‘Local embassies concerned about political interference in security forces’ – Jason Azzopardi

According to Azzopardi, two new assistant Police Commissioners who sympathize with Labour, will be appointed.

Foreign embassies in Malta are concerned with how the government is interfering in the army and police force, Jason Azzopardi said. The concern arises after the latest promotions in the army and the change of police commissioner. 

In an interview with sister newspaper ‘Illum’, the PN shadow minister for interior says it is unacceptable for a government to change the heads of the security forces for no reason at all.

He highlighted how the government went out of his way to appoint Peter Paul Zammit as Police Commissioner, having to reinstate him in the police force in the process.

“Why was John Rizzo replaced? Zammit’s appointment was purely political.”

However, when pressed whether previous police commissioners Rizzo and George Grech were also politically appointed, Azzopardi answered in the negative.

He ‘reveals’ that according to information he received, two new assistant Police Commissioners who sympathise with Labour, will be appointed in the near future.

“They were promised this post last April and May. I sincerely hope what I’ve heard is false and that these appointments will not take place,” Azzopardi said.

Questioned about the PN’s manoeuvre to walkout of parliament after the speaker’s ruling on breach of privilege, Jason Azzopardi said he concurred with the decision taken.

“It was a gesture of disapproval. Is this the way how the progressives force the opposition to shut up? Simon Busuttil did not have to substantiate his arguments; it was simply a political conclusion. And by what I’ve seen, it was a logical conclusion.”

During the interview, Azzopardi heavily criticised Manuel Mallia’s ministry.

“The way his ministry is being led is unthinkable, his Chief of Staff wants to repeatedly take the limelight. This ministry thinks it is above the law, and this is not acceptable in a democracy.”

Read more in today’s issue of ‘Illum’.

