Man arrested in Malta for connection to immigration trafficking to Italy

Man charged with immigration trafficking to Italy denied release from custody.

A 51-year-old man kept under arrest in connection to immigration trafficking to Italy. (Photo: TVM)
A 51-year-old man kept under arrest in connection to immigration trafficking to Italy. (Photo: TVM)

A 51-year-old Tunisian man, Ben Ali Hatem Samara, has been apprehended and placed under arrest in Malta on charges related to immigration trafficking to Italy.

Samara, who had previously been convicted of falsifying documents and facilitating human trafficking in Italy, managed to escape authorities before being tracked down by European law enforcement.

During the proceedings, Samara was asked if he consented to the extradition, to which he responded negatively, instead requesting release from custody. However, Magistrate Caroline Farrugia Frendo denied his request, determining that he should remain in custody.

The trial will proceed with Magistrate Farrugia Frendo overseeing the proceedings, while Inspector Roderick Spiteri leads the prosecution.