Anti-divorce movement threatens legal action, calls stop to ‘bullying’ tactics

The anti-divorce lobby called on activists participating in the divorce debate to “be mature, respectful of different opinions and to put a stop o bullying tactics once and for all”.

The Moviment Zwieg bla Divorzju has accused the Moviment Iva ghad-Divorzju of persisting in "bullying tactics" against those who do not want to see the introduction of the divorce law in Malta.

It threatened that if the bullying doesn’t stop, it will call on the Police Commissioner to take legal action against “exponents who persist in these disparaging comments”.

 “For three times in a short span of time, the pro-divorce movement have likened the common good concept, Nazis definition of the concept,” the Movement said.

The Zwieg bla Divorzju was referring to comments made by Marlene Mizzi during the divorce debate organised by MediaToday. Mizzi had read out the definition of the 'common good' from a document, which she later revealed was the German Nazi party's statute from the 1930s.

The anti-divorce lobby said that the comparison brought by the pro-divorce movement only goes to show that “the divorce legislation has been proposed for no reason” and the arguments brought about by the same movement are trying to “erode values which an everlasting marriage brings with it.”

The anti-divorce movement said it is not only worrying that the pro-divorce lobbyists are drawing comparisons with the Nazi movement, but it is of insult when one keeps in mind the millions of innocent people who suffered under the Nazis’ beliefs.

“Moreover, the common good concept has been used for hundreds of years by the world’s greatest thinkers, including Popes and leaders who based their politics on strong values.”

