‘Muscat should withdraw candidature’– Borg Olivier

PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier says Labour leader Joseph Muscat should withdraw candidature after admitting to mishandling Safi drug case.

Paul Borg Olivier (right) together with Lawrence and Kate Gonzi.
Paul Borg Olivier (right) together with Lawrence and Kate Gonzi.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat should withdraw his candidature over the Safi Labour club drug incident, PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier said in Mgarr this morning.

"Our message is simple, jobs, jobs, jobs," he said, adding that the electorate should weigh up Muscat's words and actions. Highlighting Muscat's interview on today's Times, Borg Olivier said "It is unacceptable to admit an error on failing to report drug use at a Labour Party club. You cannot fall into a puddle of mud and expect to come out of it spick and span. Shame on you."

He added that if Muscat would have expected PL deputy leader Toni Abela to withdraw his candidature had he been on the party list because of his involvement in the Safi drug case, Muscat should do the same and withdraw his candidature because he is as guilty as Abela is on the drug case.

He argued that Muscat was also aware of the case and by his own yardstick, the Labour leader should do the honourable thing and withdraw his candidature.

Insisting that Muscat failed to shoulder political, ethical, and moral responsibility, Borg Olivier said Muscat "cannot get aaway with it as if nothing happened," because it was serious case involving drugs.

"Shame on you. You concealed a drug case for partisan interests. Manuel Mallia wants me imprisoned for exposing the truth on Labour while Labour do not take any action against persons who use drugs in Labour club a few metres away from a school."

Borg Olivier also said that the PN would not be intimidated by Labour's lies and attempts to silence it from exposing Labour's true face. 

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat admitted to making a mistake in not reporting the drugs find at the PL Safi club in 2009 to the police.

Speaking to The Sunday Times, Muscat denied ever lying outright about the case. Muscat had initially denied any knowledge of the drugs find when the Toni Abela recordings first surfaced.

On his part, PN leader Lawrence Gonzi said the European Commission's winter forecast showed that the country should not change its direction.

Speaking in Mgarr, Gonzi echoed Borg Olivier's call for Muscat to withdraw his candidature after admitting that he mishandled the Safi drug case, saying: "To govern you need foresight and not hindsight."

"Muscat's admission means that he had lied about the case when he said he did not know about it. He was informed about the case which possibly carried a life sentence on at least two occasions. However the only thing he did was to pose for a picture with the informer."

He added that the difference between the PN and Labour is that "when we come across some illegality we inform the police and take action and not seek some Labourite or Nationalist police officer to conceal the facts."

In his concluding remarks, Gonzi said: "There is no risk in voting for us. You know what we have done and you know what we are capable of doing. You know were you stand with us. We do not have a divine right to govern the country. We must gain the people's trust and we are ready to serve the country. We served the country in difficult times and we are prepared to serve the country again."

The PN would remain close to the people even after 9 March, PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil said.

In a direct pitch for young and first-time voters, Busuttil said: "You will be decisive and I am confident that your decision will be clear, the next Prime Minister should be Lawrence Gonzi."

He said the key to the future is in the electorate's hands, and young and first-time voters will once again be behind the PN after weighing up their options.

"When you put our achievements in contrast to our errors, the balance tips in favour of the Nationalist Part's achievements," Busuttil said.

Quoting a number of Facebook replies to a question he posed on his profile, PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil said there are numerous reasons why the people should vote in Lawrence Gonzi to office for another term.

"You are a statesman for the next generation," Busuttil said, quoting one of the messages he received. 

Addressing the local community of farmers, Busuttil said: "The PN was, is and will remain your party."

Asked by the event host what was the PN's secret in creating new jobs, secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier said: "There was one simple formula, called Lawrence Gonzi."

He added that the country underwent a thorough transformation, in part thanks to EU membership which Labour leader Joseph Muscat opposed.

"The Labour Party has not uttered one single word in seven weeks of campaigning on job creation. On the other hand, we have not started speaking on job creation now, we have worked hard and created jobs during the last five years. We not only want to create new jobs but we also want to create better jobs," Borg Olivier said.

Describing job creation as a "bread and butter" issue, the PN secretary-general said that during the next five years, the PN would guarantee peace of mind, job creation and a "safe and secure future."

In a brief but impassioned intervention, MEP David Casa said Labour leader Joseph Muscat was being dishonest in saying that he accepted the people's verdict in the 2003 EU membership referendum.

"Muscat's claims are false, after the 2003 referendum he insisted that the No had won the referendum, he opposed the signing if the EU treaty and also opposed the Sant' Antnin sewage treatment plant project and tried to stop Malta benefitting from EU funds for the project," Casa said.


