GWU disappointed by Budget 2012
General Workers’ Union disappointed by Budget 2012 as maternity leave remains unchanged and questions remain unanswered.
In their first reaction to the Budget 2012, the General Workers Union (GWU) said that although this Budget includes measures to slightly lessen the burdens of the middle class, most people however still remain loaded with many burdens, including high electricity and water bills.
“The government did not have the courage to decide on the increase in maternity leave or suggest it to the MCESD because of the known disagreements within the business community. The government did not even decide on when the measure could actually be implemented,” the GWU said.
The GWU was disappointed that many of their proposals were not addressed.
“This Budget leaves unanswered questions. Nothing was mentioned in the Budget on what the Government will do to reduce precarious work and how it will make €46 million more from social security contributions,” they said.
Although the Budget is far from what was expected, the GWU said an official reaction will be released on Thursday after the National Council convenes.