Minister’s resignation derailed fireworks safety overhaul

Fireworks safety recommendations, arising from an inquiry into the September 2010 Gharb fireworks factory explosion, were never implemented because of the resignation of home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici last May

Pyrotechnics Association secretary Godfrey Farrugia says recommendations on fireworks safety never implemented because of Carm Mifsud Bonnici's resignation.
Pyrotechnics Association secretary Godfrey Farrugia says recommendations on fireworks safety never implemented because of Carm Mifsud Bonnici's resignation.

Recommendations on fireworks safety, made by the independent government-commissioned inquiry following previous accidents, were never implemented because the "ongoing political climate" derailed discussions over their implementation, says Pyrotechnics Association secretary Godfrey Farrugia.

Farrugia's statements come in the wake of the explosion at the Qalb ta' Gesu fireworks factory in Għarb, Gozo last Sunday afternoon, which killed four men who were crafting fireworks there at the time.

The locality of Gharb was home to a similar explosion in September 2010, when six men were killed when a fireworks factory exploded. Four died instantly. Two subsequently died in hospital.

The resulting public outrage led to government carrying out an independent inquiry, which was tasked with examining the causes behind the incident, and drafting recommendations to address the problems.

Finalised in late 2011, the report laid out 24 recommendations for a safer framework within which fireworks factories could operate.

Prophetically, the report warned that Malta will experience at least one large-scale fatal fireworks accident in 2012 or in 2013 unless firework regulations are amended and certain chemical mixtures banned.

However, Farrugia insists, these urgent recommendations left in the proverbial drawer because of the resignation of Carmenu Mifsud Bonnici's resignation as the minister responsible.

Contacted by MaltaToday, Farrugia, also a newly-announced Labour candidate, accused the Nationalist Administration of allowing "the ongoing political climate" to derail the consultation process that was to precede the implementation of the inquiry's recommendations.

"There was supposed to be a national conference to discuss the report and its recommendations, as well as discussion between the Pyrotechnics Association and the minister concerned. These did not happen," Farrugia said.

"As an association, we never met with government to discuss the report officially," Farrugia insisted, attributing the delay to the political climate whereby Government was under attack by dissenting MPs since late last year.

He emphasised that "as an association, our interest is to look towards the science and art of pyrotechnics, the safety of those who practice it, and the safety of citizens."

Farrugia added that the association has been proactive over the past two years, but has been frustrated over the lack of decision-making that afflicted government in this area over the past year.

"We had two meetings scheduled. We had a road map. But this was interrupted," he insisted.

Speaking about the report's recommendations, Farrugia said that "we have our own strong positive views which conform with international standard, but doesn't' mean we agree with everything in the report."

"There are aspects which are valid, and others which are not. We need to find a balance," he said.

While Sunday's incident provoked some of the opprobrium that the fireworks cultural pastime generally attracts, Gozitan Labour MP Anton Refalo poured fuel onto the fire on Monday by suggesting a complete fireworks ban in Parliament.

"We, as politicians, are responsible for a big part of the blame, because either because of votes, or other reasons, we have never ensured adequate control over the situation," Refalo had declared.

"I think the time has come for us politicians to, if necessary, put a stop to fireworks because of the serious consequences and tragedies they cause, and because of the turmoil they cause to the families of the victims whose lives turn upside down in a moment," the Labour MP said.

Contacted by MaltaToday, Refalo said his statement in parliament stood for itself, and that he had nothing further to add to it.

Asked whether his politically explosive statement was met with criticism within the Labour Party, the Labour MP said that this was not the case, and insisted that the party accepts and respects his opinions.

The Labour MP emphasised that his statement on Monday was a personal opinion expressed against a backdrop of recurrent tragedies, and was not the party's position.

"Something must certainly be done," Refalo insisted, while however recognising that fireworks are an intrinsic part of Maltese culture.

Alternattiva Demokratika reacted by expressing support with Refalo's stance, and called for a moratorium on fireworks factories until the inquiry report's recommendations are implemented.