Tal-misthija; il-veru ma fadlilhom l-ebda argument; waslu biex jghajru lin-nies Nazi ghas-semplici raguni li ma jaqblux maghhom. Min fejn gejja din il-hdura kollha? Fl-Unjoni Ewropeja din id-deskrizzjoni ta NAZI twasslek il-habs. Izda hawn Malta qisu ma gara xejn. Il-veru hawn nies iddisprati lesti biex jaghmlu kollox biex tghaddi taghhom. Hdur bla qies, ma tispicca qatt. Imma x'tistenna min certu kreaturi! Andy Farrugia.
@Giordano Bruno Few things amaze me any longer. The power cells will use every card they have to fight the right to divorce. Instead of learning from the lessons of the interdett, they have chosen to cling onto 'power'. However, in a democratic society, power is not absolute and irrespective of the referendum result there will be a big whiplash against those who favour Malta remaining a quasi-Vatican satellite state. The approach was initially seemingly different in the first stages of the divorce debate. However the difference in approach between bishops and their merry men has led to a hardening of approach that , in my opinion , defies logic. The 12 point guide, the new splinter group (incredible!!!) and even MAD's approach are the biggest testament to this. I see the day when the no campaign will fall in the same shame category as the interdett.
Xi dritt ghandhom dawn il-fidili jwerwru lit-tfal bl-infern? Sa ftit ilu kienu certi li t-trabi li jmutu u ma jkunux mghammda kienu jmorru l-limbu. Dan il-Papa qal li l-limbu ma jezistix. Li kien ghal dawn il-fidili hadd m'ghandu juza kondom bil-perikli kollha li jista' jkun hemm. Dan l-ahhar donnu li l-Papa qed jibdielu fuq din ukoll. Jghidu li l-prokrejazzjoni tat-tfal hi l-qofol taz-zwieg. Imma ma jridux lil dawk li Alla gabhom sfortunati jaghmu interventi kirurgiki halli jkollhom it-tfal. Mela dawn jistghu jiehdu l-annulament. Ma jridux lil dawk li z-zwieg taghhom miet ikollhom cans li huma u t-tfal taghom ikollhom hajja gdida. L-opri tal-hniena kollha jipprattikawhom dawn
Hey John Citizen. Just to tell you I just love that acronym MAD (Mad Against Divorce). We should spread it, its catchy. If I were you I'd copyright it. Simple but, by golly it hits the mark! Hey you heard the latest? We have a splinter group of MAD it was launched today at the Upper Barraka. It called IVA GHAL GESU LE GHAD-DIVORZJU. I bet we are going to see a lot of stange creatures sliding out of the woodwork in the next few days. Prosit again.
Isabelle Borg
Li jorbot Alla ma jistgha jhollu hadd, imma l'knisja tista bl'annullament. Ippokrezzija grassa.
RCasha You are 100% correct. A quick flip of Internet research on common good yielded an interesting paragraph that I am attaching. Not only Leninism and Stalinism but also fascism and Nazism exalted the collective good over the good of the individual and coerced the sacrifice of individual purpose for the sake of the communist, fascist, or Nazi collective future. Even some of my early intellectual heroes, the Personalists, went over to France’s Vichy regime to prevent the creeping spiritual decadence of Anglo-Saxon individualism from advancing onto the continent, and to reassert the primacy of the common good over the individual. Basically common good is a subjective argument depending on who makes it. Although it looks like Movement Against Divorce (M.A.D) put their foot into this, I suspect it's a ploy to condition the media as well to tone down adverse challenges to their 'intellectual property.
Where were you when Mintoff and his supporters were labelled the devil’s spawn and it was an unforgivable mortal sin to vote Labour?. What traditional family values are you ranting about? When the family was poor, hungry, and ignorant. When the wife subjugated to her husband and she was his cook, cleaner and whore? When she had to have sex whenever her hubby got the urge? When the church intimated that sex was only for childbearing and married women were like bunnies (unfortunately not the Hugh Heffner type) always in the family way? When infant mortality just prosaic? You are a dangerous bunch, I repeat DANGEROUS. For starters, no one gave you the right to speak and defend the common good. We elect people for that chore; yours is just an opinion. Your cultural is religious and not secular, therefore you have the arrogance and impudence to believe that what you say is God’s given truth. Strong principles, my foot, you are extremists be they right or left . No offence meant, it is my opinion. You would never change your opinion because your is an ideology a faith, betters still a dogma. Your threat of police action just proves my point. Only extremists are so self righteous to oppose legislation in favour of a minority because it goes counter to their values and standards. Sorry, middle ages are long gone, we have a democracy that defends and upholds defend of everyone rights, minorities included. And if you associate euthanasia and abortion you are either brain dead or most likely want to scare people. Children and scaremongering were always your weapons of choice. Grace my dear religious fundamentalist spreading the faith on TV. I hope and pray that the day will soon dawn when gay couples get the deserved recognition. If you and the others don’t it like just book a one way ticket to the Vatican. Book a ticket also to Adrian Vassallo and the other bleeding MLP MPs who are against divorce. Call themselves Labour Gimme a break!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry Editor: I lost it. But such blatant bigotry makes my blood boil.
Joseph Sant
Well if push comes to shove and the anti-divorce movement calls on the Police to stop the so called bullying, then the pro-divorce movement should report all cases of corrupt practices. In terms of the General Elections Act, Schedule 14, Section 55: "Every person who directly or indirectly, by himself or by any other person on his behalf, makes use of or threatens to make use of any force , violence , or restraint , or inflicts , or threat ns to inflict ….. any temporal or spiritual injury, damage, harm, or loss upon or against any person in order to induce or compel such person to vote or refrain from voting, or on account of such person having voted or refrained from v o t in g at any election….. shall be guilty of the offence of undue influence" - which undue influence is deemed a corrupt practice. By the same law all that applies to General Elections also applies to referenda. The anti-divorce movement know exactly what I am referring to … if they want to make sure, all they have to do is attend the parents’ meetings being held in church schools – and that would be just the tip of the iceberg!
"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery - the greatest material interest of the world … a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization." -- the State of Mississippi . "We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable." -- the State of Texas . Slavery is good for civilisation, and only as slaves can black people be beneficial to society. Sounds a lot like "for the common good" doesn't it? .
So they don't like the comparison to the Nazis. Let's consider some alternatives. . How about racial segregation that existed until recently in the US? It was "for the common good" that the minority blacks were prohibited from attending schools for whites, or sitting at the front of a bus, or owning weapons, or voting. . It doesn't even have to be a numerical minority. For a number of years, colonial powers including Britain maintained a repressive rule over many countries, based on military rather than numerical superiority. Again it was "for the common good". Same in South Africa until very recently. Everyone* "knew" that it was in everyone's best interest that whites dominate both government and industry. * "everyone white, of course. . Homosexuality was a crime until quite recently, and still is in some places, because it is "for the common good" that gays are locked up or forced to pretend to be what they're not. Even today people say it's for the common good that they are denied the right to get married. . In Saudi Arabia, it is "for the common good" that all women are required to have a male guardian at all times, that they are prohibited from driving, and that they are not allowed to be in the company of a man who is not their husband or family member. Some extremists believe it's for the common good that any female who is discovered to be dating a stranger should be killed. . Stalin maintained that it was "for the common good" that subversive individuals were rounded up and executed. . In the US, after the pearl harbour attack, everybody with Japanese ancestry was taken to internment camps, even when they'd been Americans for several generations. This too was "for the common good". Right after the 11 September attacks, anyone who looked vaguely Middle Eastern, or had a funny accent, or had an Arab/Muslim sounding name, was subjected to invasive searches whenever they travelled, or were denied boarding outright, because that was "for the common good." . Whenever "the common good" is used to deprive people of their rights, it can be a dangerous tool, since to can be used to justify almost anything.
US Jesuits agree £103 million abuse payout By Greg Szymanski Mar 26, 2011 If you go back in my radio archives, you’ll find numerous interviews with Ken Bear Chief, the investigator for the Tamaki Law Firm, who was documenting genocide of Native Americans at the Jesuit Mission Schools. While CNN and CBS were covering for the Jesuits, I was busy telling you this was the biggest story to hit news stands, implicating the Jesuits and Vatican with US government complicity to genocide, torture and child abuse, using the front of education and Mission schools set up on Reservations. There has been a settlement in the case.
We are all trembling in fear. The anti-divorce movement sound like little kids. This 'common good' argument is utter non-sense and shows that they just do not have any strong arguments. Perhaps that is why 2800 new votes have been locked out, the anti-divorce guys are not convincing the new voter. Please, stop this bullying crap, grow up.
Isabelle Borg
Dawn bis serjeta jew? Aktar ma jghidu aktar jaqaw ghac- cajt.