[WATCH] 'If Toni goes, Joseph must go too' – Gonzi

Labour leader Joseph Muscat cannot sack his deputy leader Toni Abela over the Safi drug incident because he would have to tender his resignation too, PM Lawrence Gonzi says.

The sea of blue at the PN mass meeting in Naxxar.(Photo: MediaToday/Ray Attard)
The sea of blue at the PN mass meeting in Naxxar.(Photo: MediaToday/Ray Attard)

Labour leader Joseph Muscat cannot sack his deputy leader Toni Abela over the Safi drug incident because he would have to tender his resignation too, since both covered up a criminal offence, PN leader Lawrence Gonzi said today in Naxxar.

(Video: Ray Attard/Mediatoday)

He said that Muscat, the person aspiring to become Prime Minister did not even have the decency, to shoulder political and legal responsibility and report the matter to the police.

As the crowd chanted: "Shame on you," Gonzi said: "Muscat cannot aspire to become Prime Minister because we do not want someone who covers up a crime such as this, which puts our children in danger, because it could embarrass his party."

The PN leader dedicated the latter part of his address to the drug case at the Labour club in Safi, which he described as "unprecedented in Maltese political history."

"This is a very serious matter. This is a crime, which could land you a life sentence. The Labour leader failed to take the necessary steps and failed to report the case to the police. He should be ashamed of himself. He cannot come forward as a candidate for the Prime Minister's seat. Never in Maltese political history has anyone stooped so low. Never has anyone done so much to conceal a criminal act."

Yesterday, opposition leader Joseph Muscat admitted to making a mistake in not reporting the drugs find at the PL Safi club in 2009 to the police.

Speaking to The Sunday Times, Muscat denied ever lying outright about the case. Muscat had initially denied any knowledge of the drugs find when Labour deputy leader Toni Abela's recordings first surfaced.

Insisting that Muscat and Abela were "accomplices," Gonzi said that their positions within the Labour Party are untenable.

Gonzi said that while Muscat committed political murder against former PL deputy leader Anglu Farrugia, he did not do away with his other deputy leader Toni Abela. "He cannot sack Toni, because if Toni goes, Joseph must go too. If Toni goes, Joseph must quit too."

Electoral victory is close, but the PN has two weeks of hard work ahead of it, Gonzi said.

Addressing a sea of blue in Naxxar, the PN leader made it a point to tell his supporters that electoral victory is within reach, but warned that it would not be easy.

"Victory is close, but a lot of work needs to be done in the remaining two weeks. A lot of people remain undecided and I want to address these persons. The PN is the only guarantee for a safe and secure future for all. We have to persuade these persons that the PN is the natural choice for a quality leap in job creation, education and health."

Another resonant message in Gonzi's speech was the PN's readiness to serve the country and echoing his predecessor's mantra, the PN leader repeatedly stressed that "the PN is ready to serve."

"Keep this in mind. On 9 March you have to choose whether to trust the country to a scandalous party or to the real act. Labour are only a bad copy of the PN. We are the real thing. We are the original version. We are the party of Eddie Fenech Adami. We are the party of Gorg Borg Olivier. We are the party which wants to serve the country, our families and our children."

He also said that the PN had no divine right to win the election, but the PN would only win the election if the party convinces and earns the people's trust.

"We are here to serve the people, to help the country move forward. We do not win elections by right, we win elections because you the people, trust us. Once again we have to look forward at 9 March with this in mind. We only deserve to win if we can guarantee that the country's future is as safe and secure as it was under past PN administrations. "

Addressing the crowd before Gonzi, PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil said: "Lets not give up. Don't change a winning horse. Let's do something for the country. Let's choose wealth, integrity and a quality leap. Let's choose the Nationalist Party for ourselves, our children and our country."

He added that the PN is aware of its own errors and shortcoming, however said that the PN was committed to make things right. "Although we will not be able to make amends with everyone by 9 March, after the election we will make sure to remain close to the people and listen to what the people have to say."



