Green-faced after Xarabank debate

Little of substance came out of tonight's Xarabank debate, apart from the fact that both the PN and PL lack substance on a wide range of issues.

Xarabank presenter Joe 'Peppi' Azzopardi
Xarabank presenter Joe 'Peppi' Azzopardi

Extracting  some concrete substance from tonight's deputy leader sdebate on Xarabank may very well be done, albeit with a fine tooth comb and a stiff drink. The reality is that the night is going to be remembered for its painful puerility.

Affairs started off at a fairly civilised pace, but soon degenerated into the usual petty squabbling synonymous with these head-to-head confrontations.

Presenter Peppi Azzopardi kicked off proceedings by asking Labour deputy leader Louis Grech and PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil to name their five "favourite" proposals from their respective electoral programmes.

One thing was immediately clear from this line of questioning. When PL deputy leader Louis Grech has done his homework he can easily hold his own against Busuttil. But whenever the discussion moves out of Grech's comfort zone, Busuttil is visibly much quicker on the uptake.

Grech frequently had to feign that he had not understood the question posed by Azzopardi in order to buy more time to think. Seeing him bumble for a reply was painful to see, but there is no doubt that once Grech has had chance to thoroughly think a question though he can offer an apt reply.

The PN's proposal on out-of-stock medicines is evidently still creating much confusion for all and sundry. Busuttil tonight said that "those who cannot afford to purchase out of stock medicines from pharmacists will not fall out of pocket."

Given that Busuttil is a lawyer, the fact that he specifically said that the measure will apply to people "who cannot afford it" may indicate that the PN's proposal may require some sort of means testing.

Grech was equally vague when asked how the PL would tackle the out-of-stock medicines problem. "The PL will reach agreements with foreign companies in order for the medicines to be provided within 48 hours."

On waiting lists, Busuttil proudly said that the PN had reduced the waiting lists for certain operations drastically. "The waiting time for cataract operations have been reduced on average from four years to one year."

Grech reaffirmed the PL's proposal to introduce a patients' charter, more health centres and roping in of the private sector in order to reduce waiting times.

Sadly the programme soon descended into an extremely messy affair, as both deputies began to take cheap shots about both the past and present.

Azzopardi challenged Busuttil on whether the PN discriminates on appearance, in reference to Busuttil's "you have the face of a Nationalist" moment during a Broadcasting Authority debate.

"The PN does not discriminate on such a basis. My criticism was that the PL is dressing up people in PN clothing," Busuttil said.

The PN deputy leader then resorted to the tired old chestnut of "PN is the real version and PL is the cheap copy". Not content with stopping there, Busuttil went on to mock the PL's change in emblem and the red tie that Grech wore to the debate.

The absolute pits were reached when Busuttil got out a tablet showing the PL's promotional video featuring youths with "masks" on - the ad features a group of youths with the Maltese flag painted on their face.

Grech managed to remain relatively dignified during the whole tirade. "I do not want to be a fake Nationalist. You are not going to ridicule us with this talk. This is an internal party matter. Your campaign is built on attacking our image. It is absurdity at its best. I have not come to a debate in order to defend the fact that my party has changed its emblem," Grech said.

At this point Azzopardi bailed Busuttil out, questioning whether some of the news stories emerging on One TV are part of the PL's "dignified campaign."

The intervention of Alternattiva Demokratika's deputy chairperson Carmel Cacopardo proved to be a welcome breath of fresh air, and seeing him call both leaders' bluff on a variety of issues proved that AD may well have a useful role to play in parliament.

At one point Busuttil said that gay people are not solely concerned on what type of partnership or civil union they can enter into, as work, education and healthcare are also important to them.

Cacopardo took the opportunity to say that both the PN and the PL should come out of the closet on issues such as relationships with contractors and party financing, as these issues interests gay voters as well.

In reply to this, Busuttil promised that the PN will publish its income and expenses for the entire campaign, to which Cacopardo fired back "and what of the barters mentioned by Paul Borg Olivier."

