[WATCH] Prime Minister gives sneak peek of electoral programme

PN leader pledges to widen tax bands if a future government succeeds in generating more jobs; all primary and secondary schools’ teachers and students to get a tablet.

Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi.
Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi.

The leader of the Nationalist Party has one-upped the Labour Party with his announcement of providing teachers and students of primary and secondary schools with tablets where the content would be restricted to educational material only.

The proposal comes hot on the heels of an announcement by PL leader Joseph Muscat an hour earlier who said a Labour government would give a free tablet computer to Year IV schoolchildren to improve their IT literacy.

Highlighting the core points of the PN's electoral programme, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that a PN government would also deliver tablets, however saying that all school children, from primary level to secondary level, as well as teachers, would benefit.

He said that it is important to involve teachers in such a scheme as well, "because if we give tablets to just children, they will end up playing with them." Gonzi also stressed that the tablets would be geared towards education and learning, as well as assisting teachers in their duties.

Asked to be specific regarding what sort of tablets the PN was proposing handing out to students, Gonzi was evasive. "We did not mention brands. We're talking about a particular tool, where the focus is on the content of that tool."

Gonzi also emphasised that "within days" after the PN's general council approves the final version of the electoral programme, the Nationalist Party would be publishing the costing of the proposals.

The general council will be meeting tomorrow evening to discuss the electoral programme, themed  'Another leap in quality'.

Giving a sneak peek of the programme, Gonzi this morning pledged a commitment to continue reduce tax, "where possible and sustainably" as he announced further tax incentives to female entrepreneurs who return to the workplace or set up a new business.

Gonzi also announced that a PN government would link stipends to the cost of living - every year the stipend would be adjusted pro rata according to the COLA increase.

On childcare centres, Gonzi said that the PN government would be allocating €5 million for a voucher system, by which working parents - whether fulltime or part time - can use to cover the cost of sending their children to such centres.

He said that the vouchers would either cover the entire cost of the child care service, or cover part of it, depending whether parents opt for public childcare or private childcare.

"Parents should be at liberty to decide whether they want to send their kids to private of public centres and incentives should be given to all," he said.

He also announced that a future government would grant parents sick leave when their children fall ill, allowing them to achieve a more manageable work/life balance.

Gonzi also stressed that that his party's main challenge for the coming five years was on the creation of "at least 25,000 jobs", adding that this is "an inescapable priority for the country."

"The election is nothing other than an opportunity to appear before the electorate with a concrete plan on where we want this country to go during the next legislature," he said.

One of the PN's proposals on health is for government to compensate those who would have to pay for medicine that would otherwise be provided for free but would be out of stock from the government's pharmacy.

He added that the PN would also introduce a system whereby medicines not on the free medicines list, which are nevertheless prescribed by consultants, would be part-refunded by government.

On energy, Gonzi said that a Nationalist government would introduce a night tariff, applicable between 10pm and 6am with a tariff variation of between 7% and 26%. He said that the interconnector, which will be operational by the end of 2013, as well as the installation of smart metres in all local homes as from the end of 2013, along with the operation of the BSWC Delimara plant, will translate into greater efficiency that will make this possible.

Gonzi also added that the government is currently negotiating with the European Union for funding for the gas-pipeline project, adding that while "funds are guaranteed in principle" the exact figure will become known after negotiations are concluded.

Gonzi added that through a scheme titled 'empower', further savings in energy consumption and tarrifs could also be acheived by assisting families and enterprises to invest in renewable energy sources and greater energy efficiency.

He added that EU finding must remain an integral part of any vision for Malta's future, as it played an intimate part in Malta's achievements so far.

Gonzi also reiterated that a PN government would be committed to achieving a balanced budget by 2015, dismissing questions by the media that the government's own 2013 budget proposals spell out a deficit of €46 million for that same year.

Gonzi also took its succession tax reduction proposal in the budget a step further from 35% to 15%, saying that a PN government would extend it to all property, not just those in urban conservation area.

On education Gonzi also unveiled a pledge to construct an additional five schools over the coming five years, a school per year, while also granting National Insurance to university students that would count as working years for pension purposes.

