'Our yardstick is Germany, Muscat’s is Cyprus' - Gonzi

This evening the PN roadshow hit Zebbug, Gozo. Prime Minister Gonzi was greeted to a warm welcome, with cheers of ‘Gonzi, Gonzi’ reverberating around the tent.

Employment and job creation were once again high on the Prime Minister's agenda.

"We want the new generation of Gozitans to be equipped with the tools to make a success of their lives, preferable in Gozo. Education is power, it opens doors and lets you be your own person without having to rely on others," Gonzi said.

"Do not get me wrong, we cannot all be university professors. We need a diverse mix of every type of profession in our economy. MCAST has given workers the necessary training for this facility to further embed itself in Malta.

"We give a generous allowance to Gozitan students who have to go to University or MCAST. This has helped Gozitans continue their studies. We are gradually migrating some university courses to Gozo. The next target is for exams to take place in here."

Speaking about his recent trip to Germany, Gonzi expressed his satisfaction at gaining Chancellor Angela Merkel's seal of approval. "Our yardstick is Germany, Muscat's is Cyprus," Gonzi said in a jibe aimed at Opposition leader Joseph Muscat's past claim that Malta should emulate the Cypriot economy.

Moving back to home shores, Gonzi drove home the point that Gozo has not been forgotten.

"We have not come to Gozo empty handed. We have come with projects to better Gozitans lives. Others came to Gozo and held a mass meeting, but not a single proposal for Gozitans was mentioned during his [Muscat's] speech.

"In these 5 years we have created 20,000 jobs for Maltese and Gozo. If we do not create another 20,000 jobs, students, women and pensioners would all be on the dole," Gonzi said.

"We lack natural resources. So how do we manage to offer free schooling and stipends? Where are the resources coming from? Education is the key."

Asked about the way the MEPA application process should be sped up, Gonzi said that a balance has to be struck between planning and environment. "MEPA's job is to ensure controlled development. I do not want to ruin the treasure that is the Gozitan Island. But we need a system that will allow for valid proposals to pass through the gauntlet faster. A delicate balance has to be struck between regulation and development

"It is difficult to overcome the challenge of Gozo's insularity, but we are trying. 10% of the EU funds that the country receives are ring-fenced for use in Gozo. Gozo is the ideal setting for business conferences. But for this to be done the relevant facilities are needed. More 4 and 5 star hotels are needed."

The PN's penchant for large underwater projects once again shone through. "Our preference is for an underwater tunnel if the studies show that this is viable.

And there was also a stark warning to voters toying with their vote: "We have seven weeks to persuade people to be careful. Whenever we had a Labour government instead of work chasing workers, workers were chasing work and unemployment rates shot up," Gonzi said.