Grech stuck doggedly to the PL's line that the party already published its accounts.

min jara xarabank, jarah biex jghaddi siegha zmien u xejn izjed
i used to buy this paper to get an un biased opinion now it is an extension on the Torca ...... that is said.
Simon is not the favourite with most of the PN. He is just a whitewash. There are insiders in the PN who already clashed with Simon way back during the 1st MEP elections. Simon, carry on like that. The PN said that Toni Abela went to find a labourite Police Officer, however TA cannot identify the political orientation of a person like Simon Busuttil, xi wicc ta' Nazzjonalist
is this programm still being followed by viewers? how sad !
Simon Busutil ikun ipprepara kollox pero xorta jinkixef. Din id-darba harbitlu li ghamlu sena jiggvernaw minghajr maggoranza; u bis-sahha ta hekk kollox waqa lura. U wiehed irid izid jghid li la Franco, la Mugliette u lanqas JPO ma huma laburisti; pero xorta jwahhlu fil-labour.... ha ha haj... bhal ta Austin .. malajr qal li frame upo tal-labour flok irringrazzja lil dan il-gurnal professjonali u indipendenti..
Simon il bierah ammetta li ma kienux qed jghaddu ligijiet ghax il PN ma kellux maggoranza parlamentari din l-ahhar sena. L-aqwa li baghqu imwahhlin mal poter ghal hames snin u gurnata qabel ma waqqahhom Franco.
Peppi Azzopardi plucked up confidence again and as usual tried to play second fiddle by bailing out Bustuttil when there was need. It was a long a tedious affair-just like the election campaign- in order to give more time to PBS Xarabank and the bella compagnia to drive home GonziPn's electoral negative campaign! Ghal PBS l-iskandlu taz-zejt ghadu mohbi!
I am amzed at how the PL is losing the chance of tearing to shreds the PN stand of moral superiority. No one has dared asking them how many millions they make out of pornography, given that since 2009 Malta has become a paying centre for various porno websites. Either the PL is wide asleep, or else it is very remunerative towards the state coffers!!
Did anybody bother to monitor how many times the independent Peppi azzopardi interrupt Louis Grech and how many times he interrupted Simon busuttil. Or else passing comments whilst Louis was speaking and yet the clock was not stopped ! A very biased programm as usual
What do you expect from Peppi, and his infamous Xarabank! These occasions are stale, and should be avoided. Anyway, I did manage a whole 3 minutes of it in total. To me Cacopardo makes the more sense by far. Thinking aloud, this made me realise two things really: (1) The PN have a knack of alienating their best brains, and filling their ranks with featherweights, (2) The PL conversely has made it their mission to attract the best brains around its fulcrum.
If Simon is the best that PN can offer then we are in real big trouble.
Rita Pizzuto
Naghti prosit kbir lil Lawrence Gonzi tal-ghazla tieghu bhala deputat mexxej lil Simon Busuttil, u aktar minhekk prosit lil Simon Busuttil tal-mod kif qed igib ruhu u jtikellem. Bil-kummenti u messaggi tieghu qed isahhah u jkabbar dejjem aktar il-moviment Laburista gahx qed jurina x'faqar ta' nies sar hemm fil-GonziPN. Grazzi talli bl-imgieba ta' Gonzi u Simon qed izidu jitfghu n-nies f'hogor il-Partit Labursta li issa mhux biss ghall-esponenti tal-PL imma wkoll ghall-faqar tal-PN sar il-veru alternattiva ghall-mizerja li sar Gonzi PN. Parir lil Gonzi u Simon: Issoktaw sejrin ghax qed issahhu l-moral tal-gens Malti li wara kollox il-gejjieni taghna lkoll bhala Maltin jista' jkun ferm u ferm ahjar, u certament ikollna gvern nadif bit-tmexxija ta' Joseph Muscat u shabu halli gtassew nikkonvincu ruhna li Malta taghna lkoll.
Frederick Cutajar
The lowest point was reached when Cacopardo was explaining AD's proposal to decriminalise personal drug use. Out of the blue, Busuttil quipped, "Ask Toni Abela". It was the lowest of the low, a remark that seemed to imply Abela made use of drugs.
