Thanks, but no thanks

In an interview with Sunday newspaper Illum, Anthony Gauci says that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is "not welcome" at his home.

Anthony Gauci has never received a reply to a letter he sent to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in 2007.
Anthony Gauci has never received a reply to a letter he sent to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi in 2007.

Anthony Gauci tells Sunday newspaper Illum that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has no right to enter his kitchen as a letter he had sent to Gonzi in October 2007 has not even been acknowledged.

In recent weeks, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has urged his ministers and his party to listen to the people's needs and to "enter families' kitchens" to remain close to the people.

In an interview with the Sunday newspaper Illum, Gauci said "Lawrence Gonzi is not welcome at my home. When I heard him say that he wants to enter people's kitchens I thought to myself how arrogant and rude he is. When I approached him I did not ask for a promotion but all I wanted to do is initiate an investigation on a case which put my health, my life and that of others in danger."

Read more in today's edition of Illum

Anette B Cassar
In fact, it also shows that Dr. Gonzi also just pays lip service to the concept of the whistle-blower act. When he had the letter in hand. It seems that it went straight to the accused. Totally against the spirit of any decent whistle-blower act.
Jiddispjacini li ma naqbel xejn mas-sur Gauci li ma ndahhalx lil gonzipn fil-kcina ..... kundizzjoni wahda biss naghmillu jien .... li jigi ma' buzupn u nkun nista' ndahhalhom mhux biss fil-kcina imma anki fil-kamra tal-banju u fis-salott u fil-garage u fil-kamra tas-sodda ghax naf li maghhom dawn iz-zewg slaten magi se jgibuli zieda ta' 500 ewro fil-gimgha; se jgibuli refund tat-taxxa tal-income li hafruli ezatt wara l-elezzjoni li ghaddiet; se jgibu promozzjoni; se jgibuli permess nibni f'zona fejn mhux suppost imma lest jaghlqu ghajnejhom; se jgibuli impieg mal-Air Malta, mat-Tarzna u ma' tal-linja (naghzel jien); se jgibuli permess nohrog ghall-kacca; se jgibuli appuntament f'Mater Dei ghada stess (fejn ili nistenna sentejn); .... u mela ma ndahhalhomx ghandi .... zewg irgiel bhal dawk ... u jekk jirnexxilhom, ankli lis-sahhara tal-bidnija nixtieq li jgibuha maghhom ... u anki lill-kardinal ta' brussell .... u anki lil franco debono .... u anki lil dak il-ministru ghajjien li ma jridx li ssir diskussjoni dwaru .... dawn kollha nixtieqhom jigu ghandi llum qabel ghada ..... dak gost !!!!
Anette B Cassar
I read the article. I was thoroughly disgusted and I can understand why the gentleman does not want to meet Dr. Gonzi.
He's not welcome in mine either.......