[WATCH] Eddie Fenech Adami fires up PN faithful

Former PN leader and Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami says that under Lawrence Gonzi’s guidance, the country’s future is safe.

Eddie Fenech Adami was given a thunderous welcome by the PN faithful in Floriana. (Photo: MediaToday/Ray Attard)
Eddie Fenech Adami was given a thunderous welcome by the PN faithful in Floriana. (Photo: MediaToday/Ray Attard)

Galvanised by the presence of its very own hero Eddie Fenech Adami, the Nationalist Party goes into Saturday's general election with renewed hope and enthusiasm.

Greeted by a deafening cheer which reverberated around the Granaries in Floriana, where Fenech Adami held numerous and at times historic meetings during his tenure, the former PN leader and Prime Minister reassured the party faithful: "I am confident that under the guidance of Lawrence Gonzi, the country has a safe and secure future." 

Introduced to the crowd by his successor Lawrence Gonzi, Fenech Adami opened his address with his characteristic "Huti Maltin u Ghawdxin," which was met with a thunderous cheer by the mammoth crowd in Floriana..

Despite his 79 years, Fenech Adami maintained the aura that characterised his political career which stretched over 40 years and mesmerised the adulating crowd with his unique oratory skills.

The President Emeritus explained that he had accepted Gonzi's invitation to address today's mass meeting to thank his successor for his stewardship during tha last five years, in which huge difficulties were conquered.

"The PN was, is and remains the party capable to govern the country, from one victory to another. 50 years ago we knew where we wanted to go and we are now satisfied seeing that our dream become a reality. I want to thank Lawrence Gonzi, in particular for the last five years in which he faced numerous difficulties, which he overcame. I thank him for leading the government for the last ten years, since I asked him to take over the country and the party."

He added that the success the country had achieved was down to the PN's ability to hold firm to its values.

"The party never made any compromises for votes and it knows that the truth always prevailed. This massive crowd present here today needs to answer the country's call by voting for the Nationalist Party and by making sure that the country votes for the party. I am grateful for granting me the privilege of addressing you tonight, and I firmly believe that this party is still capable of securing our future," Fenech Adami said.


Despite lagging behind Labour by more than 10 points in the polls, tonight's mass meeting reinvigorated the PN faithful and party officials who were in a euphoric mood backstage.

Fenech Adami's compelling address and the huge crowd, gave PN officials a spring in their step and sent them home with renewed hope in an improbable comeback.

In his own address, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi thanked "the father of Malta in Europe" for his contribution to the country.

In a reconciliatory tone, reminiscent of his predecessor, Gonzi said: "Together we have made the country stronger, more beautiful and successful," as he addressed Natioanlists, Labourites and persons who do not identify themselves with any political party.

Repeating his plea to PN supporters to convince other voters to vote PN, Gonzi said: "I trust the country's future in your hands and I am sure you will trust the country back our hands."

Adding that a vote for Labour is a vote for unemployment while a vote for the PN is a vote for jobs, Gonzi said: "Only 48 hours are left to voting day. Our job is not over. Every hour, every hour, every minute is vital. We will not rest and we will work for every vote. Time is golden and we need to up the efforts. Go and explain to other people that we brought peace of mind to the country at a time when other countries went through tough times. We are ready to sacrifice popularity to do what is right for the country. We would rather lose popularity and see people in employment. We want what is best for you. We will work for it and we will deliver what is best for you."

A repentant Gonzi called on disappointed voters to put the country's interests first and said that "personal interests and hurts are important and I repeat our commitment to work as hard as ever to bring a culture change in the way people are treated, in the way how people are told whether they are right or wrong in a dignified manner. I commit myself that we will do our best to resolve your problem, but on Saturday we risk losing all we have achieved."

Addressing parents and the elderly, Gonzi said their vote is not only about them, but above all it concerns their children and family's future.

"This was not a vote over a permit, a transfer or some favour. Put your disappointments aside and vote for your children and family's future."

Addressing young people Gonzi warned that if the country decided to change direction, it would lose its ability to create new jobs and health services and education would not remain on a sound footing.

Urging voters that only the PN could guarantee a safe and secure future, Gonzi said: "If you want to wake up on Monday morning in a country which remains on track, I ask you to persuade two people to vote PN. You already answered to this call on Sunday and we saw a wave of support come our way."