Priscilla Darmenia
As it was said by someone recently: Light travels faster than sound that is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. Dr Busuttil please note. I thought you were better and you would make a difference in the GonziPN and very much disappointed. You stated that the whistle blowers act was drafted in 2010 and because of the PL vote to remove Carm Mifsud Bonnici that the draft did not become law. Well the draft was in 2010 and Carm lost a vote of confidence in 2012. Sewwa qal Franco Debono li Carm dejjem ikaxkar saqajh. Another point that you admitted that the GonziPN did not have a majority in 2012, then why did GonziPN made us loose a full year just to keep attached to his seat. The GonziPN is past his shelf life and needs to be removed and replaced by a better product.
The Great PN Hope that came in from the Brussels cold is proving himself to be a veritable liability. Every time he opens his big mouth he comes across as a false 'know-it-all' who has bitten more than he could chew. Whether he likes it or not in a few weeks time Simon will have to go back to the EU Parliament and continue "telling lies" (his own words)there.
Luke Camilleri
Fil-passjoni li kellu il-Moderatur Peppi il-Kowc to bail out Simon Busuttil QABZITLU meta Simon qal li "KULLHADD KIEN JAF LI L-PN MA KELLHUX MAGGORANZA GHAL DIN IS-SENA LI GHADDIET!" U Gonzi BAQA' JIGVERNA! U Gonzi BAQA jiehu il-breaks biex jahrab il-voti parlamentari! U Gonzi hela SENA MILL HAJJA TA' PAJJIZ ghal kapricc tieghu biex jahrab vot Parlamentari ... u jahrab ukoll il-Franco Debono , FIF FINALMENT ANKI JAHARBU Simon Busuttil U JMUR JISTAHBA FL'AQUARUMS ta' Peppi Azzopardi , l'Emmissarju/ Kowc ta' Gonzi u tieghu!
Kif qal sewwa Franco kull xhien simon jiftah halqu jaqqa ghac cajt. Imnalla kellu lill couch peppi biex johorgu minn difikultajiet. Simon sar iqallak jitkellem. Kelli tama fih imma spiccar ghal kollox
Peppi Azzopardi bailed Busuttil out in more than one instance, while his constant interrupting Louis Grech's arguments was apparent. While it is true that nothing of new substance emerged from this debate, perhaps the best phrase of the evening was Louis accusation of Simon's arguments being infantile. In the opinion of many, GonziPN's secret weapon is turning out to be a mere pop-gun.
These debates are becoming rather stale with both main parties locked in a "catenaccio" game where each side is so concerned in not giving attacking space to the opponent that both seem to be happy to keep on passing the ball in a boring and ineffective mid-field tactic until the time clock signals for the ball to be passed to the other side to play in the same ineffective way. Of course Peppi does not help because apart from his obvious bias towards the PN speaker he lacks an understanding of what serious politics at the top is all about and persists in asking inane micro-detail questions which belong to the policy executives. I agree with you that the stars in these debates have been the AD speakers who talk about real and fundamental political issues. Pity that under our electoral system there is no place in our parliamentary system for them.
Jaqq iqażżek jitkellem, idgħardallek l-istonku. Veru kliem tat-tfal. Mel issa anqas ingravata blu ma' tista tilbes? Ara veru ma għandhomx xi jgħidu ta!! Meta ta' A.D. argumenta fuq min għandu jeħel min jizra' per eżempju ħaxixa għal użu personali tiegħu, qabeż simon u qal 'saqsu lil Toni Abela' Jaqq tat tqalliegħ...Imma ibqa' sejjer hekk simon għax ħsara kbira qed tagħmel lil ta' gonzipn, u aktar nazzjonalisti qed jersqu lejn il-partit Laburista.
Anette B Cassar
"those who cannot afford to purchase out of stock medicines from pharmacists will not fall out of pocket." - Does this mean that those who have a right for free medicine but can afford it will be out of pocket? Does this mean that the right to free medicine will be means tested?