Palestinians, Libyans march in solidarity for Gaza protests

Palestinians hold solidarity march for Gaza protests in Valletta.

A protest was held in Valletta by some 30 members from the Palestinian and Libyan community, calling for Palestinian unity.

"People here are calling for an end to political division. They say they are not calling for the overthrow of Hamas or Fatah, but for a united Palestine," Miriam Dalli, who was at the protest, said.

The protest march was organised by the Arabic Culture Information Society, joining the protests that took place in all the cities of Gaza and West Bank and all around the world last Tuesday.

"The idea came up from a group of Palestinian youths from Gaza who used Facebook as a tool and created a page in both Arabic and English where they called for protests across the Palestinian territories and refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon and all around the world on 15 March 2011. ACIS felt that Malta should also join in this call for Palestinian unity," Sanaa el-Nahhal said.

"The goal of the protest is to force an end to the political divisions among Palestinians. The Palestinian youth are not demanding the overthrow of the Hamas government in Gaza nor the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. They are calling for one united Palestine."

If it is ever reached, the current and any other artificial “peace agreement” will be illegitimate before it is ever signed because (1) all people living in Palestine regardless of religion, race, origin, etc. (hereinafter “All People of Palestine”) were never given a choice on how they want their land to be governed, and (2) all contracts signed under duress are null and void. The biggest problem in Palestine is that the Zionist regime never offered a choice to All People of Palestine on how they want to govern their land because the Zionist regime cannot exist as a democratic entity. If there was ever any democratic process in Palestine, Zionists would have been outvoted and the Zionist regime would have never existed. That is why the Zionist regime is the occupier because it does not offer choice (i.e. democracy), but instead imposes its regime (i.e. occupies). Imagine if Russians would simply occupy a town in the U.S. where they are in significant numbers and attempt to create a Russian state there without giving the rest of the Americans living there a choice. Imagine then if they would try to institute a “peace agreement” that would attempt to legitimize their occupation. The “peace agreement” would logically and legally be illegitimate because the Americans were not given a choice. Under all countries’ laws, any contract is null and void if it is signed under duress. The current Palestine “peace agreement” process reminds me of The Godfather movie where the mafia boss (i.e. the Zionist regime) made a guy “an offer he could not refuse” by placing a gun (i.e. Zionist conventional and nuclear arsenal) to his head and making him sign the contract. Like the mafia boss’ offer, any “peace agreement” other than the choice for All People of Palestine is a crime, and the contract is legally null and void. The bottom line is that All People of Palestine never wanted to divide their land into artificial two states the way the occupation and this “peace agreement” attempt to divide it. From the beginning of the Zionist regime to its unavoidable end, All People of Palestine and the region never wanted the Zionist regime and they do not want it even more after all the atrocities the Zionist regime committed. I just cannot believe how the Zionist regime can be so ignorant to think that this or any other “peace agreement” that does not allow people to choose how they want to be governed will last and ensure its people’s survival. The Zionist regime fails to realize that no matter if it succeeds in muscling this “peace agreement” by unspeakable historic coercion tens of millions of moral people around the world will oppose it until it is corrected, and until justice and free choice prevail. Also, ever increasing number of Jewish people are realizing that Zionism is becoming a destructive force for them and are leading the global resistance to it. P.S. feel free to copy this comment, email it to other bloggers, and repost it on other blogs, newspaper websites, Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking websites, and include it in any correspondence/lobbying with senators, state representatives and any other public officials so the public learns the truth…
The only solution for a lasting peace is absolute democratic process (that we Americans cherish so passionately) for the entire territory in question, otherwise, the peace will not last. All people who lived there without regard to religion, race, etc. should vote on how they would like their one country to be run. I favor one state solution because two states would only attempt to “legalize” Zionist occupation that will be remembered in history until it is corrected by future large scale conflicts, so no lasting peace will result. The only issue with the fair democratic process is what to do with all manipulated Jewish people who the Zionist regime imported for decades to increase the Jewish population from around 100,000 to over 5 Million since the start of the occupation. This is obviously an attempt to unjustly manipulate any future democratic process by forcefully increasing the occupier’s population at the expense of others. Any compromise other than the absolute fair democratic process with no manipulated population will be temporary with terrible conflicts looming to correct it in the future. The truth is that the Zionist regime will not accept any democratic process even if the manipulated Jewish population is included because it cannot exist as a democratic country as Zionists will be outvoted by all others who live there (Zionists were in an infinite minority before the occupation). The Zionist regime can only temporarily exist through the force of its arms as a one people country where only select ones can vote and where different laws apply to different people. The world must stand up against the Zionist regime by cutting all diplomatic and economic relations with it. Many countries have already stopped all relations with the Zionist regime and others are in the process of doing the same. We Americans need to completely distance ourselves from this oppressive regime through urging our state representatives and senators to do what the rest of the world is doing.
U min fejn gibtha din in-narrativa helwa tieghek, firillu kbir? Forsi qed talludi ghal kif etnija shiha ddominat u qerdet razez ohra fl-Afrika ta fuq wara li bdiet il-mewga taghha mil penisola gharbija? Jew l-istorja tieghek tibda min ftit snin ilu biss? Andy Farrugia
Sur Antoine Vella, min jaf kieku xi hadd jidhollok f'darek, jaghmel darek darhu u lilek bi pjacir ihallik tghix fil-kamra tal-loki bla flaxin. Tghid kieku tgerger xi ftit int?
Because they are. They just don't give a damn about other people's suffering as only their case is a special one. Self pity & selfishness at its best. Anyway who is this omnipotent acis person who decided to take to the streets today? As if situation in Malta is not already serious as it is. But selfishness at its best is the order of the day.
My first reaction was that it was about time that the Palestinians showed some solidarity with Libyans. But then I realised that the protest was not about Libya at all but about "Palestine". . Why are Palestinians always so ego-centric?