Beyond ethics and the law, there is humanity Dr Muscat

Joseph Muscat’s illegal acts on asylum seekers and migrants are simply reprehensible

This is a shameful act and perhaps a new page to Muscat’s style of politics.
This is a shameful act and perhaps a new page to Muscat’s style of politics.

When Tonio Borg as Home Affairs minister chose to send migrants onto a flight back to their country of origin some years back, when most of these migrants were fleeing murder and death in their country, I could not but condemn Tonio Borg and his government.

It was against international law then and it is still illegal today.

But hitting out at Tonio Borg was easy.  He came from a party which intrinsically or at least according to the colour code of the ideological litmus test, came closer to opposing migration and diversity.

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozsy and former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi did the same with pushbacks and won the support of the right-wing electorate that they so badly needed in their electoral games to demolish the far-right.

But Muscat needs none of this. He hails from a supposedly social democratic party, one with a nine-seat majority.

Yet Muscat knows that being tough with migrants will win him support from a typically hard-core, xenophobic working class and the loony right, and that this will enrage the middle of the road who supported him, those best described as electoral switchers.

It will also leave 'us' in the media with little or no reason to give allowances to a Prime Minister who has opted for dumping his political principles into the sea from where the poor African and black migrants reach our shores.

He has also offered us an insight into his understanding of humanity and his consideration for the less fortunate.

Since Tonio Borg's days, the European Court of Human Rights has decried pushbacks as illegal. Dr Muscat's decision to ignore the rule of law is not only worrying but utterly reprehensible.

This is a shameful act and perhaps a new page to Muscat's style of politics. It continues to shed light on the Labour party's position on migration, and the decision by the Prime Minister to jump on the national bandwagon of xenophobia.

When Muscat next waves his flag as a movement of progressives, I will be the first one to remind him of what a bad joke it was. 