Dont you have anything more credible and serious to talk about !
Mhux ahjar tmur taqra l-omelija ta' nhar ta' Hadd jasn!
I'd much rather place my bets on a Labour leaning appointee than a Nationalist one, the type of which 'qallaw lil kull min gie tahthom' Mr. Azzopardi the 2nd 'saint ' in command at P N. com Is this all it takes for foreign embassies to be worried? The fact that the Government of this day appoints people they trust to be able to deliver according to their job description? Don't you think that you are insulting their intelligence when you make such an assumption, the kind of which has now seemingly become your party 's new modus operandi? I think its you who wants to stay in the limelight come what may
Micheal Bonanno
Is this the amateurish way of doing politics, Dr. Azzopardi? Scaremongering will get you anywhere. The Maltese have had it up to their noses with these tactics, and they gave you their opinion on the 9th March. Learn from the way DR. Joseph Muscat did when when he became leader of the PL. If you do that, you can have more chance of winning the elections in 10 years time. What you're doing with this scaremongering, is harming our country's image with other countries, and I, for one, won't forgive you for just doing that! You have been in power since 1987 bar the Sant 22 months administration. You were used to have everything your way. We all know that every head, or authority was a PN sympathizer. We've tasted that in 1996, when Dr. Sant tried to keep everyone on board. This Dr. Muscat, learnt his lesson from history, and is putting persons of trust. Of you course you don't like that! And thank you for telling us that the PM is putting Labourites in high positions. About time these injustices were dealt with!
Jason jimpurtah biss biex jiehu vantagg politiku akkost ta' kollox u ma jimpurtah xejn fl-ingustizzji assurdi u vendikattivi li hu u shabu ghamlu (bhala Cabinet kellhom responsabilita kongunta - skond Gonzi) lejn diversi sezzjonijiet tas-Socjeta Maltija - inkluz l-Armata. Dawn huma il-hnizrijiet godda tal-Partit Nazzjonalista - ghadhom jitghajjru, jigdbu, u jxewxu bhal ma dejjem kienu u dejjem jibqghu. Din hi l-essenza tal Partit Nazzjonalista min mindu gie iffurmat il-Partit fis-seklu 19.
Jason boast of info he recieves why don't tyey make use of the new Whistle Blowers' Act. Because he has no info at all and it is all a tray of freshly baked pork pies.
Does this guy never quit making a fool of himself. Makes one think if he is right down jealous of Emanuel Mallia who apparently has been more successful than him through out their lives. Quit Jason you are becoming a fricken boar.
Micheal Bonanno
Is this the amateurish way of doing politics, Dr. Azzopardi? Scaremongering will get you anywhere. The Maltese have had it up to their noses with these tactics, and they gave you their opinion on the 9th March. Learn from the way DR. Joseph Muscat did when when he became leader of the PL. If you do that, you can have more chance of winning the elections in 10 years time. What you're doing with this scaremongering, is harming our country's image with other countries, and I, for one, won't forgive you for just doing that! You have been in power since 1987 bar the Sant 22 months administration. You were used to have everything your way. We all know that every head, or authority was a PN sympathizer. We've tasted that in 1996, when Dr. Sant tried to keep everyone on board. This Dr. Muscat, learnt his lesson from history, and is putting persons of trust. Of you course you don't like that! And thank you for telling us that the PM is putting Labourites in high positions. About time these injustices were dealt with!
Dr Azzopardi appears to be the real leader of the PN. He is making sure he remains in the news eclipsing Simon Busuttil's efforts to demonstrate that he is the PN policy-maker. But Azzopardi has conveniently forgot that in 1987 the PN did exactly the same bringing in a Police Commissioner from outside and having to re-instate him in the force. But that was okay because it was the PN the party that always behaves correctly and with integrity. The party which one will be canonised in one collective swoop by a future pope. Jason, why should foreign embassies be alarmed by appointments in Malta? Are they afraid that we might invade them. And in a Europe devastated by corrupt politicians and business how come that these foreign embassies are concerned by three appointments on an isolated rock. You would expect them to be concerned with what is happening in their own countries back home.
Meta naqra x'qed ighid Jason Azzopardi u shabu nibqa imbellah. Possibli dawn in-nies insew kif kienu jaghmlu l-affarijiet huma???? Kif kienu jappuntaw l-ambaxxaturi: George Bonello Du Puis u Michael Refalo, zewg ex Ministri Nazzjonalisti, High Commissioners Londra, jew Alexander Cachia Zammit, il-Vatikan; dawn ma kienux political appointees? Il-mibki Alfred Calleja,kien Spettur irtirat, dahal lura fil-Pulizija fl-1987 u ha zewg promozzjonijiet fuq xulxin; l-ewwel ghall-Suprintindent imbaghad Kummissarju. Fl-Armata - Warrant Officer Harrison minn Non-Commissioned Officer ghall-Kurunell. Jien bl-ebda mod ma rrid innaqqas il-kapacitajiet ta' dawn l-individwi imma qieghed insemmi l-kariga li kienu inaghtaw biex nikxef l-ipokrezija ta' Jason Azzopardi u shabu. Barra minn dawn li semmejt hemm hafna ezempji ohra li juru kif kienu joperaw n-Nazzjonalisti fil-Gvern.
Dear jason. Please dont keep on shooting in the dark like your beloved Busullotti. Could you please substantiate your own words. If not you are only crap.
Paul Sammut
