Norman Vella does not exclude PN candidature

Former television presenter does not exclude contesting European parliament elections on PN ticket.

Former television presenter Norman Vella does not exclude the possibility of contesting the 2014 European parliament elections on the Nationalist Party list.

Vella is being touted as a possible candidate and speaking to MaltaToday, the immigration officer said: "I do not exclude anything."

Asked whether he had been approached by the PN to contest the May 2014 elections, Vella said, "I neither confirm nor deny it."

PN sources said that the party's Executive Council meeting set for Friday will be discussing a number of matters, primarily the forthcoming General Council, however the MEP candidates is not on the meeting's agenda.

Last month, the former TVHemm presenter asked Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to investigate an alleged abuse of power by the Police after a Magistrate ordered the return of his mobile phone and tablet.

Vella was arrested for allegedly snapping pictures of Head of Government Communications Kurt Farrugia and Home Affairs Ministry communications coordinator Ramona Attard as they passed through passport control, at the Malta International Airport, where Vela works at the immigration department.

The court declared that there was no reasonable suspicion that Vella had committed a crime and ordered that his smartphone and tablet be returned immediately by the police.

Upon the court's decision, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil described the ruling as "a victory for freedom."

As a former broadcaster, Vella had availed himself of unpaid leave from his civil service position to work for production house Where's Everybody and was then seconded to the public broadcaster's newsroom in 2012. After the March elections he was placed back at the border control post.

The PN has so far selected eight candidates for the 2014 European election; incumbents David Casa and Roberta Metsola, entrepreneurs Helga Ellul and Jonathan Shaw, lawyers Stefano Mallia, Kevin Cutajar and Therese Commodini Cachia and PN youth section president Kevin Plumpton.

At first glance, the list of PN candidates contesting next year's European elections includes a balance between youth and experience, women and men and seasoned politicians and newcomers.

However, in the absence of PN Leader Simon Busuttil, who will not be contesting the elections after nine reasonably successful years in Brussels, and the Labour Party's star-studded line-up, the PN lacks a heavyweight candidate to spearhead the nationwide campaign.

In the two previous European elections, the PN campaign was led single-handedly by Busuttil, who to this day holds the record for the highest number of votes ever garnered by a candidate in a single election.

In the two previous elections, the PN only elected two candidates, Busuttil and David Casa, and the PN has openly set its sights on winning an unprecedented three seats.

Last week, the Labour Party announced three new candidates on its ticket for the European elections; sitting MP Deborah Schembri, a Muslim community representative Mario Farrugia Borg, and economist and university lecturer Fleur Vella.

Someone on another media said that Norman Vella is going to be an asset to the PN. I asked him, ASS.. what? But he gave me no answer. I'm still wondering why suddenly he burst out laughing?
Biex tkun membru fil parlament tal EU trid esperjenza u nies kapaci. Ma jfissirx ghax kien jipprezenta programm fuq it TV dan il bniedem huwa TAJJEB biex ikun membru fil Parlament. Imma tal PN dejjem hekk..... il popolarita tigi qabel il kwalifiki basta jhirbhu l elezzjoni u wara jaraw. Ta minn isemmi li tal PN qatt ma rebhu l elezzjoni tal europa u jekk jibqu sejrin hekk bin negativita taghhom tkaxkira ohra se jaqilhu. U nies bhal Norman Vella bhala kandidat ma jawgurax tajjeb ghal PN
Maureen Attard
Ma nafdahx lil dan, bhal ma kien hemm iehor fl-elezzjoni tal-MEP erba snin ilu. Il-vot tieghi ma jihdux jekk il-PN jaccettah.
The nearest he'll get to Brussels is a desk at the airport.
The nearest he'll get to Brussels is a desk at the airport.
Sirna bhat-taljani .. jekk tiprezenta fuq it-TV tispicca ssir politikant! Bhal Cicciolina, Gabriella Carlucci u Flavia Vento!
Ajma jumm, waqa l ass!
Nawguralek Norman Vella ghalkemm politikament ma naqbilx mieghek. Inti ghamilt 4 sieghat arrestat, jien ghamilt 28 siegha fuq xejn. Mela id-direttur ircieva ittra u ma wehlix minn kellu jehel imam wehilt jien. Ghandi qed nistenna li sirt Gustizza, mhux bil paroli imma bil fatti. Lil Simon nghidlu il-kliem kien tajjeb,imma kif tista tikkundanna lil haddiehor meta inthom inziltu fil-qieh u ghamiltu kollox kontra ta tad li ridt tbellana illum fuq ir-risposta ta Budget.
Well done Norman,i and my family will surly vote for you because you were always fair and gave equal opportunities to everyone on your program TVhemm,and hope you will do the same to the people in general when you get elected.Who knows maybe you might even become Prim minister,you seam to have the material for it.
Another prospective MEP candidatures for the PN like the previous PN successful candidatures of Gejtu Vella and Vince Farrugia.
PN's answer to Joseph Cuschieri!
Ahaa!! Now, I get it.
If this guy makes it we'll be turning the European Parliament into a Cicciolina Parliament. Everyone knows how she got elected only for being a popular porn star. We've already got one local (no disrespect here because she's definitely not a porn star) who got elected to the Maltese Parliament thanks to being popular in some local recipe-sharing program. I hope this new trend of wannabe politicians doesn't continue. The correct recipe for these wannabes seems to be to do something outrageous, like posing to appear to take photographs in a restricted area, then they get in the news, and then the die-hard blinkered guys who'd still support their own party no matter what will go all soft and say 'miskin' he deserves it. That's not the quality of people we want to elect to the EP.
If this is the best SimonPN has to offer, then voting for any his tribe is definitely out of the question.
Luke Camilleri
What's stopping Norman contesting the 2014 European parliament elections on the Nationalist Party list? The Nationalist Party ? ;)
Micheal Bonanno
eddyprivi. Please don't insult Norman Wisdom (RIP)!
Mhux ta' b'xejn rajna dak it-tijatrin kollu minn Norman 'Wisdom' Vella !!!
Mhux ta' b'xejn nefhu l-buzzieqa tar-ritratti. Kif jghidu 'Any publicity is good publicity.'
Mela Sur Vella, fittex oħroġ! X'qed tistenna??? Nies bħalek għandna bżonn fil-parlament Ewropew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jixraqlu daqs kemm kien bilancjat fuq TVM! Nispera li ikun kandidat ghal Solzhenitsyn freedom prize ghax tghidx kemm ilu jitqanzah biex jidher mill-gdid quddiem il-cameras.
Jixraqlu daqs kemm kien bilancjat fuq TVM! Nispera li ikun kandidat ghal Solzhenitsyn freedom prize ghax tghidx kemm ilu jitqanzah biex jidher mill-gdid quddiem il-cameras.
Il-maskri bdew jinkixfu.