Jekk il-Yardsick hija l-Germanja ghaliex il-poplu Malti ma ghandux paga daqs tal-Germanizi? Ghaliex ghandna toroq lanqas issibhom fis-Sirja waqt gwerra u hawn Malta ibda min tas-Sliema hawn disastru? Ghaliex ghandna Deficit u Djun daqshekk, il-Germanja ukoll midjunin? Ghaliex il-Germanizi joqodu ghal Kostituzzjoni taghhom u int lanqas biss taghti kasa? Possibli il-Germanizi lanqas kas tad-dimokrazzija ma jaghtu bhal ma ghamilt int Dr Gonzi? Danke Herr Lawrence Gonzi
That's rich coming from "Irish" Lawrence. Next he'll probably say that it was actually Joseph Muscat who said that we should emulate Ireland. Well, you must give the PN A+ for nerve, hypocrisy, audacity and chutzpah.
I would subscribe to the view that Germany should be the ideal model for our country to follow of course taking into consideration Germany being the largest and Malta the smallest nation in the EU. However the Cyprus quip was totally out of place and not expected of a PM. It is insulting to his counterpart the Cypriot PM who he regularly meets in EU heads of state meeting. We all know knows industriou his divided nation and the difficulties they overcame.He must know that there are very special reasons for their current predicameent outside their control and linked to the Greek financial meltdown. I would subscribe to the view that Germany should be the ideal model for our country to follow of course taking into consideration Germany being the largest and Malta the smallest nation in the EU. However the Cyprus quip was totally out of place and not expected of a PM. It is insulting to his counterpart the Cypriot PM who he regularly meets in EU heads of state meeting. We all know knows industrious this divided nation is and the difficulties they had to overcome.He must know that there are very special reasons for their current predicament outside their control and linked to the Greek financial meltdown.
Has Gonzi forgott how mny times he used to mention Ireland as being a country that has moved forward since it has joined EU and now he never mentioned it again since the crises that Ireland is passing from?
Harsu wahda dwar x'gara fil-power stations f' Malta; kif ma sar xejn bhan nies: l-EneMalta gharkuptejja u teknikamnet falluta, l-ebda power station mhi imhallsa; ghazla ta zejt mahmug bl-gholi u bil-kickbacks minn taht; u tahsbe li qeghdin nghix f.Babilonja bil- tgerfix li hawn!
I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that this wise guy (for want of a sufficiently dastardly nickname which would be fully justified but libellous) was not referring to roads or any other thing. By any chance was he referring to the old Communist East Germany's track record in bureaucracy?
JM has repeatedly stated that his aim is for Malta to become the best in Europe. Cyprus was used as an example to show how even troubled countries in the Mediterranean had eclipsed Malta in terms of their standard of living. So let's not try to fudge matters, Dr. Gonzi. Incidentally, if you had to apply the Germany yardstick to standards of political behavior, Germany's ex-president had resigned his position because he admitted plagiarism in his PhD thesis - your own MP and party Whip, David Agius, was CAUGHT copying THREE times at University (whilst an MP, to boot) and is still there in your list of candidates! How's that for a German yardstick!
David Bongailas
If your yardstick is Germany then why are you always going on about how we are better off then Greece or Spain ?? Like it's supposed to be some kind of consolation or something. And dear Gonzi, Germany does not burn heavy fuel oil to get it's energy. Germany was not downgraded twice in as many years by the world's top credit rating agencies. Germany does not have a government riddled with shady deals and golden handshakes. Germany does not have a government that doesn't give a toss about the environment. And last but not least, Germany is a meritocracy, can we really say the same thing about our dear country ?
Interesting, considering that only this week Merkel was quoted as having specifically mentioned Malta as an offshore haven and that tax rates should be harmonised across the EU, in order to reduce the unfair competition from such countries. Has Gonzi suddenly changed his mind on this issue too?
It is not GonziPn that pays our workers, its the sheer hard work of our business people! Mela issa saru socjalisti; l-Gvern johloq ix-xoghol? L-unika haga li kien kapaci johloq GonziPN hi underclass gdida b'armata ta 85,000 new poor kif ukoll monument iehor ta armata security people jithallsu taht 4 euros fis-siegha! M'hemmx ghalfejn tkun fil-Parlament Ewropew biex tigdeb!
It is not GonziPn that pays our workers, its the sheer hard work of our business people! Mela issa saru socjalisti; l-Gvern johloq ix-xoghol? L-unika haga li kien kapaci johloq GonziPN hi underclass gdida b'armata ta 85,000 new poor kif ukoll monument iehor ta armata security people jithallsu taht 4 euros fis-siegha! M'hemmx ghalfejn tkun fil-Parlament Ewropew biex tigdeb!
Not worth commenting about the Cyprus silliness and usual scaremongering. However Gonzi is right about their yardstick being Germany. GonziPN have copied Germany in the proliferation of precarious jobs, the same jobs that they use to come up with the ridiculous 20K figure. Or was it 3.5 million jobs? (ask Tonio Fenech on this one)
Luke Camilleri
IL-YARDSTICK TA' GONZI - SMART CITY, WHITE ROCKS u Cirkewwa Terminal :) Kemm jara kbir, kemm hu PATETIKU!
Emmanuel Mallia
Gonzi, you must thank our banks, that we are not in the same situation as Greece. It is certainly not your credit . I can imagine the scenario, we are going to have, after the 9th March: If the labour wins, Joseph will blame the PN for a very bad economical situation and introduce austerity measures. If Gonzi wins, he will unveil, the hidden economic situation, and introduce, even harsher measures.
Joseph MELI
Didn't your yard-dog,sorry yardstick ,used to be Ireland before Dr.Gonzi?
Luke Camilleri
Yardstick Germany, why not Brazil? Did not know Dr. Gonzi had a sense of humour ! With Gonzi I'd put CIRKEWWA TERMINAL as a Yardstick ! Is it ready yet? Time for another phase to be blessed and inaugurated??? Stop kidding us Dr. Gonzi and don't let us call your Bluff!