Moviment Graffiti calls for ‘different’ kind of economy

Moviment Graffiti hold ninth edition of their annual event ‘Reclaim the World’, this time focusing on the global economic system.

Moviment Graffiti this morning expressed its criticism of the present global economic system where they said the few are privileged and while the majority are suffering.

“Those who are responsible for the crisis should be the brunt,” the pressure group said.

Because of the weather, the activity was cancelled shortly after the group arrived in Floriana to set up their stand.

André Callus, on behalf of Graffiti, said that the past years have been characterized by an economic infrastructure becoming increasingly dominated by the private sector while banks have been given unwarranted powers.

“This system has all of a sudden collapsed in on itself in consequence to the greed of those who sought to rake in high amounts of profit in the shortest time possible,” Callus said.

Graffiti criticised the bailouts and said: “Instead of being made to pay for the damages caused on both national and international levels, this political class is being given bailouts in order to save themselves from bankruptcy while austerity measures are at the same time being imposed on working people and the underprivileged.”

Callus said that it time to build a “different” kind of economy, rather than go on using the same systems which have led to the current economic crisis.

“We should build an economy based on democratic control over resources and production as well as founded on principles of social justice.”

Graffiti also remembered those who have been living in extreme poverty and denied access to certain basic needs such as drinkable water and a decent livelihood, across the world.

The pressure group argued that now that the crisis is hitting closer to home, “many are starting to realize that there is something wrong with the present politico-economical system.”

“Moviment Graffiti unites with the various movements to call for a radical global change in economics and politics, a change in favour of equality, social justice and democracy.”

Raymond Falzon
What a waste of human beings.