VIDEO | Floating coffin in Qormi becomes national joke

A video of a coffin floating down the Qormi valley became a national joke after the downpour caused a number of coffins stored inside a warehouse in Qormi to be washed out through the valley.

Some went as far as creating a facebook fan page in honor of the new 'model of transportation: (


Undertaker and importer Carmelo Mifsud, the undertaker who owned the coffins, said he had over 800 coffins in his garage in Qormi. Most of them are now damaged and he estimates the loss reach over €350,000.

Mifsud also had six hearses and other six cars in the same garage. Some of these were apparently submerged in water, some in almost a metre of mud.

Yep - this picture captures it all. GonziPN floating off in a coffin in a flood of corruption, sorrow and broken promises. So long GonziPN - may we never see the likes of you again for generations to come.
Joe Tanti
What a great recycling idea! Buy a coffin today,use it as a pleasure boat (Transport Malta licensed) and eventually be buried in it. That great minister Austin Gatt had promised us FREE coffins,is this how his idea is being floated to the general public. Let us do away with expensive a coffin and float your dear ones away.We could also enact Viking funerals ,float the body in a coffin and burning it as in a Viking saga,so also sparing the expense of a grave. Any up and coming entrepenour likes to take up the idea?