Hunting hours extended at Majjistral natural park

Head of Labour Party think-tank will chair Majjistral Park committee

The new board for the Majjistral Park that will manage the Xaghra l-Hamra nature reserve will be chaired by Carmen Sammut, environment minister Leo Brincat announced today.

Media expert Carmen Sammut is the head of the Labour Party's think tank Ideat.

The other members will be Nadia Suda Lanzon from MEPA, Martin Galea, Vince Attard, Rudlph Ragonesi, Joe Cristina, Mellieha mayor John Buttigieg, and Darren Saliba. A representative for the Lands Department has yet to be announced.

Brincat said the previous management of the Majjistral Park was marred by disagreement between members, and that he wanted to see the park run on solid foundations and not torn on partisan issues.

The park will allow hunting to take place during the season up until 10am, Brincat said.

"We wanted to find a balance and this is a happy medium. Is it perfect? Maybe not, but now it's regulated and a legal notice will shortly be published, stating which activities can and cannot take place, such as offroading," Brincat said.

Brincat also said that hunters' lobby FKNK will be dismantling abandoned trapping sites.

The park's management board is still expecting €139,000 in funds that government had to forward it in 2011 and 2012.

In a comment, Carmen Sammut said that her grandparents originally worked the land around the park. "I live near here and I understand why NGOs are worried, I myself have witnessed off-roading taking place here. We will create a link with all stakeholders, get input from civil society, and set up a visitors' centre at the old barracks that are being restored."

How about the hunters coughing up some of the €139,000? It's for THEIR benefit.
maybe the Chairperson can indicate if she percieves that travelling on public roads within the park (I say roads, since these are in a very bad state but still marked as public throughfares) constitutes offroading to her... if yes, she should check the law... and right of access on these roads/tracks should remain. however, any other vehicle use, particularly on garigue should be dealt with harshly and with stiff penalties... if you allow hunting on this place, you should leave vehicular access on these marked roads... after all it is there to be enjoyed by all stakeholders, albeit with decent and sensible regulation