Fabian Psaila
Can't Gonzi & his GANG be original for once and just go instead of waiting for the PL to take the first step to copy and follow????? After all Gonzi & his clan "EMBRACED" THE BARMAN TAL-BLOKKA, within their fold, does this make them ACCOMPLICES AFTER THE ACT?
Sure he's goin Mr Xmun,Joseph is going to Castille.
Dr Gonzi , after the election you will be going out of office . I heard you say , (jien intellaq biex nirbaħ). Ħaġa waħda nsejt tgħidilna , li dan kien meta inti tellaqt waħdek . Issa li għandek avversarju li qed jikkompetilek , Ma taħsibx li inti daqsxejn pruzuntuz iz-zejjed meta qed tgħid li ser tirbaħ zgur , speċjalment meta taħt l-amministrazzjoni tiegħek , f'dan il-pajjiz seħħew kazi ta' korruzzjoni u skandli kbar ?
Dawn in-nies jiskantawk. Jistghu dawn il-qaddisin jghidulna min hu dak id-deputat u kandidat li jsemmi Dr.Franco Debono, li hu mdahhal fid-drogi?. Sahansitra jghidu li b'mod jew iehor jissupplixxi d-droga liz-zghazagh !!. Tistghu isserhulna rasna, lilna tas-South li dan mhux minnu, u li wliedna huma "SAFE" ?. Dr.Gonzi, nistenna risposta cara minghandek, ghax int tohrog fuq it-tieni distrett. U lil Simon Busuttil nistiednu jidhol fil-kaz ukoll, bhala deputat Mexxej tal-PN, u li juri zelu biex uliedna ma jigux f'kuntatt mad-droga. Grazzi bilquddiem.
Paul Sammut
Vera kaz ta` l-ispizjar u l-mara l-hazini li milli jkollhom jghatuk. Imma din serjeta`?
@ Busullotti Xmun. Yes of course Joseph must go but then you may not remember for your convenience QUEIROZ. Then the WHOLE PN government should have gone and nobody moved an inch, dear Busullotti.
I want Labour to explain precisely how they are planning to get back all the funds siphoned from taxpayers by these clowns, who do not even have the gall to tell the electorate if and how much they refunded from what they sucked off by way of unwarranted salary and allowances they shadily (by way of highly unorthodox methods) availed themselves off.
Jekk bil-kejl tal-Prim Ministru Toni u Joseph ghandhom iwarrbu, bl-istess kejl huwa ghandu jezilja ruhu minn dan il-pajjiz lejn x'imkien bhal Zimbabwe u jiehu mieghu lil Austin u l-Tonio li tant jiddefendihom. Nitolbuh izda jhalli hawn Malta lil Pawlu Borg Olivier ghax huwa l-aqwa "asset" tal-PL.
Minn ma jarax hotobtu jaqa u jmut zoptu...jghajdu!!!
Time is fast running out for Gonzi and GonziPN. The signs are on the wall for all to see. A forthnight today this country will witness a new dawn. Till then: Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Tick Tock...
I think Dr. gonzi must secretly admire Joseph Muscat as I would allow Toni to resign, then I would tell josoph to resign. As it is he just advised Joseph not to tell Toni to resign.
yes Gonzi and than you must go with austin for hiding all the wrong doings that austin did and has yet to be to be investigated..
There is only one PN battlecry possible: CORRAGGIO FUGGIAMO. They are the once to have to go and GO THEY WILL. But the situation should not stop there. They have to be sued to the hilt for malicious slander and thrown in jail by the Competent Courts. It is a much much worse crime to accept bribes and gifts not only from Big Businesses but also from drug barons who have destroyed this country with their filth. The time for a
it is you who will be gone in two weeks time
By the same account, Gonzi cannot sack......Tonio, Austin, George, Jason, Dolores, Giovanna, David, PBO, etc., etc., Wishful thinking Lawrence, just get out of our lives so that we can start re-building this country.