Educators' union cries foul as its members were left without doughnuts after adhering to directives

The Union for Professional Educators said it would take action against "unethical public servants" who did not hand out doughnuts to the union's members who were following directives

The UPE said that the refusal to hand out donuts to its members was
The UPE said that the refusal to hand out donuts to its members was "immature"

The Union for Professional Educators (UPE) has issued a statement regarding a school head who distributed doughnuts to members of staff except UPE members.

In a short statement on Friday, the UPE said that the incident centres around a COPE session at a primary school within St Thomas More College on Thursday. The union said that its members adhered to UPE directives as they abstained from attending the meeting. 

The UPE alleged that the school's head and the rest of the management distributed doughnuts to the staff except UPE members.

"This immature behaviour only strengthens our determination to oppose such unethical public servants," the union said.

The educators' union questioned whether members of staff who comply, "with directives from other unions" face similar treatment in the workplace.

The UPE concluded by stating its intention to, "take further action against these unethical public servants."