Man critical after Rabat PL club brawl

A man is in danger of dying after sustaining serious injury during a brawl which developed at the Labour Party club in Rabat.

The PL club in Rabat where a fight broke out, leaving a man in danger of dying
The PL club in Rabat where a fight broke out, leaving a man in danger of dying

A 37 year-old man from Marsa is in a critical condition and in imminent danger of dying, after being injured during a fight which developed inside the Labour Party club in Rabat, and spilled into the street.

According to the Police, a patrol car was dispatched to Rabat at 9:30pm on Sunday finding the man from Marsa on the floor.

Other people, a 49 year-old man from Sta. Venera, a 52 year-old man from Msida and a 41 year-old woman from Cospicua, were also injured and were treated briefly at a health centre.

Magistrate Audrey Demicoli is holding an inquiry.

Meanwhile, Labour leader Joseph Muscat condemned the incident, but added that the incident seems to be not connected to any political issue.

Muscat also appealed to the media, not to distort or blow the issue out of proportion.

Ser nibdew bil paroli fil vojt , x`ghandu xjaqsam il lupu u sufu ? Forsi qed talludi ghall pn ghax vera jippruvaw ibidlu sufhom u wara l-elezjoni insiru nafu kemm huma ilpup !!!
@ Tarxieniz1. You seem to have a very short memory. Read these: Bona murder, Barman admits hiding gun in PN club- Man shots at PN Club at Mqabba:
Luke Camilleri
@ tarxieniz1 Anzi ma marrux jghatu l'arma lill Barman ha jzommilhom kif jghamel il=Barman tal-Kazin ta' Marsaxlokk meta inqatel il-Bona!
Firstly I would like to wish a speedy recovery to the person in question. Secondly, it is said to see people like tarxieniz1 trying to "score points" on such a case. Should we then blame the PN for the notorious Marsaxlokk PN club brawl and its tragic consequences? I think that the Maltese people really need to become politically mature and get rid of their us and them mentality!
@tarxieniz1.....ghall-pn qed tghid? Pruvaw jinbidlu u jaghtu wicc gdid b'simon imma minflok il quddiem izjed qed jeghrqu.
How single minded and brainwashed can tarxieniz1 be? At least give the police a chance to investigate what were the reasons for the brawl. yes, people like you are the ones that keep our Country backwards and the Christian dictat, love and forgive your enemy is simply played lip service by PN supporters.
@tarxieniz1 - qijsu qatt ma igildu go kazin nazzjonalista!!,ma tridx tajd li in-nazzjonalisti kollha nies sew u qaddisin mixjien f'l-art hux?,nahseb ahjar li wiehed ghal inqas jiprova jibdel sufu milli jibqa l-istess u hlif hdura u mibeda ma ixxerigx.NEGATTIVITA biss!,f'kull massmeeting jippupaw sidirhom hlif mibeda ma ixerdux!.
Maureen Attard
Jinbidlu kemm jinbidlu l-affarijiet, aktar jibqu l-istess. Il-lupu jibdel sufu u mhux ghemilu.