Gonzi dismisses Labour criticism on 20,000 PN job creation figure as ‘lies’

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi dismisses Labour’s criticism on the controversial 20,000 job creation figure as “lies.”

Speaking during a recorded interview broadcast on Radio 101, Lawrence Gonzi dismissed Labour's attempts to contest the Government's job-creation record as "lies" and insisted that the government's figures enjoyed the backing of the International Labour Organisation, the and European Commission.

Gonzi said that Labour was attempting to discredit the Government's job-creation record because it had no proposals of its own to present, and in doing so, it was also trying to discredit the International Labour Organisation, as well as the European Commission.

"The facts speaking for themselves," Gonzi insisted.

Throughout the brief interview, Gonzi slammed the Labour Party repeatedly. On education, Gonzi also criticised the Labour Party on its education policy. He insisted that Labour's track record on the subject is characterised by its closure of the polytechnic, the lowest number of university students, and, during Alfred Sant's time, a reduction of stipends.

Gonzi also raised the spectre of the 2008 repeater classes, which proved valuable ammunition against the Labour party during the 2008 election. He warned parents and classes that its repeater classes policy showed that the Labour Party "was all about forcing students to repeat classes because it thinks you are not good enough."

He insisted that the Nationalist Party instead prioritises investing in students and allowing them to flourish.

Gonzi also reiterated the PN slogan "Labour Won't Work", and said that under a Labour Government, nobody would work, neither professionals, nor self-employed, nor employers and business owners.

He said that Alfred Sant's administration "ruined the country in 22 months", accusing his administration of raising utility tariffs, incurring a massive deficit, perpetrating taxation uncertainty, and "creating a crisis when other countries were prospering."

He also slammed Muscat's economic contribution, saying that "it was a track record of bad advice".

He also slammed recent comments by Alex Sciberras Trigona, also hit out as Muscat for "endorsing his comments and manipulating history in this way." He dismissed Sciberras Trigona's comments as "unwanted from someone who has no democratic credentials to begin with."

He insisted that the Nationalist Party underscores its efforts by a faith in the Maltese people, and said that it is guided by the goal of providing a quality education to all individuals, allowing them to flourish without having to resort to begging for favours to get ahead.

Dal-bniedem jemmen il-gideb tieghu stess u lilna jahsibna boloh. La l-EU, u lanqas ILO ma qablu mieghu u issa anke il-pre budget taghhom stess qed igidbu.
Dan Gonzi jew ighix fil-qamar, jew giddieb, jew it-tnejn. Kien hemm xi zmien li konna nemmnuh. Izda ISSA bil-QALB KOLLA ma nemmnuhx WAHDA li hi WAHDA.
L-uniku haga li Gonzi kien kapaci iwelled kienet il-muntanja ta dejn, u mhux (il-gidba) ta 20,000 impjieg !
Mr P.M. you have lost your credibility. Only a few diehards still believes you. Please step down now.
Ghal darba ser ikolli nemmen lil Dr.Gonzi fuq din ta 20000 impieg, biss biss hemm 7500 minnhom jahdmu fi Smart City:) Il-poplu ma ghadux beccun sur Prim.
Lies..mhux kulhadd ghandu xi hadd minn tal-familja li huma part time jew jahdmu bil-kuntratt? Fejn huma l-fabbriki li qed ihaddmu 20,000 li ivvvinta Gonzi? Morru fl-industrial estates u taraw cimiterju ta fabbriki li ghalqu taht Gonzi!Din ta 200,000 hija hlieqa bhal tal-finanzi fis-sod,u issa gabna idd quddiem u ohra wara! Kieku ma berbaqx is-sitt biljuni ewro bie taparsi holoq il-gid- li hu kollu fittizju ghax dawn huma dejn li irridu iggoruh t-tfal taghna, kieku is-sitwazzjoni ekonomika reali tkun tidher cara kemm holoq gid!! L-unika haga tajba li kapaci johloq Gonzi hi propoganda imma issa il-poplu nispera li tghallem!
Lawrence Gonzi NEVER gives a breakdown of the so-called 20,000 jobs. Of course, he knows that if he does, he will be caught playing with figures ! The EU Commissioner, when asked by MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna , about these 20,000 "new jobs" being mentioned by Dr. Gonzi, said that there are no such statistics kept about " new " jobs ! Please NOTE that Dr. Gonzi mentioned the ILO but not HIS OWN National Statistics Office which gave the number of jobs created during the last 4 years at 9978 , not 20,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To be credible you have to show us facts...kinldy and if possible can someone name where these 20,000 jobs have been created...this what makes a person credible or not. These are the facts that we the common people need to see. Dr. Gonzi making round figures is not going win you any votes...but if you mention where such jobs have been created you may win some votes...
Luke Camilleri
Gonzi should just DISMISS himself with all these PNtomimes, he and his Party keep try to push down our throaths! Even his Back Bench cannot stand him anylonger!
Minn Iz........jista jemmnek ? You make me sick Gonzi.
Labour won't work should read labourites won't work under GonziPN
At the end of 2007 the full time employment stood at 143094. At the end of 2011 the figure stood at 149764. The difference is exactly 6670. Part time work went from 45235 to 53440, an increase of 8215. No indication is given as to what the part time work consists of such as how many are say 5 hour a week jobs or 20 hour a week jobs and at what conditions. Who is telling the truth? Read the pre-budget document here: http://finance.gov.mt/image.aspx?site=MFIN&ref=Pre-Budget%20Document%202013
Gonzi..........because it thinks you are not good enough." Look who's calling the kettle black. Did you forget what you told the US Ambassador? what sor of cabinett you have? Did you forgot you got us the incredible Arriva and threw the previus public tansport employees in the rubbish bin? Did you forgot that you employed a foreigner with €500,000 for Air Malta when Air Malta was created by Maltese and run by Maltese. .....Nationalist Party underscores its efforts by a faith in the Maltese people. I think Gonzi wants to say "Nafda BISS lilna infusna u lil ULIEDNA - Il-familja tal-KLIKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
Dr.Gonzi, Jekk haddiem bil kuntratt ghal tlett xhur tlett xhur, ikun irid jghamel 4 kuntratti fis sena...Allura lil dak tghoddu bhala 4 `jobs` differenti jew wiehed ? Qatt ma ghedtilna kemm minnhom huma `Full time jobs`.