‘The choice of the next President should be solely vested in Joseph Muscat's hands’ – Sant

Favourites for the post include Cabinet members Louis Grech and George Vella as well as former Prime minister Lawrence Gonzi.

Former Prime Minister dismisses Opposition's calls for government to appoint new president from within Nationalist camp.
Former Prime Minister dismisses Opposition's calls for government to appoint new president from within Nationalist camp.

Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant has insisted that the choice of the next Maltese president rests "solely in the hands of the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat."

In the wake of Simon Busuttil calling on Muscat to follow the example given by the Nationalist government to appoint a president from the opposite political camp, the Labour MEP argued that there are no rules within the Constitution prescribing this custom.

"The next President should be subject to the choice of the Prime minister, who after consulting with the Opposition and his parliamentary members, would nominate a candidate for the post," Sant said.

The former PL Leader also said that the new president, who will be appointed upon the expiration of George Abela's term in April, should reflect the "current political and social circumstances within the country."

Among the favourites for the appointment are current Cabinet members Louis Grech and George Vella, while former Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi is the favourite within the Nationalist camp.

Read more in today's edition of Illum.


mux hekk joseph isma min simon u ghazel xi hadd mill pn! ara huma 4 presidenti nazzjonalisti wara xulxin ghamlu! jekk jintazel gonzi boycott mill-kbir ghax dak ma jkunx president ghal malta imma bhal eddie fenech adami ikun president ghan nazzjonalisti biss, biex umbaghad imur il-mass meeting ta partit! missu ma huwx partiggjan ukoll! u x'ghamel fenech adami f'dawk il-hames snin? lanqas biss hareg darba min san anton! irid ikun xi hadd bhal george abela! li hadem u irsista ghall-batut!!
How can one even think of Dr. Gonzi as president after all the shambles he left us with.I dont mind a president from the opposition but surly not him.
a President for Malta should be selected on his/her ability to promote Malta globally-therefore I would like to throw in my offer to become the next President of Malta, and 1st order of the day would be to promote, educate and instill more confidence on our talented local female population-we are so under represented! www.i-mf.co/ Margaret Cooper
If Dr Lawrence Gonzi gets the job all he will do is divide the people further like Dr Eddie and when the opportunity comes, he will address Nationalist meetings like his mentor.
As long as the President's role remains a ribbon cutting role, than Alfred Sant would be correct. if the role changes by constitutional means, then that would be different; and I would go with the commentators that want the President chosen by voters.
I want to choose the next President of Malta. I am one of the Nationals that pay the taxes. Joseph Muscat have repeatedly said that "Malta is Taghna Ilkoll", then how would you expected Dr Sant that what you said "‘The choice of the next President should be solely vested in Joseph Muscat's hands’ – Sant" shouled be left to Joseph Muscat? I believe that the choice belong to the people. On the other hand Dr George Abela has proved to be a President for all Maltese not Like EFA who proclaimed himself like Bokasa did. I think I want to have the choice to choose a person like Goerge Abela. I also think that the next President should have some responsibilities not not just a figure head.
l-ewwel net, Dr. Sant ghadu ma hux Labour MEP, ghax ghad trid issir l-elezzjoni. It-tieni kemm il-president prezenti, Dr. Abela,u kemm Dr. Gonzi,ma ghandix fiducja fijhom. Ta' l-ewwel, li jaf sew bil-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Grima,ghax kien hemm, x'hin tlabtu biex jghini qalli "imma jien x'nista' nghamel?" Ghidtlu li il-konsapovalezza tieghu tirrendieh kolpevoli u hati ta'dnub li ma jridx jghamel id-dmitijiet ta' l-istat tieghu. Tat-tieni, ghal ta' kull darba li nghidlu biex jghini bhalma ghamel ma kulhadd li sofra ingustizzja jiskappali li se javza lil-Atorney General biex jinvestiga u dan jirrendieh bla karattru u qarrieq. Ghalija dawn it-tnejn huma kriminali, flimkien ma Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami li heba l-Inkjesta fuq il-frame-up, u ma Dr. Sant li f'nov. 1996 seraqha mill-istrong room tal-Parlament.Dr. Vella hu wiehed min-nodfa li ma tista' tghid xejn fuqu.
dr gonzi is the best choice for president,with his assistants DCG,RCC,AUST,NON CUC ETC ETC
No Dr. Sant I do not agree. I strongly believe it is arrogance galore of our political parties who decide who them appoint on the people as a president. I hope one day we get down to our senses and cut the ties of we the people must be either red or blue. Who wins, wins all. A true president is of the people for the people and should be elected by the people or nominated by all parties and elected by all the members of parliament. These tribal days are only making a mockery of our so called parliamentarian democracy.
Xmun, wiccek u l-atba tal-qorti jekk hemm differenza fihom hi li l-atba hi nadifa iktar minn wiccek, jew inkella hilek tghix fil-qamar minn mindu twelidt. Kemm il-President mill kamp Laburista jew b'simpatija lejn il-Partit Laburista htartu fl-ahhar 25 sena? Censu Tabone? Ugo Mifsud Bonnici? Gwido Demarco? Dakli hatar lilu in-nifsu? hemm xi hadd minnhom li ma kienx gej mill-kamp Nazzjonalista. Lill Eccellenza tieghu Dr.George Abela se ssemmi, President li ghamel unur luill Presidcnza Maltija li Hadem iktar milli felah kemm hilu President. Hallina Xmun u mur inheba
The next president of the republic must be the choice of the people made by the people, and not by any arrognat prerogative of some politician, whoever that happens to be.
Priscilla Darmenia
George Vella has a lot of experience and is suitable for the job of president, however I hate to loose him as a Foreign Affairs minister
That is one way to make points with Joseph Muscat. Kissy, kissy Dr Sant? I thought you had a bit more class than that? Don't worry if you do not get the presidency, you will sure get the MEP job. You did not make it as a PM, and now you are vieing for President or Mep? It is a win win situation, right Dr Sant?
NAQBEL PERFETTAMENT MA DR. Sant! Imma mi qieghed jghodd il-Gonzimal favoriti! Naqbel mal PN li jinghazel President mill kamp oppost..... kif ghamlu huma wara Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, wara Demrco, wara Eddie sive Edward (dan biddel isma meta inhatar President) Fenech Adami jigi ikkunsidrat President li hareg mill Kamp Nazzjonalista ~ John Dalli ( runner up ta' Gonzi fl-elezzjoni ta-Kap tal-Partit, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando ... Franco Debono ;)