[WATCH] Muscat defends party’s decision not to go to police

Joseph Muscat defends decision not to report alleged Safi drug incident to police: ‘it was one person’s word against another’s’.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat visited the Kalkara boatyard before addressing the press.
Labour leader Joseph Muscat visited the Kalkara boatyard before addressing the press.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat has defended the PL's decision not to report an alleged case of drug incidence to the police, insisting that it was "one person's word against another's".

Addressing the press following a visit made at the Kalkara boatyard, Muscat reiterated that the party didn't have the evidence or proof to proceed court, while the individuals who approached the PL weren't ready to testify.

"Abela was informed about the case some days after it happened, while I came to know about it when I received the correspondence," Muscat said.

Today Muscat also insisted that his previous denials on whether he was aware of a drugs incident inside a PL club, were referring specifically to the Attard club, and not the Safi club.

Muscat said he realised that allegations of a drug incident inside a Labour club pertained to the Safi kazin, after listening to an interview on Net TV with the alleged whistleblower, whose reference to the cutting of ice inside the club's kitchen brought the episode to mind.

"It was clear that on Sunday I was being asked about the Attard case, and I had no information that in Attard there had been any incident of the sort... Today it is clear that [the PN] are referring to a totally different case, and it was obvious from this interview that the PN are using this person."

EXPLAINER Two barmen, two incidents, one recording

Today, MaltaToday revealed that the barman who ran the Labour Party club in Safi in 2009 - and was sacked following the discovery of drug use in the club - had asked Muscat to clear his name after claiming he had not been given an opportunity to defend himself when he was shown the door.

Joe Gerada, a former Labour volunteer, is believed to have passed on letters he wrote to Joseph Muscat complaining of his treatment by the party, to the PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier during the Independence celebrations last year, in September 2012.

Now Muscat claims it was the Prime Minister's responsibility, as PN leader, to take action when the PN got to know of the matter. "We took steps on the allegations against [Gerada]... the PM took no action when he received the report. Now the PN is using him."

Muscat yesterday was placed on the spot after the Nationalist Party released the contents of a letter by Gerada, complaining to Muscat of the unfair treatment he was given after being sacked.

Muscat yesterday also told MaltaToday that he had accepted to have a picture taken with Gerada "as he does in all cases", at the end of a meeting with the former barman "during which [Gerada] was quite agitated and kept mentioning his family's situation," a party spokesman told this newspaper.

The PN says Muscat lied after having denied being aware of the drugs incident: but Muscat today said that his denials were linked to another incident, this time in Attard, involving another barman who was sacked from the party; and only realised on Sunday that the PN's accusations on drug use inside a party club were connected to Safi.

