‘I was never involved in party finances’ – Peter Darmanin

Former PN treasurer Peter Darmanin says the party finances were administered by former secretary-general Joe Saliba.

Peter Darmanin (centre) with former PN leader Lawrence Gonzi (right) and former secretary-general Joe Saliba (left).
Peter Darmanin (centre) with former PN leader Lawrence Gonzi (right) and former secretary-general Joe Saliba (left).

Former PN treasurer Peter Darmanin said previous party administrations have a lot to answer to on the current financial situation, but he was never involved in the administration of party finances.

"As party treasurer, I was only responsible for fund-raising through mass activities and other schemes. This was what I did for 11 years with many personal sacrifices, enthusiasm, dedication, and success," Darmanin said in comments given to Sunday newspaper 'Illum'.

He states it was the secretary-general (Joe Saliba at the time) who was responsible for the administration of party finances. However, he refused to say what responsibility Joe Saliba should shoulder for the PN's current financial woes.

Sources who spoke with 'Illum' said it was the huge projects carried out, such as the building of the PN headquarters that dented the party's coffers in recent years.

In the past week, the Nationalist Party issued a call for expression of interests in the running of a cafeteria in the PN headquarters, an idea proposed by Darmanin himself in the preceding weeks. "The feedback I received was largely positive," he concluded.

Read more in today's edition of Illum

PN, how can you claim to have left Malta, with ''FINANZI FIS-SOD'' Charity begins at home.
I was never involved in swimming; just moving around in the sea. I was never involved in football. Just kicking a football here and there. I was never involved in tennis; just throwing a ball over a net.
Clearing 8 million euros `dejn`in a few weeks by wonder kid Simon is a sure sign that he can find the answer to Enemalta `dejn` by the end of this year.
This weeks prize winning question: How many figoli PN must bake to clear its €8 million debt and how long will it take? Figolli at €8 each. The winner will dine with either Lawrence and Katie Gonzi or Mr&Mrs Joe Saliba OR with Simon Busutill at tal-PIETA Tal-LAQX Cafetterija and Restaurant.
So from the profits of selling some cappuccino and pastizzi, the PN is going to settle all those millions in overdraft. Hallina. Kemm trid tbiegh pastizzi Peter.
Kulhadd ifarfar.
Dan bis sejeta? Mela Treasurer x'hinu? Hallina jew ghax issa gej il maltemp qed tahsiblu?
Luke Camilleri
Certifikat li ha jkun hemm dejjem IL-FIGOLLI fil-Cafeterija tal-PN servuti mal café .... u anki jiehdu xi te wkoll !
Am I getting this right? So Peter Darmanin was the PN treasurer but he was not responsible for the administration of finances. Well, what the hell was he doing there then, making figolli? What kind of treasurer was he? If you take a look in an English dictionary what treasurer stands for you will find this explanation. Treasurer..a person appointed to take charge of the finances of a society, government or city.
Il-Hmar iwwahhal f'denbu.
Dazgur Sur Darmanin, l-iktar li kont involut kien f'xi Lotterija ta flat go Marsalforn Ghawdex li spicca ghadek stess. Jekk ma inkiex sejjer zball Lotterija Indipendenza kienet. Ovjament minn jaf x'bicca kawlata lestejt biex tiggustifika kif spicca ghandek. Issa dal-waqt jiftah Cafe Bigilla go tal-Pieta.
Joseph Pellicano
Peter xoghlu kien ibbieh il figoli u jara lil min sa jisloh.