‘Labour will not raise taxes to make good for Enemalta’s debts’ – Joseph Muscat

Opposition leader says Prime Minister cannot “lecture over public finances when his administration is responsible for half the country’s debt”.

File photo: Labour leader Joseph Muscat today visited the Siefert factory in Hal Far.
File photo: Labour leader Joseph Muscat today visited the Siefert factory in Hal Far.

Labour Leader Joseph Muscat has said that a Labour-led administration would not raise taxes to make good for Enemalta's debts.

"We will not raise taxes, we will approach the Enemalta situation in a very sustainable manner and not in the irresponsible manner in which the Gonzi Administration has acted in the past years, an administration responsible for at least half the country's national debt."

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat was replying to a question posed by MaltaToday as to whether Labour was planning to raise taxes to reduce Enemalta's debts, following Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's claims that Labour would emulate French socialist President Francois Hollande in his bid to tackle his country's debt.

"I think Dr Gonzi cannot lecture anyone on how to tackle public finances – his administration has been a disaster in that regard," Muscat added.

Muscat yesterday accused government of trying to shore up its spiralling deficit figures by attempting to push Enemalta to take out a loan of between €40 and €50 million.

The debt, Muscat said, would appear on Enemalta's books, alongside its existing €700 million debt, while the funds themselves would be transferred over to the government's books.

Muscat was this morning visiting Siefert MTM Systems at Hal Far industrial estate - a German family-owned group of companies with vast experience and expertise in the industrial thermal management field.

Siefert has been operating in Malta since 1991 and exports thermal management-related systems to Germany such as high performance filter fans, air-air and air-water heat exchangers and air conditioners.

Muscat was given a tour of Siefert's premises by company chairman Michael Rudi Siefert where he met with the factory's workers and was also briefed on the factory's type of equipment used.

Following his visit, Muscat told members of the press that "we are here to reaffirm our support for the industry in general", stressing that "the manufacturing industry in Malta has a great future and such services are extremely important for our economy - one industry with a success story".

Muscat added that "in the event of further global downturns, and if the electorate gave Labour the green light, a Labour administration will ensure that it provides tailor-made assistance to such companies".

Muscat said that he was very satisfied with the toxic-free spray equipment used by the factory during its operations and with the company's ongoing investment.

"Filing four patents a year is a great achievement. This is exactly what a Labour government would like to see (referring to Siefert's achievements) and I would like to reaffirm our support in this regard."


Maureen Attard
Ħoss fl-ilma. Blablabla... imbagħad isir kollox bil-maqlub bl-iskuża li sabu l-kaxxa ta' Malta vojta. U ħalluna u ddaħkux iżjed nies, jew biex inkun eżatt tippruvawx tgħaddu ż-żmien bin-nies. Drajnikhom kollha kemm intom, intom il-politiċi titmejlu biċ-ċwieċ.
Le ser nitolbu lil Madonna ta Lourdes tibghat xi ftit xita mill-flus li ghaddew minn taht fil-ftehim tal-BWSC. U mill-bank account ta xi Grand Mastru tal-bigilla jispiccaw ghand ic-Cittadin Malti li ser jerda d-dejn u d-duhhan.
@rajah Mela qieghed tikkonferma li hemm bzonn joghlew il-kontijiet sabiex il-Gvern ikolu aktar dhul?? X'argument bazwi!
mis sema nizlin il flus...... !!!! jew xi 33 taxxa ohra bhal ma ghamel ta qablu.