Yorgen Fenech funded Degiorgio brothers' legal defence, court hears
Yorgen Fenech used to pass money to Melvin Theuma, who would then pass the sums to the Degiorgio family to hire lawyer William Cuschieri

Yorgen Fenech helped fund the Degiorgio brothers' legal defence following their arrest, the court heard on Monday.
The compilation of evidence against Fenech continued this morning, with middleman-turned-state witness Melvin Theuma testifying before the court.
The hearing hinged on three documents held by Theuma and presented to the police following his arrest. The documents were receipts handed to Theuma by Mario Degiorgio, brother to Alfred and George Degiorgio, to show the flow of money from Fenech to the Degiorgios.
According to Theuma, he had an agreement with Fenech to support the Degiorgios following the murder and their arrest. The receipts in question show large sums of money passed on to the Degiorgios so that they can hire a lawyer.
In fact, the receipts are all signed by William Cuschieri, who is defence counsel for Alfred and George Degiorgio. The two stand accused of carrying out the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Theuma said that he kept these receipts served as proof in case Fenech started to question where all this money was going.
When Theuma first spoke to Alfred Degiorgio after his arrest, his brother Mario Degiorgio told Theuma that he needs €30,000 to hire a lawyer for his brothers. Theuma went to Yorgen Fenech to obtain this money.
Initially, Theuma was giving Mario Degiorgio €2,000 to €3,000 per week, covering all food, school and insurance expenses. Afterwards, Theuma would instead call Yorgen Fenech whenever the Degiorgios needed money. These sums were over and above the sums given in the receipts.
Theuma added that he would occasionally fork out some money himself, to avoid bothering Yorgen Fenech.
Fenech was arrested in November 2019 and is charged with masterminding Caruana Galizia's murder. He denies the charges.
The evidence against Fenech primarily rests on the testimony of Theuma, who acted as a middleman between the business magnate and the three men who carried out the assassination. Theuma had secretly recorded various conversations between himself, Fenech and others, and was given a presidential pardon to tell all in 2019.
Caruana Galizia was murdered on 16 October 2017 just after leaving her house in Bidnija. A bomb placed inside her car was detonated remotely by an SMS.
Magistrate Rachel Montebello is presiding over the case. Superintendent Keith Arnaud and Inspector Kurt Zahra are prosecuting, aided by Deputy Attorney General Philip Galea Farrugia.
Fenech’s defence lawyers are Marion Camilleri, Charles Mercieca and Gianluca Caruana Curran. Lawyers Jason Azzopardi and Therese Comodini Cachia are appearing parte civile for the Caruana Galizia family.