Sur Salv, meta prim ministru irid ihares l-ahjar interess ta pajjizu huwa rrelevanti x'hinuwa t-twemmin politiku tieghu. Ghal argument, dan il-pajjiz jigi attakkat mic-Cinizi jew mill-Amerikani u nafu li Muscat ixaqleb lejn ic-cinizi, x'tahseb li jaghmel? Ma jhalli lil hadd s'intendi, ghax dak prim ministru tal-Maltin. Jiddispjacini, din id-darba tlitfa Salv. Fuq din l-issue ta l-imigrazzjoni illegali ghandna nkunu ponn wiehed. Mhux bilfors push backs imma xi tip ta soluzzjoni dejjiema. Irridu nuru snienna.
Personally I am totally against pushbacks but what worries me in your article is that it looks like you believe that the PM would have actually sent someone back to Libya. I didn't believe it for one second. Mr Muscat is an excellent strategist; we haven't seen his like since the best days of Dom Mintoff, the ones that enabled us to be a self-reliant state. As the events unfold his strategy is becoming more and more apparent - and bearing fruit of course.
I agree with you that there is humanity to respect which is a major consideration to bear in mind, How ever you must agree that human rights are not absolute and that there are overriding factors which may subsume this responsibility such as in a war for survival. Also do you know that notwithstanding the Pope throwing wreaths off Lampedusa the Vatican is one of the few festates not signing the human rights convention. Reason is that they consider Christian doctrine to override human rights. In our case this is a case of survival if Malta as we know it is to continue without being overrun. If there are humanity issues to take care of they are responsibility of the EU and council of Europe as the superior guardians.
I agree with you that there is humanity which is a major consideration to bear in mind, How ever you must agree that human rights are not absolute and that there are overriding factors which may subsume this reponsibility such as in a war for survival. Also do you know that nothwithstanding the Pope throwing wreaths off Lampedusa the Vatican is one of the states not signing the human rights convention. Reason is that they consider Christian doctrine to override human rights. In our case this is a case of survival if Malta as we know it so if there are humanit ssues they are responsibility of the EU and council of Europe as the superior moral guardins of such human rights. ,
The problem is not the immigrants but emigration! Who is responsible for this mass migration of desperate people? Malta? Iddhakuniex! Malta is a victim. Europe could help these people by processing the immigrants at the EU Embasy in Moogadishue, but no, 'qalbhom perzuta' dawn l-Ewropej li inqdew b'SimonPN biex ikomplu jehilsu mill-problemi li jakkawzaw huma: u dan Simon iffirma li kull immigrant li jigi hawn bil-boat( mhux se jasal Sweden jew Poland jew Germany jew Belgium jew Denmanrk) ikollu joqghod fuq dan l-iskoll: Malta qeghda l-eqreb u imdawra bil-bahar u ghallura Simon did not see this coming u belgha (bellahha ) lilna id-Dublin 2! It-tort ta Simon ta EU jew ta Malta ?
I know the Maltese are known as a tolerant nation and one the give a lot to good causes, which is okay. But enough is enough and talking, as seen in the past never got us anywhere. Actually most of these immigrants finished up in the US other than Europe. It is about time other action as is now (and I hope it is not just talk only)is taken.
Saviour - would your version change if the government builds a refugee centre in Sliema and another in the centre of Malta? Talk is cheap. The people in the south are the ones suffering this consequence. You play the smart guy but it s shocking that you are not capable of seeing the whole picture.... The population of these immigrants in fifty years time? What about our culture and the tranquility of this island? If you want to be credible, when writing such an article include also long term concrete solutions rather than the usual one-sided rubbish. One last thing, I always voted PN. In March I did so half heartedly. Following the recent events I consider myself an ex PN voter.
Saviour - would your version change if the government builds a refugee centre in Sliema and another in the centre of Malta? Talk is cheap. The people in the south are the ones suffering this consequence. You play the smart guy but it s shocking that you are not capable of seeing the whole picture.... The population of these immigrants in fifty years time? What about our culture and the tranquility of this island? If you want to be credible, when writing such an article include also long term concrete solutions rather than the usual one-sided rubbish. One last thing, I always voted PN. In March I did so half heartedly. Following the recent events I consider myself an ex PN voter.
Saviour - would your version change if the government builds a refugee centre in Sliema and another in the centre of Malta? Talk is cheap. The people in the south are the ones suffering this consequence. You play the smart guy but it s shocking that you are not capable of seeing the whole picture.... The population of these immigrants in fifty years time? What about our culture and the tranquility of this island? If you want to be credible, when writing such an article include also long term concrete solutions rather than the usual one-sided rubbish. One last thing, I always voted PN. In March I did so half heartedly. Following the recent events I consider myself an ex PN voter.
