Opposition 'willing' to collaborate with government on local governance issues

Simon Busuttil hails 'positive development' legal amendment allowing 16-year-old to vote during local councils elections.

PN leader Simon Busuttil addressing today's policy seminar
PN leader Simon Busuttil addressing today's policy seminar

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil has expressed the Nationalist Party's willingness to work hand in hand with the government in devising a way forward for local councils.

Addressing a conference organised by the PN marking the 20th anniversary since the inception of local councils, Busuttil said the PN would be putting forward its proposals to "enrich the local government system".

"We will contribute to this discussion and will be positive. Both political parties agree on consensus. We will forward constructive criticism and new ideas that will enrich the local government system," he said.

He welcomed legal amendment presented in parliament last Wednesday, set to allow 16-year-olds to vote in local councils elections.

The Opposition leader however criticised a government proposal to postpone this legislature's local councils elections and insisted that the PN will not accept.

Busuttil also criticised the €1.7 million cuts in local councils funds. According to the PN, next year's budget has decreased local councils' funds by €500,000 and further cuts were made to a special fund which is used by councils for special initiatives, road works, payments to WasteServ and EU funded projects. 

Present for the conference was also parliamentary Secretary for local councils Josè Herrera, who said the government was committed to device the best way forward.

Meanwhile, the government has already committed itself to seeing local councils adopting fiscal autonomy.

Herrera has explained that, according to EU countries, Malta's local government system lacked a shared revenue concept.

The government will soon publish the white paper on local enforcement that would provide proposals for a radical reform in this sector, Herrera said.

IDENTITA .tajba din umbgahd eluf kbar nazzjonalist jisthu jitkelmu bil lingwa maltija u jqazzuk tismahhom jghawgu u jilaqu lil inglizi .identa inthom ? indentita tal laqa tal barranin imam min dejjem konthu.tahsbu li il maggoranza tal polplu ma jafhux li qed tipruvaw tghamlu il hsara ghax hekk jaqblilkhom inthom u dak il partit fallut li ghandkhom.
hadd ma jemmnek simon li ser tahdem mal gvern ghax sissa xejn ma ghamilt hlief ixxewwex! inti biss qed taghmel bhal ma ghamel efa fit 80! kiku tridu tahdmu bis serjeta kellkhom ghexiren ta possibilitajiet buex turuh!
arem hej l-aqwa li jaqbel il PATRUN TAL BURDEN SHARING .Mela tahseb il int il Prim ministru xmun ? u li mohhok fil consensus,issa trid tghamel consenzuss ghax ma ghadkhomx maggoranza ta elf vot u l-anqass maggoranza parlamentari u xorta kontu tghaddu romblu min fuq kulhadd? meta ezempju bellajtu lil poplu dak il kruha ta bieb il belt (mitt miljun u fuqhom u kruwha bhall dik ) kellkhom kunsensus ma l-opozizzjoni dak iz zmien ? ghax ma tmurx tinheba ma gbajtx tghamel hsara lil isem Malta mal barranin?
U-turn ohra tal-PN. Kienu kontra l-vot ta 18 u l-vot ta 16. BHdew jikkonvertu..... ghal konvenjenza.