Security guards employed on precarious conditions - GWU

GWU challenges Prime Minister to publish working conditions of subcontracted security officials working with government.

The General Workers' Union has challenged the Prime Minister to publish the working conditions by which sub-contracted employees are employed by government, insisting that some security workers were employed on precarious conditions.

In a statement, the union also published the conditions by which it employs its own security guards among which include full-time employment with a pre-agreed shift roster. The GWU said that while its security guards received over the double rate of the minimum wage, government was employing workers on precarious conditions.

The GWU said that subcontracted security guards working with government received minimum wage. This, the union specified, was in the cases where the GWU was not involved in their collective agreement.

Other precarious conditions included security guards employed as self-employed, "like those subcontracted by Malta Council for Sports", workers working more than 40 hours a week, workers who pay for their own uniform.

I do believe one also has to obtain a permit/certificate, plus fire and first aid certification, which by coincidence the companies are able to do, for a charge! and you can pay back from your wage, so much per month, plus how many uniforms are required? as one is also able to pay these back monthly from the meager wage.