Pilots ‘expect news’ on negotiations with MIA as Air Malta workers march on Castille

Pilots’ association president Dominic Azzopardi said that he was expecting news later this month – as promised by the Prime Minister – on the negotiations regarding charges with Malta International Airport.

Speaking at the end of a march in Valletta, where hundreds of Air Malta employees, union members and the general public protested at the state of affairs at Air Malta, pilots’ association president Dominic Azzopardi said that during a meeting held last Wednesday at Castille, pilots were promised that action would be taken, and now expect that the Prime Minister delivers on this promise.

“We now expect news from these negotiations with MIA,” Azzopardi said.

Azzopardi accused low-cost giant Ryanair of coming to Malta “just for the sake of siphoning millions of euros in subsidies to the detriment of Air Malta,” and appealed to government not to let Malta become dependent on any low cost airline.

Forum president John Bencini accused Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi of “buying votes” from Air Malta employees by promising them peace of mind on their jobs prior to the last elections.

General Workers’ Union secretary-general Tony Zarb also addressed the protest accused government of being insensitive by allowing Air Malta workers be taken over by anxiety for so many weeks, by leaving them despair at the prospect of losing their jobs.

Zarb insisted that government must provide alternative employment bto those workers who will unfortunately lose their jobs at the airline and refuse early retirement schemes.

He accused  Malta International Airport for being “ruthless” in granting preferential treatment to low cost carriers rather than invest in the national airline.

David Sargent from the Union of Cabin Crew, said that workers could not be made to carry the blame for an accrued €110 million in losses that were made by huge management errors over the last five years.

He asked for answers as to why nobody took any action for the past eight months, and the airline continued to falter.

John Camilleri, from the Association of Airline Engineers, appealed to the airline’s management to find solutions to protect the airline’s social role in the economy.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat, Labour MPs and members from the Malta Union of Teachers also attended.

Naqbel mieghak perfettament BOBINU. Dawn kollox qerdu li hu laburist, is sea Malta mhux ghal xejn ghalquha? Hlief qliegh ma kinitx taghmel f idejn Marleen Mizzi li anke il haddiema kienu ihobbuha u jirrispettawha. Id dockyard mhux bi skopp ghalquha? Ha inehhu is sahha u l-ghaqda li kien hemm ghax kienu maggoranza laburista? Is-sahha mhux ukoll riedu jghamluha bil FLUS? Hemm kienu igibuna OTTU, GHAX MINN GHANDU L-FLUS ISALVA U MINN MA GHANDUX JINQERED....hemm it trab jghatti kollox man !!!! Insomma still FAXXISTA GRAZZI GONZIPN tal par idejn sodi li ghandek !! U TINSEWX HBIEB.......FLIMKIEN KOLLOX POSSIBBLI.
Pass wara pass. jehilsu ukoll mill-Airmalta...dawn qatt ma hamlu dak li sawwar il-Perit u qabel ma jeqirdu dak kollu li ghamel Il_labour ma jistriehux allovolja jafu li waslu ghad-difna. Iwahhlu f'kulhadd- fil-piloti, fil-haddiema erhilh ali nofsom huma stess haddmuhom mlejliet l-elezjoni ghal voti, f'kulhadd iwahhlu minbarra f'nishom li hm amimlijja tilja flus bil-maniggi li jghamlu waqt li qed jiggvernaw. Jien niftakr lil Anton Buttigieg jghajjarhom li dawn jippretendu li mahluqin minn Alla biex imexxu-- u HADD aktar hliefhom. Qabel ma ninghaqdu wahda sew u ma nhallulhomx fejn jiehdu nifs politiku, dawn jibqghu iwegghuna bit-taxxi u b'dak kollu li mhux laburist - ghalihom ahna jaqq u hamalli u ma ghandna drititjiet ta. xejn hlief li nobduhom, nhalsu i-taxxi allvolja m aghndniex minn fejn u nsallbu l-uliedna biex nhallsu l-kontijiet. Ghalhekk illum ammirajt li dak il-guvnot li qallhom DAQSHEKK - mintomx irgiel u jien tlaqt fejn hemm i-sens u l-umnaita ghall pajjizi...... Nammirak habib kemm nixtieq li nafek iktar..
This is going to be interesting. If MIA bring down charges for key routes it will have to be for ALL airlines and not just Air Malta. That means that other airlines including the LCCs will likely show interest in Air Malta's key routes and this will mean the end of Air Malta in no time whatsoever as yet again due to political interference Air Malta would not have re-structured as it was supposed to! It is apparent that political interference will continue and that the prime minister is just buying more time. The airline is now unlikely to re-structure as it would if it were to be a private company and is likely to keep many more people, pilots and planes than it needs. It's pathetic that we have our prime minister and minister of finance negotiating with Unions when we have now employed someone that is supposed to be the best in the industry to lead Air Malta and when we have an experienced entrepreneur such as Luis Farrugia at the helm. If a prime minister sitting down with a union who can't see beyond it's nose is not political interference then I don't know what is!! Political interference is what dooms all state companies the world over to total failure and the reason why there is no longer any space for government run companies!
Joseph MELI
I suppose you EXPECT your cheque in the post as well.Don't be fooled or hoodwinked by false dawns or unfulfilled and empty promises by soon to be GONE ZI
Is -'sappi tutto' ma gabux wahda tajba! Anqas bicca xarabank ma kienu kapaci jintroducu. Ahjar li l-Avukati kollha li jippredendu li jafu kollox, imorru sa Guinea Bissau u jirrikolaw hemm: jistriehu huma u aktar iserhu lilna! Malta has become an island of the dispossesed whilst a few good fellas have become billionaires! L-Air Malta and MIA (LORO) blue eyed boys have sucked us dry! Ifrah gahan malti!