It is clear that PN leadership lacks vision and direction. One can only see a silent but salient power struggle. Quo Vadis?
X'jimpurtana x'jahsbu l-barranin Jason? Jaqaw x'jahsbu l-barranin dejjem importatni ghalik aktar milli x'jahsbu l-Maltin -li sitt xhur ilu -taw telfa storika lill-PN li int kont wiehed mill- factotum li wellidt din it-telfa?
Igor P. Shuvalov
It is clear that the Opposition is doing its best to put the Government in bad light with foreign countries. By doing this they are trying to gain political mileage not at the expense of the Government but of their own 'Patria'.
Local Embassies are concerned about the injustices that had been meted out by Jason Azzopardi's corrupt and arrogant Government and the way his Party in Opposition, for years and years to come, have attacked such Countries as China and Libya. Instead of at least being quite on the achievements of the Muscat Government in less than 6 months and say "Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa", - Jason and his Klikka try and torpedo positive contacts and CONTRACTS with foreign Countries. Such is the PN's lip service to the Republic of Malta. These people are a disgrace to the Nation. And yes, whether they want it or not JUSTICE, the likes of which the Klikka has never believed in, JUSTICE WILL BE DONE ON ALL THOSE WHO WERE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST, FRAMED AND MARGINALIZED BY THE GONZIPN KLIKKA OF WHICH JASON WAS A MEMBER.
Surely as a lawyer he knows the strength and value of 'hearsay'in court. Perhaps outside court its meaning may be extended to suit personal objectives
Mela Jason madoff. Min jaf lambaxxatrici Amerikana xtinkwieta jew lingliz. Omg jason minn jaf CIA kif inhuma ghajnejhom fuq larmata taghna? Fil fatt anke xi intervent in nato aktarx ha jamghlu habba il program nukleari li qed naghmlu. Anke dawk it tomahawks fuq is submarines taghna waqaw fidejn perikoluzi. Anke dawk F16s qedin jinkwetawa lil amerka. Obama ghajnejh fuqna qijed. Hallina Jason kemm tiflah tkun patetiku.
This is the latest truck-load of the idiocy/nonsense that we have now come to expect from publicity seeker Jason Azzopardi. Would he care to specify which foreign embassies are "concerned" about forthcoming military appointments or has he fabricated this? To begin with its none of their business and has nothing to do with them. In addition, is he trying to imply these "embassies" are concerned for their own security and therefore would he have us believe that US/British/French etc embassies are worried when any idiot and his dog knows full well, these rely on their own security and are in no way dependent on Maltese military security cover? A US team yesterday snatched Al Qaeda military commander Anas Al-Libi in Libya and the Libyan Authorities were not even aware of their presence! Just as the Pakistani Authorities were not aware of the presence of US Seals when Bin Laden was eliminated. It is quite frightening to know that Malta's Opposition team s made up by people like Azzopardi and even more frightening that such people were actually in Government a few months ago. ALBERT FENECH
Zinnata ohra ala PN, mur ghamel it-tombla Jason forsi tigbru biex thallsu lil haddiema tal Pieta li tnejjiektu bihom ,fejn ghadkom ma hallastuhomx. Zinn Zinn dan Azzopardi li jghid. Il-laqma tieghu mil lum il quddiem iz-zinn.
Mama mia Mama Mia, dalwaqt jghidulna li se jkun hawn yal Maw Maw. Tiflah tghid iktar hmerijiet. Gjhidilna minn qallek u liema huma l-Ambaxxati jew int qieghed issir bhal-leader tieghekli tohlom bioh int, taghmlu fatt u tridna nemnuh bil-fors, ghax sirtu infallibli.
Isabelle Borg
Just shut up Jason. Whom do you expect to be commissioner, your friend Ernest? Yes new government, new faces, new ideas. That's what we voted for.
It seems tht Jason azzopardi is still in his depressed mood. In Malta if you are not a Labour sympathiser you are a PN sympathiser. How does that interfere with your job if you are a professional. Is Jason implicitly admitting that during the PN administration officials were expected to toe the Party line instead of carrying out their job professionally, and therefore fearing that something similar will happen? Is the pot calling the kettle black? Jason grow up!
What does Jason Azzopardi want this Government to do keep appointing PN sympathizers? This Government should appoint all those PL sympathizers to the posts that they applied for and was not given all because they were PL followers. Nowadays this Jason Azzopardi is saying that everything that the PL do is wrong, but I ask him, where were you in the last 10/20 years. All PN sympathizers grabbed the jobs and we PL followers were kicked out, I know because I was one of them and I will never forget that moment when I received the result that yes I was chosen for the job but was placed the last, we were 230 and I was places at 229 and every body knew that I was one of the best and among the first 25 that got the job there were at least who didn't know how to write both in Maltese and in English, two of them couldn't read, but they were PN followers so they got the job Mr. Azzopardi. I will never forget that.
Lino Camilleri
F' Malta zewg partiti hawn. Allura ovvja li jekk ma jkunx laburist ikun nazzjonalist. Hallina Jason. Hlief tnewwhu w tibku minthomx taghmlu fl-oppozizzjnoni.
Cut a long story short and make this guy Malta's ambassador in Medjogore. He has the face for it, the pseudo piety and, ignoring all the scandals he had to come to terms with, now shouts foul like an uptight lady coming out of a Legion of Mary meeting.
Luke Camilleri
Name ONE !