"Government has to date failed to implement the main recommendations of the fireworks report it had commissioned. Until this is done, there should be an immediate moratorium on fireworks," AD chairman Michael Briguglio said.

However Refalo's statement was immediately met with opposition from Labour MP and Pyrotechnics Association Legal Advisor Michael Falzon, who said that Refalo's statement reflected his personal opinion and not that of the Labour Party.

Contacted by MaltaToday, Falzon insisted that such reactions often emerge when tragedies occur. "While loss of life is never justified, accidents happen even in the most perfect and technologically refined conditions."

He expressed complete disagreement with any form of fireworks ban. "Banning fireworks is not a solution," Falzon said, insisting that it would mean the loss of a unique Maltese cultural art form.

"Discussions should be done calmly," the Labour MP said, remarking that as is often the case, "we find ourselves talking about issues at the worst possible time and in the wrong circumstances."

Church environment commission chairman Professor Victor Axiak, who was also involved in the independent commission and the resulting report, stressed that Government cannot keep dragging its feel on the inquiry report's recommendations.

"Before the recommendations are discussed and acted upon, we will remain the situation where we can expect a tragedy from one day to the next," he warned, speaking to MaltaToday.

Axiak recalled how the inquiry's report made 24 recommendations, ranging from improvements to the training received by the fireworks manufacturers and their awareness of the chemicals they are working with.

"They should know what they are doing and what effects mixing different chemicals together would have, and not simply work on the basis of traditional mixtures," Axiak insisted.

He also urged the adoption of a recommendation detailing the need for a Fireworks Institute intended to assist fireworks enthusiasts, as well as afford them the facilities for experimenting safely with new mixtures.

Axiak however expressed displeasure at the fatalistic reactions that such tragedies often provoke.

"We shouldn't reach the extremity of banning fireworks because we cannot control them. Ideally we should be able to control them, and keep enjoying them. But this can't go on."

Also contacted by MaltaToday, Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono said that the Gharb tragedy represents "an the opportunity to ensure that the necessary decisions are taken so that this does not repeat itself in future."

Expressing her sadness at the loss of life, the Nationalist minister also remarked that while care should be taken to ensure that while individuals are better safeguarded from danger, "we should retain our culture and our traditions."

"We should not make sudden decisions based on accidents," Debono emphasised.

"Decisions should be based on discussion and thought," which also take into account various perspectives and the situation on the 'ground'.