Gonzi added that since last Sunday he was approached by people who convinced more than two persons and other had also convinced voters who voted Labour in 2008 to vote PN.

"We believe in you and in these remaining hours go find me two other voters, and I promise that on Saturday we will vote and on Sunday we will celebrate a victory for the country and your family's benefit."

The first to address the jubilant crowd was PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil who called on the electorate to maintain the country's route and its captain who had weathered the storm over the last five years.

"I give you my word that we will be a government of the people and a government close to the people. I give you my word to be there for you after 9 March. Vote for wealth creation, vote for job creation, vote for education, vote for health, vote for the future of our young people. Vote for a safe and secure future," Busuttil said.

Just a passing thought. Is EFA fearing the Whistleblowers Act Too? Why would he want to stoop so low otherwise? Can anybody offer more suggestions?
Melha, ahjar flok tindahal fejn ma jesekx, tibda biex tghidilna min qatel lil Karen Grech u lil Raymond Caruana, jew dik kient election gimmick? Ahjar tghid lil Gonzi li ghamlek president ta nofs malta biex jiggieled il korruzzjoni, ghaliex int kont tghid li min ikun jaf bil-korruzzjoni u ma jitkellemx ikun KORROT ukoll, tghid gia kont qed tghid ghal Pertit Nazzjonalista ghaliex fuq il-haxix ta zjut Gonzi kien ilu jaf, Ghaliex ma titlobs mahfra lil poplu Malti talli kont wiehed milli bdejt it-triq biex tfaqqru u wara gie l-assistent tieghek gonzi li kompla iffarrak, u iffaqqar lil polu Malti u Ghawdxi. Ghaliex ma thallix bi kwietu lil Poplu issa, mhux kull ma riedt hadd ghalik u ghal familja?
The godfather the man that knows everything when he wants to!!most probably the only man that is realy smiling at Eddie is his blue eyed boy Johnny!! from Brussels
Fejn jistgħu jaslu iżjed ta' gonżipn? Allaħares kien il-partit Laburista li għamel hekk, kieku ħoll xahrek u ġib iż-żejt!!! Iżjed għamel ħsara għax wera kemm hu dgħajjef gonżi. Dejjem bħall ma ngħid jien..għall kollox jgħaslu!!!
honestament iddiskustat!! President Emeritus li jrid ir rispett ta kull cittadin immur jaghmel meeting Politku..... Ma kont ghadt xejn meta EFA thajjar ghal Presidenza imma tal bierah MHUX ACETTATA. I M very sorry but tomorrow i have to do something to fix this......
Il-president ta FEJN HUMA IL-LABURISTI?!
What a great X president we had,please notice the irony HA HA HA
this is certainly the final nail in the coffin. Eddie is the person who vowed to eradicate corruption and bring sabout reconciliation. Now he is back in the PN diatribe fold. Some President we had!!! Tomorrow Eddie, I will vote with my mind... have no fear
First EDDIE then Edward and now unfortunately back to Eddie. What an old man will do to get some attention.
First EDDIE then Edward and now unfortunately back to Eddie. What an old man will do to get some attention.
First EDDIE then Edward and now unfortunately back to Eddie. What an old man will do to get some attention.
..... nissuggerixxi li xi hadd li ghadu zewg b.....t sodi jorganizza petizzjoni biex jitnehha t-titlu ta' president emeritu lil dottor fenech adami llum qabel ghada .....
Is the PN so desperate that Eddie had to be brought out of retirement to address the crowd. This is the final nail in the PN's coffin - giving up all ethical standards and roping in a President Emeritus for the final event of their campaign. Not enough that the ran a campaign based on scaring the electorate and nothing else!. Anyway, every cloud has a silver lining - PBO and SB in the audience should learn from Eddie's way of addressing meetings, since they are immature beginners compared to him. Cheers!
He added that the success the country had achieved was down to the PN's ability to hold firm to its values. Excuse me, what values are you talking about?? Tal-klikka maybe? Do you know what values are?? I'm just so excited to vote labour for the very first time! Just get out. Pajjiz Qazzistuh!!
Thank you Eddie for all you did and gave to this country especially the freedom to speak up without fear (at least until tomorrow) and the freedom of the airwaves (many tend to forget that after the PN government liberalised transmitions the MLP government made it impossible for the PN to broadcast. I also thank you on the behalf of these ungrateful commentators who still wish that we still live in the dark days under the tyranny of MLP governments.
