14. The Greenfinch

The good news for birds this year is that bird trapping is now totally and year-round illegal. This is especially cause for celebration to the songbirds (M: tal-ghana), the trappers prime targets. Chief victim is the Greenfinch, of which over 30,000 are caught every year. The Greenfinch (M: Verdun) looks like a chunky green sparrow with a heavy beak. It nests all around us, including Sicily, North Africa and small nearby islands like Pantelleria. But thanks to the widespread "mansab" mentality, Greenfinches rarely nest in Malta, as their attempts are invariable foiled. Now, thanks to the ban - which BirdLife has long been trying to bring about - this bird and other finches may soon join the list of birds that nest regularly in Malta.

Text by Victor Falzon, photo by Denis Cachia. Copyright to Birdlife Malta.