Qegħdin sew f'dan il-pajjiż! Mela għax membru parlamentari jiġbed l'attenzjoni dwar xi ħaġa li qed tikkawża ħafna mwiet bla bżonn, kulħadd beda jistgħaġeb!!! Forsi mhux li jinqata, għal kollox, għax din hija wkoll kultura, iżda naqbel li jsir regoli riġidi ħafna, u min jiksirhom u jmur kontra l-liġi, għandu jeħel pieni iebsin ħafna, u mhux qisu qatt ma kien xejn! L'akbar problema li hawn f'dawn il-gġejjer hija li KULL POLITIKU JIBŻA' JDAĦĦAL ID-DIXXIPLINA, u b'hekk qed ikun hawn abbużż sfrenat f'kważi kull qasam tal-ħajja! Veru jitliequ għall-voti, u joqgħodu attenti ħafna li ma jmorrux jurtaw jew jsemmu xi ħaġa li għandha x'taqsam mall-festi! L'anqas temmen li qegħdin fl'EU u ninsabu fis-sena 2012!!!!! Nissuġġerixxi biex ineħħu l-'George Cross' minn fuq il-bandiera Maltija, u minfloku jagħmlu l'arma tar-'Rolling Stones', jiġifieri dak l'ilsien kbir!!!!!!M'għadx hawn politikanti Nazzjonalisti jew Laburisti, iżda OPPORTUNISTI għall kull vot!!!!
It is shameful of CMB to try and get political milage from a heart breaking disaster. Has he no respect towards the deceased families? He had at least n5 months to act on the report before he was kicked out of his ministry. Shame on you Carm.
sur farrugia issa qed titkellem hekk ghax se tikkontesta l-elezzjoni f'isem il pl. ghax ma tghidx bhala segretarju kemm opponejt certi tibdil fir regolamenti. issa ghax hekk jaqbel politikament qed twahhal fil gvern. il gvern diga ha diversi mizuri biex ikun hemm aktar sigurta anke jekk dawn il mizuri ma kienux popolari ma min jahdem u jhobb in nar. sur farrugia kun onest u tinqedix bil politika.
Luke Camilleri
IMISSHOM GHAMLULU SVILJARIN IL-KARM MIFSUD BONNICI u mhux iggibu l'iskuzi bir-rizenja tieghu! Ghal John Dalli sab replacement malajr Dr. Gonzi , ghal Karm Mifsud Bonnici ma kellhux spare wheel?????
@ parlapiupiano - Jigifieri int tippreferi li kulhadd ikun yes-man u li hadd m'ghandu dritt ghall-opinjoni tieghu jekk int ma taqbilx maghha. Jien personalment nammira l-guts ta' Dr Refalo li hareg bil-proposta u naqbel mieghu mija fil-mija. Cert li bhali hawn eluf kbar ta' Maltin u Gawdxin li jixtiequ jaraw dan id-delizzju perikoluz mwaqqaf ghall-kollox.
Igor P. Shuvalov
"Minister’s resignation derailed fireworks safety overhaul..." Report "Finalised in late 2011" Minister Mifsud Bonnici resigned in 30th May 2012 more than 5 months after presentation of report. Any further comments are superfluous.
Recommendations on fireworks safety, made by the independent government-commissioned inquiry following previous accidents, were never implemented because the "ongoing political climate" derailed discussions over their implementation, says Pyrotechnics Association secretary Godfrey Farrugia……......... Mela ZIKK sur kappillan…sibna lis-skuza!!! Tal-misthija jkollok rapport li seta wassal biex din it-tragedja setat tigi evitata u ma jsir xejn ghax irrizenja l-Ministru…hekk sew mela ghax ikun hemm rizenja jieqaf kollox...u fuq kollox x’gara mhux il-Prim Ministru ha dan id-dekasteru f’idu…hu abbli bizzejjed li seta implimenta dan ir-rapport minnufih…quo vadis Gonzi PN!!!! Wahda wara l-ohra li ghajjiet lill kulhadd……nixtieq li ma nikkumentax hekk biss qed naslu ghal bassezzi…..x’differenza f’dan il-pajjiz meta tipparagunah ma l-Amerika tara elezzjoni b’votazzjoni ta aktar minn mitt miljun vot b’rizultat wara biss 5 sieghat. X’qed jigri ghawn Malta…telqa u telqa li tinqata b’sikkina……rizultat li ma baqa HADD u HADD li ghandu l-icken amur li jahdem bis-serjeta f’xi ministeru jew dipartimenti tal-gvern…telqa u telqa li taqtahha b’sikkina jistennew biss l-elezzjoni. ‘Isthu’…hu aggettiv zghir wisq.
Stop pointing fingers and stop blaming everybody else when something like this goes bad. If something was overlooked or going bad, you should have stopped it before these firework factories blew up. This is insane and there is no excuse for losing human lives, and for what? Blaming any of this on CMB's resignation is lame to say the least.
Godfrey idawwarx din il-materja f'ballun politiku ghax malajr innehhuk minn segretarju tal-Assocjazzjoni...ftakar li diga' sar hafna tibdil fir-regolamenti u tibdil dwar kif ghandhom isiru l-affarijiet bil-konsegwenza li dan il-Gvern deher ikrah ma' hafna minn dawk li jahdmu n-nar. Tipruvax issa, ghax hiereg mas-socjalisti, tipprova tiehu vantagg politiku.
Prosit Dr Refalo jaqaw ilbist xi glekk minn ta zmien Mintoff u sibt xi notamenti ta kif ghadek titkellem minn ta dak iz-zmien. Espressjoni u attitudni li tiprometti hafna ghal futur specjalment jekk ipoggik Ministu ta Ghawdex.