[WATCH] 1771 dementia helpline launched
New breast cancer app offers users better access to research, advice
EU regulators green light world’s first malaria vaccine
Blood donation by gay men: technical committee to study possibility
Fight the heat: drink at least 1.5 litres of water every day
New brain stimulation therapy offers fresh hope for depression treatment
World Health Organisation to open collaborating centre in Malta
More parents accompany children receiving treatment abroad
Atlas organizes Saħħtek diabetes talk for clients
[WATCH]  Even US moving towards ban on gay conversion therapy
400 cases of elderly abuse since 2013
Elderly suffer in ‘deprived’ old people’s homes
Just 1% of Maltese are vaping
Paediatricians urge MPs to allow parents use sick leave when kids are unwell
Debate on age of consent is reality-check for Malta
Labour’s women section calls for IVF reform
Suicide ain’t painless: report reveals the most effective killer of European teens
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Josanne Cassar
Updated | Children's Commissioner wary of lowering age of consent, Medical Council thinks otherwise
Parkinson’s: coping with progressive weakening
EU warns over five espressos a day could be damaging to health
Drop in non-fatal accidents at work during first quarter 2015
New findings by Maltese breast cancer researchers at European Research Centres
WHO criticises Malta’s high Caesarean birth rate
German woman, 65, gives birth to quadruplets
Breast cancer group to hold talk on advances in local research
Daikin ALIVE2015 challenge members learn about current research in cancer
Inspections reveal elderly get inadequate care in private homes