PN demands the publication of all reports linked to new power station
Opposition says MEPA should not take a final decision before OHSA publishes the reports in full.
The Opposition called on the Planning Authority not to consider any application regarding the new power station and its gas storage, before the Occupational Health & Safety Authority (OHSA) published all its reports in full.
In a statement, the Nationalist Party said it expected the OHSA to publish in full the report compiled by expert George Papadakis, as well as all the reports and documents linked to the new gas Power Station project.
The PN said that all reports had to be evaluated before any final decision was taken.
It also underlined that the fact that Deo Debattista, a Labour MP, currently chairs the OHSA, compromises its’ autonomy.

Jien ma nafx kif ghadu ma ittendiex li bi tfixkil li qed jipprova jivvinta Simon qed iwaqqgha l-gebla fuq saqajh? Possibli haseb li it-trust lil-PN tilef fid-9 ta Marzu rega gabha lura? Alice in wonderland!

The PN should at least ask that a copy of the "Greek" report be leaked to NET TV, as it has obviously been leaked to ONE TV. The latter has given it prominence in its last two 7.30pm news bulletins. NET and TVM have been completely silent. The same applies to newspapers.
Of course, Dr. Deo Debattista, OHSA chair, would carry no responsibility for this "directed" leakage.

I seem to recollect in the not too distant past, in fact up to 9th March 2013, that the PN always retorted that such requests were of a commercial nature and it was not in the public interest to publish. I also seem to recollect that such vociferous statements were always made when the PN in Government did not even have a majority accept that backed by the Speaker. Now the PL Government has a majority of 9 and I believe that what the PN believed good a year ago is also good now. So they should stop demanding this and demanding that and just lick their wounds and shut up.

"The PN said that all reports had to be evaluated before any final decision was taken." Mhux hekk kien isir is-soltu! Mhux ghalhekk twaqfet il-MEPA, biex tizen u tiddeciedi fuq ir-rapporti li jkollha. Ma nahsibx li ghandha tkun l-oppozizzjoni li tara dawn l-affarijiet u taghti l-barka taghha. L-oppozizzjoni ghandha tghid darba ghal dejjem li dan il-progett ma tridux ghax ma tixtieqx li jorhsu l-kontijiet ghal-konsumaturi. Trid li n-nies tibqa tbati bhal ma kienet taht l-amministrazzjoni tal-PN. Hekk nibdew nemmnukom xi haga milli tghidu.