I am disgusted at how this island is governed. We had Eddie Fenech Adami who became the Prime minister of Malta when the PN were elected. Then he got himself promoted to become the President of Malta (I wonder if there was another Prime minister anywhere in the world where he was afterwards a President). On retirement, he was given the title of Emeritus - which means keeping the title of the last office he held as an honorary designation. Then yesterday we saw this Emeritus Eddie on a stage canvassing a political party!!!! Disgraceful!!!!!!
EFA going on stage goes in line with this government's line of thought. This is what EFA was all about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeUjA_6gHzU Is this what the PN is all about nowadays?
Jeffrey Camilleri
Eddie convinced me to vote PN. Thats final and thanks Gonzi!!
This person really have guts, presenting himself in front of the Maltese citizens, found guilty for public slander by the local courts and given the post of The President of Malta!!!! This is unbearable. "It's time for new MALTA!!!"
Gabu L-Maskott !
A proof, if any was needed, that this election is between a party with a strong past but a very weak present and immediate future, and another one which has committed grave mistakes in the past (but acknowledged by its present leader) which has been completely transformed in these last few years. This is the PN’s last desperate attempt to get back the vote of people like me who has voted for them all their lives but intend to change party this time. Dr. Gonzi is admitting that he’s a weak leader and hasn’t a hope in hell of winning this election on his own merits and had to resort to his predecessor to lift his chances. Sorry Dr. Fenech Adami, you were indispensable in your days but you’re not leading the party anymore and the people are not voting for the party as it was in your days but for the party as it is now. Don’t lower you stature as a statesman by addressing a Mass Meeting on the eve of an election and mislead the people by saying that the future is safe under Lawrence Gonzi because you know that it is not true! He defragmented the party and he did the country a great disservice by clinging to power when he didn’t have a parliamentary majority. To add insult to injury he said that he did this for the sake of the country! Everyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that he did this for the sake of his party and it backfired badly because people like me took the final decision not to vote for him anymore because of this very action. I have no time for people who do not respect my intelligence!
Hareg bic car li il pozizjoni ta President qeghedha hemm ghal fini biex ikun hemm xi hadd ,u xejn izjed...tista taqbad lil xi hadd mit triq u taghmlu President. Mela li tiehu il gurament li tkun il President tal Maltin u l-Ghawdxin KOLLHA, iffisser li tmur taghmel il propaganda partigjana ? Ta min iffakkar li Eddie Fenech Adami ,ghalkemm ma ghadu ufficcjalment il President, xorta huwa President Emeritus, u jibqa jithallas u jiehu il privileggi kollha ghomru kollu....Dan ghandu jigi disonorat mit titlu...
And now it's a shame not only on GonziPN but also on EFA. EFA has confirmed that he was never the President of MNalta. He divided the Country in the 80's and he is still dividing the country today, when he is called President e meritus. SHAMER ON HIM.
Priscilla Darmenia
When Gonzi was elected prime minister and he chose EFA as president, I wrote that in my opinion Gonzi made a mistake as EFA was not the ideal person to act as president and unite a nation. Remember that EFA just resigned as prime minister after more than 20 years attacking and insulting the opposition. I was proved correct as EFA did not keep his distance in politics as an ex-president should.
Applaud EFA but you STILL end up with Gonzi/Borg Olivier/Tonio Fenech/Zaren Vassallo/Austin Gatt/RCC/DCG et clique. Was it ethical for a President Emeritus to participate in partisan poliitics when his function is that of ensuring a united country? By setting a seal of approval on the GonziPN, has EFA rubber stamped his approval on the 500 euro rise, BWSC, pending oil corruption scandals, Arriva etc AND, by having done so, recommended to the country that it would benefit that more of the same should follow? Dear President Emeritus, you have historically tarnished your place in history without reprieve. Was that worth it to see Lawrence Gonzi back in power? ALBERT FENECH Qawra
