Goût de/Good France, the French gastronomy event to be held tonight

After the success of last year’s launch of Goût de / Good France, this worldwide event which celebrates French gastronomy on five continents will this year be held today, on Monday, 21 March. Over 1,500 chefs and 150 embassies will be participating in this event.

Chefs from three restaurants in Malta will be taking part in this year’s Goût de/Good France, James Oakley from Waterbiscuit, (3rd from left), Kevin Bonello from Xara’s De Mondion (3rd from right) and Michael Cauchi from Michael’s (2nd from right).
Chefs from three restaurants in Malta will be taking part in this year’s Goût de/Good France, James Oakley from Waterbiscuit, (3rd from left), Kevin Bonello from Xara’s De Mondion (3rd from right) and Michael Cauchi from Michael’s (2nd from right).

Dinners served simultaneously in participating restaurants will honour the merits of French cuisine, its capacity for innovation, and its values: sharing, enjoying and respecting the principles of high-quality, environmentally responsible cuisine. In addition, the Ambassador’s residence will also be serving a Gala dinner on the 21 March.

Three restaurants are participating in Malta this year, namely the Xara Palace’s De Mondion, Michael’s in Valletta and the Intercontinental Waterbiscuit Restaurant. Their Chefs were welcomed at the French Residence on March 16 by the Ambassador of France in Malta Béatrice Le Fraper du Hellen. In-house Chef Cyrille Darras also joined. They presented the delicious menus they will be serving for that special occasion, disclosed some details of this special dinner’s preparation and shared some cooking tips as well.

As the Ambassador recalled, “French cuisine has evolved a lot over the past decades to adapt to the new French society, its lifestyle and new trends”, and this is why it is still so creative and inspiring.

The Chefs had the opportunity to share their experience of French cuisine and to present the coming event:

“We will be showcasing French cuisine with our five-course menu. It is based on classical French techniques but we give it an innovative twist to offer something a little bit different”, said James Oakley, chef at the Waterbiscuit.

Today will indeed be a special day to promote gastronomy and French culture. As Michael Cauchi, chef at the Michael’s in Valletta, explained: “We will be offering a total French experience, from starters to cheese and dessert.”

Goût de / Good France’s objectives are to carry the colours of French cuisine with pride: indeed, French cuisine means contemporaneity and excellence thanks to healthy dishes prepared from fresh, seasonal and local produce, with low fat, salt and sugar content. Kevin Bonello, the Xara’s De Mondion Chef, is participating in the event for the second time: “We have to keep on giving importance to the French cuisine which is really the mother of all the cuisines and which here in Malta we are really fond of.” This nice gathering was flavoured by the savoury “petits fours”, prepared by the Chef of the French Residence, Ian Besançon and which showcased four French regions' culinary traditions.