Cartoon: 23 March 2016
Policing priorities...
Policing priorities...
Cartoon: 20 March 2016
Brewing up a new third party, with Marlene Farrugia, Salvu Mallia, Franco Debono, Paul Vincenti, and Arnold Cassola
Brewing up a new third party, with Marlene Farrugia, Salvu...
Cartoon: 16 March 2016
Another third party? Watch out - the duopoly dragon will have none of it...
Another third party? Watch out - the duopoly dragon will...
Cartoon: 13 March 2016
Corruption and tax avoidance - how the two leaders treat the matter...
Corruption and tax avoidance - how the two leaders treat...
Cartoon: 6 March 2016
Joseph Muscat's announcement that he is in favour of a debate on gay marriage, in the midst of the 'Panamagate' scandal, is received with some...
Joseph Muscat's announcement that he is in favour of a...
Cartoon: 2 March 2016
Return of the Brazil billboard... now for Mizzi's Panama connection
Return of the Brazil billboard... now for Mizzi's...
Cartoon: 21 February 2016
Spending priorities on migration...
Spending priorities on migration...
Cartoon: 17 February 2016
Sports Illustrated brings some new migrants to town...
Sports Illustrated brings some new migrants to town...
Cartoon: 14 February 2016
The UAE prime minister, whose country is a collection of emirs, wants to introduce a minister for happiness - Joseph Muscat and Konrad Mizzi were attending the...
The UAE prime minister, whose country is a collection of...
Cartoon: 7 February 2015
The search for the next Labour deputy leader begins, and Darth Salesman needs to find someone who is a right match...
The search for the next Labour deputy leader begins, and...
Cartoon: 3 February 2016
Time for a history lesson, Simon...
Time for a history lesson, Simon...
Cartoon: 31 January 2016
Mark Scicluna's take on patriots and their ham sandwich stunt
Mark Scicluna's take on patriots and their ham sandwich...
Cartoon: 27 January 2016
The uphill struggle for Joseph Muscat
The uphill struggle for Joseph Muscat
Cartoon: 23 January 2016
Another government minister gets sent to the Cabinet closet...
Another government minister gets sent to the Cabinet...
Cartoon: 20 January 2016
Patiots' leader Alex Pisani inside his animal farm
Patiots' leader Alex Pisani inside his animal farm
Cartoon: 17 January 2016
Another crusader steps in to ward off marauding 'Muslamics' - Ghaqda Patriotti Maltin leader Alex Pisani rides a pantomime horse as he prepares to...
Another crusader steps in to ward off marauding...