Gonzi its too little and Too late !!Illum il gurnata issa kulhadd induna ala hareg il programm eletorali tlett gimghat tard.Ovja li ghal konvenjenza tal partit .Meta jghid li il costings tal proposti li ha jghamel ghad iridu johorgu fil granet li gejjin juruk li l affarijiet saru ta malajr matul dawn il tlett gimghat.Beda jara xinhu jipproponi il partit laburista u beda jara x jista jipproponi li f ghajnejh jidhru xi ftit ahjar.Pero hadd m ghadu jemmen Lil Gonzi/Simonpn.Qatt ma kont nistenna lil simon jghid li ma ghandux il figuri ta kemm ha jiswew it tablets.Simon jiftahar li ilprogramm huwa ghamlu.Allura qatt ma nista nasal nemmen li ma jiftakarx xinhuma il costings.Raguni wahda hemm li Simon u il pn il proposta tat tablets ghamluwa ghal konvenjenza u mhux b konvinzjoni.Il PN aktar ma jghaddi zmien bhal ma jghid simon stess iktar qed idahhal il partit gas down gol hajt u iktar qed juru li huma il partit tal gimmicks.(nahseb li johlom bihom dawn il kliem).
This sick leave business really makes no sense. It is either the parents' sick leave or it isn't. Employers are simply going to become more wary of employing women of child-bearing age plus what happens when the parent is sick? With a couple of children your sick leave could be eroded in 2-3 months!
But dear Gonzi, who do you think will now believe one word of what's in your electoral programme? Whatever you will write in it is all BS because if you are re-elected you will not honour your promise. 'Judge us on our past', you have said, several times. And that's what the people will be doing this time.
Nobody likes am liar.
Luke Camilleri
Dan irridna nemmnuh? Nahseb jekk jisma lillu innifsu jitkellem ukoll jghid "X'ILLOSTRA QIEGHED NGHID!"
@rajah Nies bhalek rajah nithassarhom. Jaqghalawh fir-warrani ghal hames snin shahm ir-regim ta' GonziPN imbaghad tigi tghidilna li "Jien il PN se nerga nipprova ghax maghhom naf fejn qied." Spjegalna ftit kif taf fejn qieghed? Forsi taf kif kienu jaghfu l-haddiema tat-tarzna, tal-GO, ta' l-Airmalta, tal-karozzi tal-linja qabel l-ahhar elezzjoni meta GonziPN tmellah bihom? Nithassrek habib ghax bhalissa zmien l-imzazen... u fadal min hu mazzun milli jidher. Tick tock. Tick tock
IL-LEAVE LI HADLI 5/6 KULL SENA FEJNHOM???????????? IL-GASS MINN 5euro ghal 20euro fejnhom?????? il-petrol,dawl,ilma fejnhom?????? Simon Busitil kien wedni b'ittra ifirmata li kacca ha tiqba,fejn??????????? Kelli nifranka 2000 ftaxxa imma ra l-maltemp imbghad,ghal 500 eruo zieda FIL-GIMGHA ra l-bnazzi.(LILNA KIEN TAGHNA 50C GHAX RA IL-MALTEMP IMBGHAD REGA)
Haga wahda ma tistax ittina Lorry. S E R J E T A.
A real promised Bonanza it seems which outshines budget 2013. A truly overflowing cornucopia. However I still got to hear where the mother lode or rich uncle is to finance it. I then think that if this was reality the taxpayer will have will pay for it or more likely we will end up jumping as a bankrupt herd off the Dingli fiscal cliff . To get more serious this shower of goodies would not have passed muster right at the initial stage of EU examination process of our budget. Who gives a fig of how will it affects our responsible commitment to a balanced budget in the EU fiscal compact which came into force just two weeks ago.? But then perhaps it is just a election year gimmick which like the budget will never go into effect and not intended to be believed.
Sick leave abuse to be legitimized. How can GonziPn stoop so low in their logic. Sick leave is there to be availed of when a person is really and truly sick. This a banal proposaland fails on 3 counts 1. The mother's sick entitlement would be eroded and when she really comes to use her sick entitlement for he own use she might end up with either utilizing half days sick leave pay entitlement pay sick and eventually or non pay sick days. The scenario is even worse when more than one child involved 2. Employers might be more hesitant to employ married women with children thus minimizing the chance of more women entering the labour market. 3. It is short of legalizing abuse of sick leave Sick days entitlement is pure ans simply used by an employee for sick purpose no more no less. Other out of the norm situations arising for an employee requires other type of special leave or arrangements. I feel that this proposal is more damaging for women in the labour market and more so for aspiring new entrants. Women should be very careful not to fall for this trap. Shame on you Gonzi to come out with such proposal. Very deceitful indeed