Saviour - would your version change if the government builds a refugee centre in Sliema and another in the centre of Malta? Talk is cheap. The people in the south are the ones suffering this consequence. You play the smart guy but it s shocking that you are not capable of seeing the whole picture.... The population of these immigrants in fifty years time? What about our culture and the tranquility of this island? If you want to be credible, when writing such an article include also long term concrete solutions rather than the usual one-sided rubbish. One last thing, I always voted PN. In March I did so half heartedly. Following the recent events I consider myself an ex PN voter.
Micheal Bonanno
Mr. Balzan, I'm one of your fans, but on this one I have to disagree. If you want to see the future to all this, simply watch "The Planet of the Apes" movies and you'll get an idea of what will become of us in the future. These movies have the foresight of what could happen to Man. I recommend them to you to watch and think! These movies were made in the late 60's and early 70's. 40 years on, and these movies are being re-enacted, but in real life.
Jurgen Cachia
Well said, Saviour. Thank you. Once upon a time solidarity was part of the foundations of the Labour Party. Evidently those days are long gone.
Ghaziz Saviour nahseb li hawn zbaljat u qieghed tinghogob ma naha minnhom. Ghalik is sigurta nazzjonali ma tfisser xejn? Ghalik li hafna mis sangisugi li ghandna jhaddmu lil dawn limsejkna bis soldi ma tfisser xejn? Ghalik li ghal kull tarbija li jkollhom ikolla dritt daqs kull tarbija Maltija li missiera kien ilu jhallas it taxxi mindu zokortu waqghet ma tfisser xejn?Ghalik li ma ghandniex aktar fejn inpoggughom ma tfisser xejn? Mela biex tkun kredibbli ghatina soluzzjoni int kif nistghu nghelbu dan kollu. Jien dejjm ghammirajt il kitba tieghek imma din id darba zgur li le.
"Beyond ethics and the law, there is humanity" How right you are Mr Balzan. But Humanity works both ways. How come you are only looking at it one way? What about the Humanity for the Maltese People who are being forced to give up their heritage so they can accommodate others? Why don't you start by asking the people of Marsa, Hal Safi, Birzebbugia and the many other towns and villages that are being over populated by these illegal immigrants? Since when are Maltese people subjected to no go areas because of these illegal immigrants? It is very apparent that neither you or the other sympathizers live in the midst of this nightmare. It happens you and I live away from these areas and we are very fast to criticize others because we can. Where is the humanity for the Maltese people, or don't you care about them?
Sav.ghadek ta l istess opinjoni wara dan li ktibt dahhlu aktar u ghada mistennija izjed.Tista tghidli fejn ser inpogguwhom Sav?
Mr Balzan you can't even differentiate between push back and repatriation, if the last batch of migrants were sent back to Libya they were going to "a safe" country after the Spring Uprising and the dethroning of Gadaffi, so why are you lot complaining? These people were being sent back to Somalia so your argument hold shot.
Saviour put your money where your moth is and give your next couple of months wages for the upkeep of these migrants.How many migrants have you hosted at your home lately? Of course none as you only give lip service and try to play the nice guy. When it comes to the real test your kind are the first to shy away.
Saviour, as you may discern from the below comments, people that usually agree with your stands are not with you on this one. I am with them. Enough is enough. No one wants to see other fellow human beings suffer, but unless Malta takes a responsible, strong stand to make others undertake their "moral" obligations (following colonisation and blatant theft of colonised mineral wealth) towards previously colonised peoples and countries, than Malta WILL be overrun and will lose its identity. And this in a short space of time.
Mr. Balzan, let's do the math. 100 this week, 200, the next, 300 the following then take 4 months of good weather and human rights issues, what will these leave our nation with? I do support human rights at very turn but I do feel that there is an amount of hypocrisy here, the same people who are 'protesting' are the same people who offer no solution and neither want them around their front door or back garden. I say good brinkmanship on behalf of Joseph. No so with the Pn admin. who always put other nations before ours. Dr. Tonio Borg was not right then, but since then what did we achieve? Talk talk and more talk, nothing more nothing less.
Din m'hix kwistjoni ta' razzizmu, imma kwistjoni ta' sigurta nazzjonali u sahha pubblika. Hemm xi hadd li jaghti garanzija lil poplu malti u Ghawdxi li dawn l-immigranti m'humiex morda b'mard infettiv li hu komuni fil Kontinent Afrikan? Ftit mill-mard li nafu bih hu: HIV / AIDS, TB. EBOLA, MALARJA, LEGIONAIRES DISEASE etc etc. Nahseb li jekk tfaqqa epidemija gewwa pajjizna il-poplu Malti jigi sempliciment ''WIPED OUT''. X'qed isir u kif qeghdin jigu skirinjati? Niskanta kif hadd mill-gurnalisti m'hu qed isaqsi dawn il-mistoqsijiet li nemmen jixirqilhom twegiba!!! Mela ghax l-inkwiet tieghi hu fuq sahha pubblika allura sirt razzist???