l-ewwel dmir kien li toni abela kellu jmur jirraporta lil pulizija u jhalli lil pulizija tinvestiga hi. ghar min hekk l-ewwel qalu li ma jafux bil kaz u meta instema ir recording imbad hafna skuzi u tidwir mal lewza. IRRIDU AKTAR SERJETA.
In my opinion is was a mistake by the PL not reporting the case to the police. It is the police who has the power to investigate and takes court action or not. It was so simple, so very simple, to get rid of this mess by a simple report to the police! Sometimes I wonder who gives the proper advice to our leader ! I am sure that Dr Muscat does not want to have any of his party members involved in drugs but in this matter he underestimated the case by taking the wrong advice, when it would have been very simple and effective to report the case to the police. I suggest that Dr Muscat sees that who gives him advice is a geniune person who does not see red, blue, or green!
elections should be based on policies and social integrity including attainable economic growth and financial expansions and not on such silly mud slugging accusations that happened years ago. if anything they should have been tackled when they occured and not left in the cupboard for elections confetti throwing ! grow up maltese politicians! give us substance and tangible solutions and not this slug!
I would like to know why the Police Commissioner is keeping quite about this issue. I think all we need is a statement by the police if there was a case or not. Also yesterday on Tvam program Dr Joe Mifsud said that there is still time to call all the persons involved to Police Headquarters and see the real story. The people wont to know also is two different clubs or one story being mixed with another. Pn please give up this scary tactic because it is getting you worst results . People do not believe you any more . you had five years were is the your results. Let the people judge on what you did not on what you wont to do.
Gonzi & Co with the aid of armature spin doctors are back again!!! The news media is being utilized as a political tool of suppression and propaganda by those in power, and propaganda is psychological in nature. Half –truths and utter misinformation !! Paul , Richard & co , you should be doing allot better,
issa li dan qal kollox lil Pn, gie irraputat lil Pulizija mil PN? ax kif qed nara il pn sahansitra taw job lil dan l-indvidwu meta jafu dan x inhuwa. U ma ninsewx li dan il kaz gara madawr sentejn ilu u nerga nghid f sentejn il pn irrapurtawh lil pulizija?
Is it true that the person involved in the Safi PL club incident was given a job by this government? Was this a coincidence?
Tatika ta'hazen min naha ta'GonziPN biex jidevjaw mil-likbar skandlu li qatt kelna go pajjizna "il-kummisjonijit fuq ix-xiri taz-zejt",vera nies minsija mir-rejalta,nies b'dharom mal-hajt,nies li jafu li it-tmiem ghal buzullotti!!!! ha jispicca fi ftit granet ohra!,tal-misthija kif GonziPN jiprova ihammeg u jattaka bniedem personalment!.GonziPN maqtuh mir-rejalta u talli jinsab daqsekk maqtuh mir-rejalta jien,familiti u membri ohra tal-familja se nivottaw PL ghal bidla fid-direzzjoni,halli dawn il-moqzizijiet jinqataw darab ghal dejjem.
Tatika ta'hazen min naha ta'GonziPN biex jidevjaw mil-likbar skandlu li qatt kelna go pajjizna "il-kummisjonijit fuq ix-xiri taz-zejt",vera nies minsija mir-rejalta,nies b'dharom mal-hajt,nies li jafu li it-tmiem ghal buzullotti!!!! ha jispicca fi ftit granet ohra!,tal-misthija kif GonziPN jiprova ihammeg u jattaka bniedem personalment!.GonziPN maqtuh mir-rejalta u talli jinsab daqsekk maqtuh mir-rejalta jien,familiti u membri ohra tal-familja se nivottaw PL ghal bidla fid-direzzjoni,halli dawn il-moqzizijiet jinqataw darab ghal dejjem.
Tatika ta'hazen min naha ta'GonziPN biex jidevjaw mil-likbar skandlu li qatt kelna go pajjizna "il-kummisjonijit fuq ix-xiri taz-zejt",vera nies minsija mir-rejalta,nies b'dharom mal-hajt,nies li jafu li it-tmiem ghal buzullotti!!!! ha jispicca fi ftit granet ohra!,tal-misthija kif GonziPN jiprova ihammeg u jattaka bniedem personalment!.GonziPN maqtuh mir-rejalta u talli jinsab daqsekk maqtuh mir-rejalta jien,familiti u membri ohra tal-familja se nivottaw PL ghal bidla fid-direzzjoni,halli dawn il-moqzizijiet jinqataw darab ghal dejjem.
Is there anything newsworthy right now? It seems like there isn't if such a hullaballoo is being made over this. Why isn't anyone asking about the electoral proposals?
@fenea Kieku Joseph mar ghand il puluzzijja xorta hadt ma kien jittressaq ghax hadt ma kien lest jixhed, infatti jidher li l-PL prova jigbor xhieda fejn ma sabx kolloborazzjoni, l-ghar meta tmur il kazin tal Mosta tal PN u tara burdell ta striptease, fejn sa anki l-barman kien bi plegg fuq traffikar ta droga li ghadu sal lum barra hekk sew hux ghax tal qalba ghadu barra jigri. Fil kaz ta droga l-puluzzijja ma sabux provi ghax tinsiex David Agius li ghandu kondotta mtiffsa mar ghand il puluzzijja sentejn ilu biex jipprova jgieba bi kbira, allura ila sentejn li ilhom li bdew investigazzjoni u ma sabu xejn kif issa tibdew taqbdu ma kaz li Toni Abela li ma kellux x'juri lil puluzzijja ghax ibqa zgur la keccieh minghajr ma sab droga lil min lien involut ahseb u ara kieku sablu, tahseb li ma kienx imur biha ghand il puluzzijja? Toni Abela ma ghandu x'jahbi xejn, anzi hu in the clear assolut, nistaqsiek jien kemm kien ghaqli li PBO u Simon li ahjar jaraw u jghamlu investigazzjoni x'sar fil kazin tal PN tal Mosta, ghax hemm kien hemm zgur illegalita u bil kif.
@fenea and Ray - Il-kaz ilu f'idejn il-PN min Settembru għax ma marx Gonzi jew PBO għand il-pulizija mhux qed tinqdew b'dan l-ex barman li għadkom kif tajtuh cushy job mal-gvern dan l-aħħar.
Issa isbah GonziPN tant waqa fid+desperazzjoni li qed jiddefendu lil xi hadd li Muscat kecca mil+PL imhabba id+droga! Nispera li GonziPN ghamlu ricerka fug nies li setghu kienu involuti fid+droga!
Addressing the press following a visit made at the Kalkara boatyard, Muscat reiterated that the party didn't have the evidence or proof to proceed court, while the individuals who approached the PL weren't ready to testify.......DAK MHUX XOGHOLOK SUR MUSCAT. ID DMIR TIEGHEK KIEN LI TIRRAPORTA IL KAZ LIL PULIZIJA U WARA LI TINVESTIGA TARA JEKK HEMMX PROVI BIZZEJJED BIEX TRESSAQ IL KAZ QUDDIEM IL QORTI. JAQAW SE NERGAW LURA FEJN IL GVERN IRID JIDDETTA U JINDAHAL F'KOLLOX U LIL KULHADD?????
After reading this statement, another gaff by the PN machine, with the joseph-pinocchio billboard. The negative and offensive billboard is not the way to pull PL and moderate people towards PN.
Whether there is enough evidence or not, the police has to make that decision, and not anybody else.