The higher the roaring howl of approval that greeted Eddie sounded, the higher the condemnation for his successor, GonziPN. EFA's presence served only to demonstrate, in inverse proportion, a condemnation for policies offered by his successor GonziPN, and a great thirst for a return to the traditional Nationalist Party clean policies. Certainly not an approval for GonziPN, but rather a condemnation. The fact that it uplifted the spirits of people at backstage proves the existence of this thirst!
Xi xahar ilu ktibt lil Dr EFA u ghidtlu li naf x'kien fiha l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi ghalkemm hbijha biex jghatti lil siehbu li kien ghamel il-frame-up ta' missieri Karm Grima;Ftiehemt mieghu biex johrog semplici stqarrija: Karm Grima ma marx biex joqtol lil Mintoff imma biex jifrahlu u itieh ittra fuq il-korruzzjoni ta' ministru tieghu. Semplici u hu jaf kollox x'gara dak inhar. Imma marbut bl-Omerta' u bl- ghaqda sigrieta tal-Partit PN. Tilef ruhu u baqa sieket.
It's no good "firing up the faithful", their vote is guaranteed. One has to fire up the "floaters", who generaly have written off GonziPN as a catastrophic failure.
Thank you Eddie for giving this nation freedom and democracy. But this is not the same party that you left.We are back to square one "CORRUPTION AND ILLEGALITIES."
I thank him for leading the government for the last ten years, since I asked him to take over the country and the party." Wasn`t Gonzi elected ????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
It is amazing what the prospect of an electoral defeat will make you do! It is a matter of when you are in the shit you grap at ....
qishom in Napoli gabu lil maradona biex jilghab kontra il Juventus..
Jekk kien ghad fadal demokrazijja f'Malta, din mietet il bierah bl-abbuzz sfaccat ta min suppost kien missier il maltin kollha. L-ghammad politiku partigjan li jhaddan regaw dahhluh fl-arena politika ghalkemm ghandi dubji kbar jekk qattx hareg minnha. Insaqsi,u nistenna rispons minn nies biex il-president emeritus Dr.Edward Fenech Adami jitihidlu l-unur li ghandu. Ma jixraqlux ! wara l-firda politika li kien gab meta kien jahkem dan il-pajjiz,ha jkompli sa l-ahhar nifs jitama li ir renju tal korruzzjoni jiqba jahkem bl-aktar mod dittatorjali lil dan in nazzjon.
Dr Eddie Fenech Adami bħala President Emeritus għamel dizunur li Presidenza meta mar jitkellem f'meeting politiku partiġġan . Imissu jistħi li għamel dan meta hu suppost li jirraprezenta lill poplu kollu . Dan hu dak il bniedem li kien jgħid li gab l-għaqda fil-poplu Malti , meta kien President . Qatt ma kien jirraprezenta lill poplu kollu , u dan wrieħ biċ-ċar issa meta aċċetta li jħalli lill-GonziPN jinqeda biħ għall skopijiet ta' propoganda qarrieqa , tip ta' propoganda li il-partit Nazzjonalista hu magħruf ħafa għaliha . Istħi jekk taf tistħi . Shame,Shame,Shame.
Admittedly, I was never a fan of Eddie (I could always see through him and feel his hatred of the 'marmalja laburisti') but I never thought he would stoop to this. In any case, this is confirmation that the PN will do anything - every trick, any measure and use any means to cling on to power and in the process, inflict maximum pain and damage on the laburisti. Laburisti... we are facing (as I am sure you all know) a behemoth of an evil monster - and we must do all we can to stop it. Do your bit - vote and get all those who believe in what is right to vote on Saturday... and 'is-sewwa jirbah zgur'. We cannot be having all those Daphne Caruana Galizias (who were dancing on Mintoff's grave a few months back) thumbing their noses at us again. We need to feel again that 'Malta taghna lkoll - u mhux tan-nazzjonalisti biss.'
A President emeritus addressing a partisan crowd! The final mask has fallen. These people can never rise above partisan politics. For them their party and their interests come before the country. These people disgrace our nation. Let us the people take our country back. A vote for Labour is a vote for FREEDOM.
Shame on you edward. You are a disgrace to the presidency. No pride left in you.