Hallina Salv. Mela sewwa, ejja nghidu u inkabbru ftit dan l-argument, immagina li f`sena wahda bil-frakkas kollu li hemm gewwa l-Africa jigu Malta xi 50,ooo elf ( Hamsin Elf ) Immigranti illegali. ara kemm nigu sew f`din in-naqra ta gzira.
Savior, I came across this documentary worth watching for all those who think things just happen and we will live happy ever after. I do appreciate it if you all see it. It is the truth nothing but the truth: http// Have fun!
Saviour. You can rant and flush as much as you like, but have you ever taken consideration for OUR rights? JM has the backing and the mandate while you just run a newspaper which feeds from these controversies. So when you come up with a solution short of keeping them all here - roll it out!
Salv spjegali kif Strasbourg qatt ma ikkritkat lil Israel talli kecciet lil Palestinjani u lilna wara siegha faqqatilna kundanna ghax ilna 10 snin niehdu hsieb lil ftit refugjati vera u eluf 16,000 to be exact? Ghandek xi soluzzjoni hlief dik li tghid lil Ewropej li dak li jippridkaw iridu iwettquh? Int thaseb li l-Ewropej iridu lil dawn l-emigranti jew qed jitfghu l-problema fuqna? Hu l-Germanj, jekk ma ikollokx sengha jew professjoni no way li tidhol!Dik umanita! Salv jien ma gejtx fid-dinja biex insalva l-umanita mit-tbatija; hdimt battejt, xjaht u issa irrid li uliedi jirtu dak li hdmit ghalih. Dan jissejjah razzizmu issa u nuqqas ta umanita? Qed nghin 16,000 ruh mhux bizzejjed? Please Salv dawwar il-kanuni tieghek fuq min hu ippokrita: dawk l-ewropej li iriduna niehdu dak li ma iridux huma.Grazzi.
No Mr. Balzan this is not a bad joke, it's called facing daily reality. Any valid solutions from your side? I normally tend to agree with most of your comments, but this time you're way out of line buddy!!!! NGO's stands for non goverment officials but only goverment governs. The majority of the maltese people including most nationalists, are four square behind their Prime Minister. Please don't call us racists, hard-core xenophobic working class as this time it does not apply. We have a right to raise concerns and voice our opinion.
Ghaziz Saviour, mhux dejjem qbilt mieghek imma llum irbaht l-ammirazzjoni tieghi ghax f' mument bhal dan jidher min hu gurnalista professjonali. L-iswed jghidlu iswed u l-abjad abjad. Joseph zbalja u hamar wicc il-maltin ta' rieda tajjba. Mhux facli li ssib soluzjoni ghal din il-problema imma li tipprova tiksser id-dritijiet umani hi tal-misthija. jekk jahseb li ghax rebah bil-kbir l-elezzjoni ghandu xi dritt jaghamel li jrid. B'dan ir=ragunar mexa l-pn li kien ilu fil-poter ghal 25 sena u haseb li sar daqs alla.
Ghaziz Saviour, mhux dejjem qbilt mieghek imma llum irbaht l-ammirazzjoni tieghi ghax f' mument bhal dan jidher min hu gurnalista professjonali. L-iswed jghidlu iswed u l-abjad abjad. Joseph zbalja u hamar wicc il-maltin ta' rieda tajjba. Mhux facli li ssib soluzjoni ghal din il-problema imma li tipprova tiksser id-dritijiet umani hi tal-misthija. jekk jahseb li ghax rebah bil-kbir l-elezzjoni ghandu xi dritt jaghamel li jrid. B'dan ir=ragunar mexa l-pn li kien ilu fil-poter ghal 25 sena u haseb li sar daqs alla.
Ghaziz Saviour, mhux dejjem qbilt mieghek imma llum irbaht l-ammirazzjoni tieghi ghax f' mument bhal dan jidher min hu gurnalista professjonali. L-iswed jghidlu iswed u l-abjad abjad. Joseph zbalja u hamar wicc il-maltin ta' rieda tajjba. Mhux facli li ssib soluzjoni ghal din il-problema imma li tipprova tiksser id-dritijiet umani hi tal-misthija. jekk jahseb li ghax rebah bil-kbir l-elezzjoni ghandu xi dritt jaghamel li jrid. B'dan ir=ragunar mexa l-pn li kien ilu fil-poter ghal 25 sena u haseb li sar daqs alla.
Lets do a referendum on this issue. This is a real problem not hunting. My cousins jobs are taken from this illegally immigrants in any sector of the low band of jobs.
We need push-backs or just block the entry. If you have a better solution let us know.
Savior, I consider myself an independent, Maltese living on a small piece of land and I have a right to think as much as the bishop or the prime minister. What you said is 100 per cent food for the soul and legally truthful. My big question is at the rate things are coming to pass are we going to be like the Mayan replaced by the Spanish who took a stand when it was too late? or the American Indian replaced by the American Emigration? or the South African whites replace by the Black Africans? what about the Aborigines of Australia? do I have to say more. A few years back we had a handful of foreigners now we have 2 per cent of the population and some of us to make a living are going back to the days of waiters. This is another law of nature that people when they are in the majority they take over and to hell with those local idiots who did not stand to be counter. Someone already called us cwiec. Are we?