Abdullah alhrbi
How can any one from the Gonzi PN stable come out with such an indecent proposal as that of using sick leave as an extension of leave ? How can they confound two different concepts that are meant for two different purposes? Is Gonzi saying that he is condoning the culture of misuse of sick leave for real?
This shows that Gonzi is in a state of panic. He waited for Muscat to subit hjs proposals and Gonzi would do better likel Annie get your gun."If you ride a horse I can ride it better..... Hallina Gonz
@ XIFAJK.... jekk tahseb li Eddie u Gonzi ma tawk xejn lilek ghal dan lahhar 24 sena nahseb mela ghadek tghix fi zminijiet ta pajjiez ta 3 dinja mhux hekk? nahseb gahdek tistenna il bowser biex timla barmil ilma jew tistenna li illum ikollok id dawl. Nahseb ghadek tistenna il minsitru biex igiblek it TV u tfaqqalu LM 50 ( € 117) jew nahseb ghadek tistenna il budget biex forsi tisma il ministru li ser irahhaslek il bullubif jew in tontaz zejt. Bil-haqq lil Alfred Sant insejtu ? dak tak li kien weghdek, jew bambalek 33 taxxa fi 22 xahar. Jien il PN se nerga nipprova ghax maghhom naf fejn qied.
Tgħid mhux ħa jixtri l-vot tiegħi għax qal li ħa jagħtini tablet!!! Ħallina Gonz!!! Fil-klassi t-tfal anke b'lapes jilagħbu aħseb u ara tagħtihom tablet. Aktar ikun moħħhom fil-lezzjoni! Thanks so much. Bl-interactive whiteboards moqdijin sew.
Politicians have a very promising career. Unfortunately, most of them do not keep those promises.
Giving tablets to all primary and secondary students is nothing but a EUR5m gimmick! Giving tablets to 5, 6 and possibly 7 year olds is a waste while giving tablets to all secondary students (who most of them would probably already own one) is an even bigger waste!
Paul Sammut
Kien qalilna Gonzi fuq dak li nghamel iggudikawni u mhux fuq dak li nghid. Issa wasalna fis-sigha tal-prova u sejrin niggudikawh fuq dak li ghamel dawn lahhar hames snin u mghux fuq dak li qed iwghied ghall-hamsa li jmiss.
"On energy, Gonzi said that a Nationalist government would introduce a night tariff, applicable between 10pm and 6am with a tariff variation of between 7% and 26%"....How is noise pollution to be regulated and enforced with regard to tenants switching on their washing machines causing inconvenience to other residents,and especially sick and elderly people, at night?! And what happened to the Noise Pollution policy that should have been introduced long ago??
I would rather politicians giving gym shoes and track suits to our children than tablets to play with.
PROMISES! PROMISES! PROMISESSSSS!!. He that deceives me Once, it's his Fault; but Twice it is my fault. [1650 A. Welldon Secret History of King James I (1690) 88]
I would rather politicians giving gym shoes and track suits to our children than tablets to play with.
Tajjeb, irid igibna kollha dragulas issa wkoll. X'demm ghandu!
Very good proposals (except for the one on using parents' sick leave when children are sick - which is frankly ridiculous: will sons/daughters be allowed to take sick leave to take care of elderly parents??. And how are you going to verify and stem abuse?). I hope that unlike most PN schemes in the last years we don't have a lottery type system where the first 500 applicants get this or 1,500 homes are entitled to that....sham programmes for peanuts! The devil is in the detail, my friends.
This is great. This reminds me of great book called "after the ecstasy the laundry". I have also heard that AD was offering something. A could strategy for this campaign would have been to merge with some other company. Great packages on stake dear voters.
I don/t care what GonziPN says. He said many things in the past which he failed to apply. He is so incredible hat I cannot trust him any further. NO VOTE THIS TIME.
Anette B Cassar
Dan soft opening iehor?
Kulhadd irid jaghtina kollox ghaliex waslet l-elezzjoni, imma wara jispicca kollox. Eddie u Goniz hekk ghamluna f'dawn l-ahhar 25 sena, imma perwasz li Joseph Muscat mhux sejjer jaqa ghaz-zuffjet u sejjer jaghmel dak li qed jghid. Jien ha nippruvah lil Joseph u int?