Graffitti counter-exhibition to showcase ‘hidden facts’ of Hili Group’s Comino development
Moviment Graffitti will host a counter-exhibition in demonstration against Hili Group plans for Comino development

Moviment Graffitti has invited the public to join them in an information meeting about the Hili Group proposal for villas and a hotel in Comino.
This proposal has been met with opposition and controversy in recent weeks, with environmental organisations warning that the fight against this environmental obscenity will escalate if Hili Group will not have them withdrawn.
However, the developer has now launched a forthcoming exhibition at the Mediterranean Conference Centre (MCC) in Valletta to further promote the project.
In response, the NGO is organising its own information meeting to discuss the project's impact on the environment and the public's enjoyment of this nature reserve outside the MCC on Saturday at 10:30am.
“Although we do not have the millions of euros of Hili Group at our disposal, we strongly believe that the public has a right to accurate information that gives the whole picture of the plans of this developer and their disastrous impact on Comino's environment and on the public’s enjoyment of this nature reserve,” Moviment Graffitti said a day prior the event.
This counter-exhibition titled ‘Vilel f’Kemmuna: X’ma jridux juruk il-Hili Group’ will demonstrate the “disastrous impact” it will have on Comino's environment and on the public’s enjoyment of this nature reserve.
The Hili Group plans are currently awaiting the approval of the Planning Authority, where thousands of people have already submitted objections against the plans, said the NGO.
“Moviment Graffitti believe the public has a right to accurate information that gives the whole picture of the plans of this developer.”