Never thought that in the same week I read an article on this paper by Mr Balzan that says the same thing as an article in the Independent written by Ms Caruana Galizia. It's a sobering thought that some who are poles apart on anything and everything can agree on such issue that the majority of Maltese think their Prime Minister is right. I think the PM has made a big mistake here - over reached in his rhetoric that could cost Malta a lot. However he has a point in that what else can Europe do to assist Malta (especially Malta on the basis of size and nothing else)to settle these migrants either in Malta itself or elsewhere. To my mind that's the issue.
Mstoqsija wahda Sur Balzan . GHANDEK XI SOLUZJONI ???
This is brinksmanship. He never intended sending them back, but made enough noise to make it an issue that needs to be addressed.
To me Muscat is a great leader and is standing up for our maltese rights.Please tell me that if thousands of illegal immigrants arrive on our shores are you going to harbour them or simon busitil what then tell me? So yes muscat is doing a great job in making the eu raise their eyebrows and take more responsability.I am once again feeling proud to be maltese again.
Excuse me Salv, this time you are not being realistic. It looks like you are forgetting the fact that our tiny island received 400 persons within a week, another boat nearly in with another 68, and some more on the way. I think the Prime Minister tonight was very realistic. Pity the PN acted otherwise. This move from the PN side will be more disgraceful than the 600 euro rise the cabinet had behind everyone. Our national interest comes first. Proset Dr Muscat
what the f...... hell is your solution Mr Balzan????
Jeff Cassar
I too agree, Mr.Balzan, that the Prime Minister has been very calculating on a lot of issues (divorce, Libya, Gozo tunnel), but like you said he has a comfortable majority and was hailed as the man who "won two elections for Labour", so I think this time he's actually trying to carry out what he believes in. And let's face it the huge majority of Maltese are with on this one. Yes the educated class might just dismiss them as racists, and yes some are, but really, what is democracy if not letting "the people" take the destiny of their county in their hands? I'd appreciate your comments - naturally if you're not too occupied and would like to add that I always enjoy reading your articles as I find them very thought provoking.
Jeff Cassar
I too agree, Mr.Balzan, that the Prime Minister has been very calculating on a lot of issues (divorce, Libya, Gozo tunnel), but like you said he has a comfortable majority and was hailed as the man who "won two elections for Labour", so I think this time he's actually trying to carry out what he believes in. And let's face it the huge majority of Maltese are with on this one. Yes the educated class might just dismiss them as racists, and yes some are, but really, what is democracy if not letting "the people" take the destiny of their county in their hands? I'd appreciate your comments - naturally if you're not too occupied and would like to add that I always enjoy reading your articles as I find them very thought provoking.
Jeff Cassar
I too agree, Mr.Balzan, that the Prime Minister has been very calculating on a lot of issues (divorce, Libya, Gozo tunnel), but like you said he has a comfortable majority and was hailed as the man who "won two elections for Labour", so I think this time he's actually trying to carry out what he believes in. And let's face it the huge majority of Maltese are with on this one. Yes the educated class might just dismiss them as racists, and yes some are, but really, what is democracy if not letting "the people" take the destiny of their county in their hands? I'd appreciate your comments - naturally if you're not too occupied and would like to add that I always enjoy reading your articles as I find them very thought provoking.
Jeff Cassar
I too agree, Mr.Balzan, that the Prime Minister has been very calculating on a lot of issues (divorce, Libya, Gozo tunnel), but like you said he has a comfortable majority and was hailed as the man who "won two elections for Labour", so I think this time he's actually trying to carry out what he believes in. And let's face it the huge majority of Maltese are with on this one. Yes the educated class might just dismiss them as racists, and yes some are, but really, what is democracy if not letting "the people" take the destiny of their county in their hands? I'd appreciate your comments - naturally if you're not too occupied and would like to add that I always enjoy reading your articles as I find them very thought provoking.
Jeff Cassar
I too agree, Mr.Balzan, that the Prime Minister has been very calculating on a lot of issues (divorce, Libya, Gozo tunnel), but like you said he has a comfortable majority and was hailed as the man who "won two elections for Labour", so I think this time he's actually trying to carry out what he believes in. And let's face it the huge majority of Maltese are with on this one. Yes the educated class might just dismiss them as racists, and yes some are, but really, what is democracy if not letting "the people" take the destiny of their county in their hands? I'd appreciate your comments - naturally if you're not too occupied and would like to add that I always enjoy reading your articles as I find them very thought provoking.