Publication of IIP citizens’ names in gazette
It is mandatory that the names of all persons who during the previous 12 calendar months were granted Maltese citizenship are published in the Government Gazette

As reported in ‘Passport buyers: 2015 citizens’ list’ not yet published’ (MaltaToday.com.mt, 22 June, 2016), it is mandatory that the names of all persons who during the previous 12 calendar months were granted Maltese citizenship (whether by registration or naturalisation) are published in the Government Gazette. This is in accordance with sub-regulation 14(2) of the Individual Investor Programme of the Republic of Malta regulations (L.N. 47 of 2014).
Indeed, the list pertaining to the year 2014 was published in the Government Gazette of 31 July, 2015.
Likewise, the list for the calendar year 2015 will also be published as provided for in the above-mentioned legislation.
Dorothy Falzon
Communications co-ordinator,
Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government