Sliema Residents Association files objection to Forestals nine-storey development

Residents' association says Sliema has reached saturation point with thousands of permits granted for new housing units and commercial premises.

Architect's schematic plan for the old Forestals site development.
Architect's schematic plan for the old Forestals site development.

The Sliema Residents Association has filed an objection letter to MEPA against the proposal to build high-rise blocks along the last remaining stretch of low-lying buildings along the Sliema waterfront.

The two applications are for a full development permission of the Forestals and adjacent sites at Triq ix-Xatt and Triq Il-Kurunell Savona, Sliema and the demolition of the existing building and proposed development of housing units, commercial and parking.

The SRA is insisting that the site in question is an area designated for eight floors and a semi-basement, but the schematic section supplied by the developer is showing nine floors and a penthouse.

"On this criterion alone, the plans have to be re-submitted to be at least within the limits suggested by the local plan," the SRA said.

"The schematic elevation presented by the developer, which is a view of the proposed development from Triq Kurunell Savona side is misleading as it does not show the top three floors of this development."

Apart from these technicalities, the SRA is saying the Forestals site is the last remaining area with access to the seafront which has not risen to eight floors like the rest of the coastal area from Gzira, all the way around the whole of Sliema up to St Julian's.

"This gap in this high-rise cordon gives some breathing space to the residents living within this barrier, allowing fresh seaward wind to clear the inner town areas from the stifling summer heat and in turn lowering the day and night time temperatures.

"Apart from this, raising this last part of low rise buildings will choke the Villa Bonici area which is a scheduled site, and can serve as the last open space within Sliema to serve residents for recreational purposes. This open space also provides vistas for the people living in the Savoy area which is within the urban conservation zone, so its views, according to MEPA policies cannot be blocked."

The SRA said an inclusive environmental impact assessment should be carried out, that takes into account the new housing units built in all of Sliema and Gzira, together with the other mega projects, namely Tigne Point, Fort Cambridge, Town Square, Piazzetta, Manoel Island, Galaxy Complex, Savoy Gardens and the Metropolis complex. 

The SRA added that Sliema had already surpassed the EU threshold for nitrogen dioxide and benzene levels due to its traffic congestion, when more than 25% of Sliema property remains vacant. "Sliema has reached saturation point, and thousands of permits for new housing units and commercial premises have been granted... cars will definitely increase and so, pollution levels can only get worse," the SRA said.

Ma nistax nifhem ghaliex is-Sliema Residence Association qeda toggezzjona ghal dan liz-zvilupp meta taf li din il-binja hi l-ahhar bicca li baqa biex tigi zviluppata sa’ San Giljan u li qeda kwazi fil-periferija bejn tas-Sliema u l-Gzira. Qedin jilmentaw dwar l-arja ta’ dik l-area, mhux ahjar li joggezzjonaw ghal dawk il-hwienet u restauranti li hemm, li l-hin kollu jnizzu l-arja mil-kcejjen tahhom u b’dawk it-tined li qed jghalqu l-bankini b’imwejjed u siggijiet li spiccaw estensjonijiet ta’ dawk lis-stabbilimenti….ma nistax nifhem kif il-MEPA setat taghti permessi ghal dawn it-tined u lanqas ma nista’ nifhem kif jitnehhew ftit imwejjed f’Tas-Sliema li kienu qedin jostakolaw parti mil-bankina u jhallu lill dawn jostakolaw il-bankina kollha. U xi nghidu ghat-tankijiet, dixxijiet tas-satelita u mbarazz iehor li hemm fuq il-bjut ta’ dawn lis-stabilimenti li gabu l-post qisu parti mil-film ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, veru ma nafx ghalfejn is-SRA qedin joggezzjonaw ghax dan liz-zvilupp ser jirranga u jsebbah il-post zdingat li hemm. X’alternattiva ser titlob is-SRA ghal dan liz-zvilupp!!! U x’area ta konservazzjoni hi b’6 gallariji ta l-injam mizbuajn b’kuluri strambi hafna biex jolqtu aktar l-ghajn u l-izdingar tal-bjut quddiemom…..harsu harsa sew fuq ir-ritratti u mil-ewwel tindunaw…….Meta saru l-ogezzjonijiet f’tas-Sliema dejjem kienu ghal skopijiet ohra ghax kemm damu jogezzjonaw fuq Ghar id-Dud u araw jekk ghadomx blis-stess idea. etc etc etc