It’s a blackboard jungle in Malta as teachers ‘brawl’ in union war

Accusations of assault from rivals, and the mass resignation of an electoral commission is making the Malta Union of Teachers’ election of its new boss a right class act

Kevin Bonello (centre), flanked by Marco Bonnici (left) and Franklin Barbara (right)
Kevin Bonello (centre), flanked by Marco Bonnici (left) and Franklin Barbara (right)

The electoral board of the Malta Union of Teachers has announced they have resigned en bloc, in a notice to members.

"This effectively means that the election process is currently stalled."

It is open war in the battle for the MUT top post between senior vice-president Marco Bonnici and secretary-general Franklin Barbara. The former has accused Barbara's supporters of assaulting him.

MUT outgoing president Kevin Bonello is convening an urgent council meeting to decide whether to appoint professional auditors to take care of the election or call an extraordinary general meeting.

The two candidates have been accusing each other of hijacking the electoral process.