Gonzi jmissu staqsa lill Tonio Fenech jekk jaqbilx li jħalli biex imexxi bħala segretarju tal PN , xi ċuċ Malti . Dan dejjem jekk ma ikkonsidrawx biex ċuċ imexxi ċuċ bħalu . Apoloġija lill kumplament tal-Maltin l-oħra li ma humiex ċwieċ .
Dan PBO sar ahjar minn Benny Hill jew Mr Bean. U jkolli nghid li jghid cucati aktar minn Ta' l-Akla. Kompli dahhakna Pawl!
PBO pls ghamel wahda sew...... possibli li l partit ghandu flus ghal paga tieghek???
LETS PUT IT THIS WAY 'paul' all you have is a surname that plays a little history and on the other hand you will be the first Borg Olivier to go down in the history of malta as the worst PN politician that ever exsisted, what gonzi saw in you I will never understand, but than as we all know and i say this as a nationalist, even gonzi will go down as the worst prime minister Malta as ever had. proud to be maltese
Ara veru bħall ma qalu ta' qabli 'Il-qaħba milli jkollha tik' Mela Għandkom taħwid tal-biża' il-partit ta' gonżipn imisshom jirreżenjaw 90% minnhom!! Ħallina pawl u mur staħba x'imkien għax int ieħor li qed tagħmel ħsara kbira lil-PN. Għandom seba' mitt sena biex jeħilsu minnek jekk ma tafx!!
Ooops! There goes Pawlu...a man without sins. Maybe he had a lapsus here. Did you not know about the incident about 2 years ago? Ooops...do you know that because of you I cannot file a complaint with a government dept because I don't feel safe when it comes to Data protection?
Not only should PBO resign now but he stands to go to jail for malicious slander. He is now repeating it again. These people never learn and the Courts must teach them a lesson once and for all with a massive fine and a massive imprisonment sentence. The same goes for Tonio Fenech, Austin Gatt and especially L Gonzi who has excelled himself at the filth he keeps on gurgling every time he opens his mouth. This filth must stop at the soonest and the Police and the Courts, who are the safeguards of our democracy must act NOW and immediately.
When is the PN electoral machine going to realise that character assassination will not pay eternally? It may have payed once by demonising Alfred Sant. It will not pay this time - you can only use this tool once - the second time it will backfire. Oh you Christian Democrats in the PN!!
PBO...int l-anqas t**** ma taf ahseb u ara kemm taf titkellem...tisma kumment bhal dan li ghedt tirrejallizza x'arroganza ghandek, x'ksuhat ta' bniedem int u x'faqar ta' mohh ghandek. Jaqghu imwerwer mill-kwerela illi se jipprezentaw ghada fuqek Mallia u Farrugia Sacco?...PBO you are the disgrace of the PN: first job for the PN in opposition - kick u and the likes of you OUT!!!
silly man and puppet on the string ..look at ur mirror jpo ...to see the devils dancing around you ...yo stole everything in our lovely country ....
silly man and puppet on the string ..look at ur mirror jpo ...to see the devils dancing around you ...yo stole everything in our lovely country ....
int bis serjeta puppet on a string ....?? mela irrizenjaw kollha inkom ghax kollha korroti ,,kif ma tisthux thamgu u tigdbu wara li fallejtu pajjiz u sraqtu kollox ..shame on you ..
From what I could read on the matter, Joseph Muscat only knew about this incident via third parties (and let us be honest hear, it is not a serious crime we are talking about!) ... Is this the new pn startegy to create uncertainty and constantly demand for PL resignations?!? ... "Jekk il-gemel jara hotoptu, jaqa u jmut zoptu", jghid il Malti! ... I have a question of my own for PBO: when did you know of this incident? and why are the details only emerging now??? ... This to me smacks of a repeat of the 2008 election when JPO slung mud at Alfred Sant on the eve of the election. At the time everyone blamed Alfred Sant, however last year the mastermind himself, that esteemed ambassador extraordinaire who was obliged to resign by the Maltese parliament, admitted that Afred Sant was right after all. Are you PBO using the same tactics again??? ... Maybe it is you who should consider resigning!
Isa Joseph obdi u għamel dak li qallek dan il-purċinell tas-seklu .
Ara min qed jitkellem!!!!! Ara sewwa jghidu li il Qa..a milli jkollha tiek!! Mela hu xi immisu jghamel immur jindifen taht muntanja trab wara id dgerfix li ghamel u qal
PBO: you forgot to say the whole phrase, I say it on you behalf: "Jobs, jobs, jobs, for the blue eyed clique boys"
PBO and a couple of others should go measure the Valletta bastions height.
As a matter of fact PBO should resign. His gaffes will contribute to PN's electoral defeat on 9 March. My guess is that the PN councillors will vote him out after thye election. Now, coming to facts Toni Abela is not a candidate for the elections. Secondly, the police have found no evidence of wrongdoing and there is no case against him. I have known Toni for a number of years and I can vouch that he is one of the very few honest people in Malta. He is a man of great integrity and his moral fibre is oustanding. It is sad and most shameful that somebody should tarnish his reputation in such a despicable, mean way.
Hallina Paul! You had better prepare to collect some donations or barter for the amount of money you will soon have to pay for the numerous libel actions instituted against you and you DemoChristian party! Churning out lies and insinuations by the minute. i recomend you open a GIFT shop
Fabian Psaila
Jia jdahhaq dan Pawlu Paprati! Alla hares ma jkunx hu kulltant : )
Using Borg Olivier's logic then the entire 85% of the current PN Parliamntary group should withdraw their candidature and BO himself retire to a monastery to atone for his sins for seeking to utilise the private correspondence of private citizens with government departments for partisan advantage breaching the division that should exist between party and government. For example, how do I know that my private correspondence with government departments is not filed away at PN headquarters awaiting some political decision to publish it because of my views? Joseph Muscat has one big advantage over Gonzi and BO. The first as Prime Minister has defended all kinds of incompetence and wrong doing by his Cabinet colleagues and members of his party. The second has shown that the PN is a vindictive party, something which many of us who have experienced its vindictiveness known but which the PN machine was very good at covering up. Yes, when Gonzi and his Parliamentary group withdraw and BO hands in his resignation I will support the call for JM to withdraw. But those who are crying out so loud over one mishandling of a case should resign for making the life of citizens so difficult while a few of their close supporters were making millions.
David Bongailas
U mela! Muscat jirtira il-kandidatura u il-PL izarma halli jigverna ghal dejjem ta' dejjem il-PN ghax huma biss subajhom dritt u huma biss jafu x'inhu tajjeb ghall-pajjiz!
Mishandling? PBO is a MASTER of mishandling. Did HE offer to resign after his manyfold cock-ups?