New PN government will create 25,000 new jobs

Chris Said - Nationalist government created 20,000 jobs during past five years.

Justice Minister Chris Said, and PN president of the general council Paula Mifsud Bonnici.
Justice Minister Chris Said, and PN president of the general council Paula Mifsud Bonnici.

The Nationalist Party will create 25,000 jobs in government, justice minister Chris Said said today.

Accompanied by former UHM secretary-general Gejtu Vella, a PN candidate, Said said the Nationalist government had weathered a financial storm but still created 20,000 jobs and saved a further 5,000 endangered jobs.

The PN will discuss its electoral programme tonight within its executive committee, and present the programme for approval on Friday by the party's General Council.

On his part, Vella said the Nationalist administration's success was down to the good decisions taken during the past four and a half years when the world faced the biggest depression since 1930.

Said added that a new PN government will keep working tirelessly over the next five years to create 25,000 new jobs.

"On the contrary, the last time Labour was in government, it managed to lose 4,000 jobs in 22 months," Said said while adding that Malta currently boasts of one of the lowest rates of unemployment in Europe and has reached the highest number ever of gainfully occupied persons.

The justice minister added that Labour leader Joseph Muscat's advice and ideas such as his energy plans, the recommendation to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to follow the Cypriot economic model, his advise to Iceland to stay out of the EU, his opposition to EU membership and the euro and his support for the removal of VAT in 1996, "were wrong and create unemployment."

He also said  that "Labour criticises projects like Smart City because they have not yet materialised, but it never stops to praise such success stories like the financial services sector in Malta."

Said said Malta's financial services sector had gone from strength to strength, attracting top international players in the industry thanks to targeted incentives introduced by Nationalist governments. "A good portion of the 20,000 jobs creation are within the finance industry, because it is an important contributor to economic growth in our country."

It is estimated that the sector employs over 12,000 people and has a very high female participation rate.

Among the initiatives a PN Government would take, Said mentioned the announced reduction in income tax to 25%, further tax credits to businesses, the completion of the bio-campus which will create jobs in research, further investment in tourism,  financial services and aviation, incentives to build five-star hotels in Gozo and investment in new campuses at Mcast, ITS and further investment at University.

The PN government also introduced legislation which ensured that all workers receive pro-rata benefits and terminated contracts of service suppliers who employed precarious workers, the PN candidates said.

Hilarious!!!!B min tahsbu li tistaw tghaddu biz-zmien!!!!Mhemx xi seba telef minn dawk 25000 job ghal smart city ergajna hux???u xi elf ohra ghal white Rocks hux!!!!!Qedin jiggustifikaw il falliment ta smart city li mhijiex problema ghax dawk li hadu il korsijiet fl-IT sabu xoghol ximkien iehor f dak il qasam.Mhux IL-Punt Sur GonziPN.Il-punt huwa li intom uzajtu smartcity bhala propoganda biex irbahtu l elezzjoni generali li ghaddiet.Intom qarraqtu bin-nies .Intom gdibtu.U tista tghid hafna kliem biex ma jinstemawx koroh .Bhall ma ghidtux il verita,jew ma kontux sincieri ,jew ghidtu kelma b ohra imma finalment il kelma pura hija li min jigdeb huwa Giddieb!!!!!!
I have always admired Chris Said. However, he is going overboard very quickly. I am sure Chris knows full well the PN's record, and it is not so attractive or convincing. So I cannot for the life of me see anything like those figures materialise. I had hoped that Chris would be one of the more credible PN proponents. But he had better be careful! The Gozo f(t)unnel. The Gozo smarter than Malta's Smart city 25000 jobs, and potentially still many jokes waiting to make an entrance.
Emmanuel Mallia
Who is going to believe you. You have ruined the party. You have a look of frustration in your faces, starting from Gonzi. Now it is too late. You have enjoyed your perks, now it is time for a change.
Joke of the day,,,, Another 25.000 new jobs to add on the the fictitious 20.000 they said they had already created, soon there will be more jobs than people.
What a lost opportunity!!! Minister Said should have said that a new PN Government would create 30,000 or even 40,000 new jobs. Why limit oneself! The 20,000 is neither here nor there. So why the restriction to 25,000??? A lost opportunity indeed!
Damn it!! Once again I lost the bus as I am the 25,001 who applied for a job and still seeking one under a PN government...can you try for more?
Like the smart city jobs??? Are these gonna be on a monthly contracts??? PN = Panic Station... Gonzi mghadek tbellaha l hadd
Here we go again. 25,000 job ihor prekarju. Mur emmen e.............
Can we have the blood test of these speakers to make sure they were straight and not doped.
Hmmmmm, have I heard this before when the building of Smart City was launched?
Wow!! Mur emmnu!!!
The Nationalist Party will create 25,000 jobs in government, justice minister Chris Said said today.!!!! Issa aħjar man, u min ħa jhemmen?? Din bħal smart city!! wow 25,000 wow!!
Ha ha ha ha ha! What utter bullshine.
Not a bad idea this 25000 job figure! ETC/NISTA/? all contribute to create jobs-the cost per job expenditure but lets talk Gozo? The PN sounded assertive that Gozo is theirs(?) and went on to state they will build 5 star hotels to cater for Gozitan jobs! Maybe so but I recall the Mgarr hotel being 5 star and was pulled down to be rebuilt as luxury appartments! there was the ANDAR hotel, same fate, jobs for the gozitans? Gozo has ca 27000 inhabitants counting all, therefore it's a tall order saying jobs for the Gozitans in 5 star hotels when multinationals can and are actually filling in the posts in most of the catering industry in Gozo!Kepinski for example Maybe I'm too slow to realise there is an election in the offing but I am also positive the Xewkija semi run down industrial estate does not figure out in the PN job creation vision, but maybe I am slow in undedrstanding how jobs (for the Gozitans) are catered for -lip service maybe?
.... ara chris said, tfacca mill-gdid .... konna hsibna li l-imperatrici ta' ghawdex kienet fgatu u ma tatux cans jixref wiccu quddiemna ..... mela allura la rega' tfacca. jista' dottor said jghidilna kemm minn dawn il-jobs se jkunu ma' smart city, kemm se jkunu mal-gozo channel, kemm se jkunu mal-kumpanija li se thaffer il-mina bejn malta u ghawdex, kemm se jidhlu mal-gvern u kemm se jkunu impjegati bhala security, assistenti, tajpisti, executives u watchmen mal-ministeri fil-kaz li gonzipn jerga' jaghmilha lejn kastilja? ..... ahjar jghidilna minn issa forsi nithajjar napplika ghal xi wiehed minn dawn l-impiegi ....
Jekk l-eluf tal-impjiegi jinholqu billi impjieg wiehed ta' 3 xhur, 3 xhur jigi jfisser 4 impjiegi, allura kieku nergghu nassistu ghal-farsa ohra bhal ma rajna kull meta Gonzi jsemmi l-20,000 impjieg gdid !
Igor P. Shuvalov
".. still created 20,000 jobs, 5,000 of which had been endangered jobs that the government intervened directly to save." But the Prime Minister for the last year or more has been proclaiming that the Government has created 20,000 NEW jobs!!!