PN keeps Safi drugs incident on political agenda

‘Muscat must resign by the same precedent he has set for himself,’ – Clyde Puli

Nationalist MP Clyde Puli, executive committee president Marthese Portelli, and Nationalist candidate Claudette Pace.
Nationalist MP Clyde Puli, executive committee president Marthese Portelli, and Nationalist candidate Claudette Pace.

The Nationalist Party is keeping up its attack on Labour leader Joseph Muscat after he expressed regret at the way an incident in which an illegal substance inside the Safi party club led to the sacking of its barman, was handled.

Nationalist MP Clyde Puli, flanked by PN executive committee president Marthese Portelli and PN candidate Claudette Pace, today accused Muscat of double-standards in the way the matter was handled by deputy leader for party affairs Toni Abela, who was heard on a secret recording saying that the alleged substance abuse was not reported to the police because members of the Safi club had disposed of it in a rubbish bin.

"If Muscat forced out Anglu Farrugia (deputy leader for parliamentary affairs) on a mere statement, then why is he not asking for Abela's resignation?" Puli said.

"Farrugia was removed in an act of 'cold-blooded' murder, but Muscat claims that had Abela been a candidate he would have withdrawn his candidature."

Puli - who claimed Muscat had to take responsibility for "drug trafficking" - said it was not unrealistic to ask for the Labour leader's resignation.

"We know the drugs were being 'cut'," Puli said, referring to the recording in which Abela mentions an episode where somebody was 'cutting a white block'. "It could have ended up anywhere in the hands of our youths."

"It's all about foresight, not hindsight. A prime minister must be able to take good decisions at the time they are called for. Muscat could become prime minister and yet he has already made a series of wrong decisions on the EU, the euro, local councils, VAT and also stipends."

Puli also emphasised the fact that  the Labour Safi club is located close to a school, implying that Labour's decision to not report the case to the police had a detrimental effect on the health of the children who attend that school.

The incident was made public in a secret recording of Abela speaking to members of the Attard club committee back in 2010, which was also delivered at the same time to the Commissioner of Police. In the recording Abela is heard saying that a barman had been sacked in 2009 after the illegal substance was discovered inside the bar's kitchen.

Abela also said he didn't go to the police because the illegal substance had been disposed of there and then, before he was informed of the case.

Since then, no steps were taken by the police, who were handed the recording in 2010.

While Muscat originally denied knowledge of the case, he later said that when he realised the case pertained to the Safi club, he admitted knowing of the case: the PN later issued correspondence from the barman Richard Vella in which he complained to Muscat, and later met him, about his sacking.

It has not been established whether trafficking actually took place, or whether this was a case of possession: according to his own letter to Muscat, Vella claimed "somebody produced white powder inside the bar".

In a reaction, Labour said that the PN’s press conference had produced "nothing of substance or anything relevant for PL to respond to... In the final 11 days of the campaign the PL and Joseph Muscat remain completely focused on articulating the positive case for change which this country needs to hear."

Questions on the PN's decision to take out a €250,000 from Nazzareno Vassallo's company Vassallo Builders Group Ltd - specifically as to whether this created an obligation from the party to the construction magnate - were left unanswered by Marthese Portelli, the president of the PN's executive committee. "The secretary-general and Prime Minister have already answered these questions."

She also dodged questions regarding whether the PN would publish the loan agreement by insisting that such a decision fell under the remit of the administrative council, and she, as the president of the executive committee, could not make that decision.

In his novel, the Spanish author Cervantes had Don Qixote attacking windmills. Enter front stage Dr Lawrence Gonzi and cronies. ALBERT FENECH Qawra
Everything thing about Clyde Puli is tidy: from his terse delivery during political briefings, to the flock of hair that falls in precise iterations around the edges of his scalp: but the buck stops here! He thereafter repeats his performance over and over again, it does not matter whether the briefing is about politics, food or sports!
Hon Puli, jien ma naqbilx xejn ma dak l mmur kontra dak li huwa GUST. Jien lilek personali ma nafex. Imma ha nighd wahda bhal ma kien qal Sidna Gesu Kristu "Dak li ma ghandu l-ebda dnub jixhet l-ewwel gebla". Kull familja ghandha l-istorja taghha. kien hemm min kellu is-setgha u haqar kacrippozament li dawk li politikalment ma kienux jaqblu mieghu inkluzi haddiema tac-civil (ifimhni plse) u illum jilghabuba tal-Martri, Vergni u puri. Awguri ghal Festi tal-Ghid. Malta taghna Ilkoll
Three stooges indeed. Maybe they have conveniently forgotten the release of QUEIROZ, a Brazilian drug baron who was released from prison in Malta under a Nationalist administration. Nobody resigned, when in my opinion the WHOLE Nationalist cabinet should have done so. What the people want to hear is good sound proposals and not trying to grab to the proverbial straw to prevent yourselves from sinking. Anyway people in glasshouses sgould not throw stones, dear three stooges.
Looks like Clyde Puli is familiar with drugs which come in white blocks. Which type of drugs are they Clyde?
Perhaps Clyde Puli would be so kind as to tell us who had resigned over the Mosta PN club drug find?
What makes me laugh is that Gonzi keeps saying as soon as something illegal comes up he reports it to the police, Well if he has this in his hands since September why has he not reported it.?? He also says he does not lie yet he has just proved he does by saying they got no money from Vassallo and now they got a loan, Gonzi get real and stop trying to put JM down with your mud slinging. Your party is covered in Slime and you cant claw your way out. We all want to know how involved your party is in the oil scandal.
The truth is that the PN is a complice in this story, they did hide the barman and not reported him to the police and even gave him a job at mater dei!!!!Dear Clyde Puli what did you do to prevent drug trafficking in Malta? Probably none so you don't have any right to speak in that tone....
In Leadership there is a very distinct line between a mistake and a error of judgement! How about the Queroz case? Tell us Mr. Clyde White Rocks Puli????
In Leadership there is a very distinct line between a mistake and a error of judgement! How about the Queroz case? Tell us Mr. Clyde White Rocks Puli????
This is the dirtiest campaign I have ever experienced. That bill board , JM looks like pinocchio, who ever sees it thinks that JM is a drugs baron. I wonder what his twins think when they their see their father on that bill board. How low can the PN go how how low?!!!!
Clyde-Marthese-Claudette: what a pathetic trio. I do not want to be rude and describe them as the three stooges!
Making a big fuss over an event that happened two years ago- once again, all Gonzi can do is to look backwards, he has a distinct inability to face the future. Perhaps Zaren wont let him!
Pullu must be the emptiest barrel of them all. Obnoxious attitude. Sneaky, slimy, rat like, overall impression.
Mr Clyde Puli do not let those that have managed to grab all the bonuses to use you as a pawn in this tirade against Joseph Muscat. It is better if you use your time to make home visits to explain about the oil scandal, the BWSC scandal, the Mater Dei scandal, the MEPA scandals, etc etc. This issue is dead and you will be wasting your time flogging a dead horse. Tonio Fenech decided to close the Tal-Lira Clock donation and there is no argument why the PL cannot declare this issue as closed too. If you want to act as a donkey you can go to the Libyan desert.
Just heared the press conference but didn't understand correctly what Clyde Puli was speaking about. Was it about a white block or THE WHITE ROCKS fantasy?
Clyde Puli should resign for duping and misleading the sport-persons about the White Rocks Sports Complex.
Just watched the press conference featuring Clyde, Marthese and Claudette. It is not so easy to decide who is dimmest of the lot. The prize must go to our Clyde for his added arrogance and lack of insight. Who the hell decided to send this crew? Richard must be have had a fit!