post after Vitals indictment

Ronald Mizzi will be succeeded by Nancy Caruana, who is currently serving as Permanent Secretary within the Ministry for Inclusion

Ronald Mizzi will be succeeded by Nancy Caruana, who...

European Commission recommends stronger efforts to improve efficiency of justice in Malta

The European Commission publishes its Rule of Law report with assessments for each EU member state

The European Commission publishes its Rule of Law report...

Malta needs 'a clean leadership', Bernard Grech states

In a Facebook post, Bernard Grech reiterated that Edward Scicluna's post as...

In a Facebook post, Bernard Grech reiterated that Edward...

Fearne to step down from Labour deputy leadership

Chris Fearne will not contest the Labour Party deputy leadership in September...

Chris Fearne will not contest the Labour Party deputy...

Chris Fearne, Edward Scicluna silent after court decides they can stand trial

Fearne and Scicluna gave no statements to the press as they left court on Wednesday

Fearne and Scicluna gave no statements to the press as they...