Government still considers us as ‘persona non grata’, says Forum

The 11-union confederation hits out at government, claiming that it does not want to welcome Forum in the MCESD.

FOR.U.M.’s secretary general Paul Pace said that while the European Trade Union Committee (ETUC) has accepted the confederation as full members, government is reluctant to do the same when it comes to its representation on the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) with other social partners.

“Government still considers Forum - a confederation representing 12,000 workers from different professions and spheres - as a persona non grata in the MCESD,” Pace said.

Pace said that Forum had been officially invited to participate as full members of the ETUC in its next meeting in Brussels between 19 and 20 October. Forum president John Bencini and Paul Pace will be delegates to the meeting.