Gozo Channel quiet about €40,000 office space rent

Gozo Channel did not want to reveal the €20,000 yearly rent being paid from taxpayers’ money for its offices until the Cirkewwa terminal is completed.

According to Sunday newspaper Illum, Gozo Channel refused to answer how much it is paying for office space rent until the Cirkewwa terminal is completed, citing "commercially s

According to Sunday newspaper Illum, Gozo Channel refused to answer how much it is paying for office space rent until the Cirkewwa terminal is completed, citing "commercially sensitive information".

It was only after Finance Minister Tonio Fenech intervened that the ministry revealed the sum, which is being paid by the taxpayer.

Illum also reports the office space is being rented from Grena Investments Ltd, whose director happens to be the cousin of Joseph Grech's father.

Up until last Monday, Joseph Grech was the chairman of Gozo Channel.


Read more in Illum's digital edition.



Ghal informazzjoni ta' kulhadd fil-progett tat-Terminal tac-Cirkewwa m'hemx spazju allokat ghall ebda ufficcju tal-Gozo Channel, fil-fatt ghalhekk saru xgholijiet strutturali biex tkabbru l-ufficini ta' l-Mgarr, u ghal xi raguni nkrew wkoll ufficini ohra il-Victorja!!! li huma l-boghod wisq mil-operazzjoni tal-Kumpanija u x-ironija fi ftit zmien l-ufficini gew trasferiti minn Sa Maison, ghac-Cirkewwa , ghal-Mgarr u issa ghal-Victorja......u dwar l-ispiza zgur li mmghandux x'jaqsam 'commerciality' x'hela u dberbieq ta' flus il-poplu.
Ghalhekk il-moll tac-Cirkewwa QATT ma jitlesta!
Oh my, The PAr idejn sodi Minister does not know what the right hand is doing from the left!
"Illum also reports the office space is being rented from Grena Investments Ltd, whose director happens to be the cousin of Joseph Grech's father". This has come about simply due to PURE coincidence!
All in the family.I hope that we all have a clear answer for this
This is how the MAFIA works.
This is called organized crime....and who`s paying for all this,we the tax payers,no wonder Malta has a debt of 5 billion euros.That`s the right way to lead a country to disaster Hon.,GONZIPN.
Why care if it is not coming from the Directors' pockets.